Dear Meh-hive,
8One of the shelters at which my husband works is in the top 200 charities in the running for $25,000 grant from State Farm. Please consider disclosing your email to potential State Farm spam and help out a charity!!
The top 100 charities get $25000, the rest get nothing
Direct link to his charity:
Voting period
April 27 - May 6
You get 10 votes per day, per email/id. You can use them all on one cause or spread them out in any way among multiple causes.
Full disclosure here, he will get kudos, at least, out of this. Probably nothing monetary, unless having the kudo impacts his review, yada yada…
P.S. please delete if not allowed.
- 12 comments, 27 replies
- Comment
Done. My 10 votes per day will go to MSP. Good luck!
@ircon96 Thank you!!
Okay, signed up and voted.
@Kyeh Thank you so very much!
@zhicks1987 Thank you!
@zhicks1987 Why reply at all in this case…?
@PooltoyWolf Courtesy when fundraising or canvassing or whatever is important, always be thankful to people for at least looking at it. It can be beneficial down the road. Sometimes, way, way down the road, but it builds up.
@PooltoyWolf @stolicat I think PTW was questioning why zhicks1987 would post “no” instead of just ignoring this, if not interested.
@Kyeh @stolicat
@Kyeh @PooltoyWolf Ah, I see, my mistake. Apologies, PTW.
@Kyeh @PooltoyWolf @stolicat heheheh and my answer is – because even at my advanced age, my mother would not hesitate to wash my mouth out with soap if I were less than polite
@PooltoyWolf @stolicat Not only that you have no idea when something you have donated to may end up being something you or family/friends need. Donating is like insurance. Hopefully you will never need their services, but it you do you will be so glad they are there… speaking from experience here.
Done. first 10 in. They do say when signing up that info will not be sold or used for any marketing purposes, so we’ll see.
@stolicat I couldn’t promise it, so I figured I should mention it
Thank you!!!
@mikibell @stolicat I’m already a customer of State Farm, so i wasn’t too worried. They’ve never been overly annoying in that department, unlike some of the usual egregious suspects abusing my inbox!
Also shared/Tweeted because I was given the option AND because I think it’s a great charity! 

Good luck!
@Lynnerizer Thank you!! It was the only CT charity to make it to the final 200. I would love to see it solidly in the 70s, because they take the leaderboard down on the last day
Congrats.My wife worked as a vet tech for a local no kill shelter for many years.This is a very worthwhile cause we have here.For those privacy oriented members here,I would ask you to take a look at this clean link from a trusted source that has been a “go to” of mine for many years.Thanks for your consideration and best of luck in the running
@detailer thank you!! I expect there are many ways to do this same thing
My son has been suggesting alternatives like this !!
@detailer Thanks for the link. I’ve been
meaning to find a site to do that.
I have two email addresses. When I want to sign up for something like a newsletter or a mailing list, I use the secondary one, which is set to forward all emails to me. It filters out 99% of the spam, so my main address is blissfully free of spam (like fewer than 5-10 a week) but I still get all my emails. I go in every now and then to see if any real emails got sent to spam, then clear out the hundreds of real spams.
I’ve been voting too.
@Star2236 awesome! I appreciate it.
@mediocrebot if you want to vote too, I would take it!!! We are currently in 80th place!
Now we are alll the way down to 93, fingers crossed with the ebb and flow of time zones, we can stay in the top 100!!
@mikibell #86 just now!
@Kyeh 88 right now… so worried that overnight we will drop too far
they take the leaderboard down at midnight tonight! 
@mikibell Yikes!
I thank you all… We are currently in 89th place, but normally lose 10 places overnight. Of course, that was when we were in the 70s. I suspect we lost, but we won’t know until June. I thank you for all the votes!!
To be clear for anyone who hasn’t voted yet today – leaderboard is no longer visible, but voting is still open until midnight.
@walarney thank you! Very true. Last chance to vote!!

/giphy too late

Thank You for Your Votes!
Congratulations! Thanks to you, My Sisters’ Place is Connecticut’s only 2022 State Farm Neighborhood Assist Grant Award winner! Your votes secured our spot in the top 100 nonprofits nationwide, which results in $25,000 for our organization!
We are immensely grateful for your hard work and support of My Sisters’ Place. Thank you again for your help!
That’s wonderful!
@Kyeh it really is, because these kids had no budget for trips or camp or anything this year, so it is going to be so helpful AND fun for them!
@mikibell Congrats!
Congratulations! What else can we help with?