
RiotDemon went on a bit of a rant said

I’m currently sitting at the mall food court. I feel, not great. I started anti depressants a while back to help me deal with all the shit that happened this year. They helped me over the hump, but now they are making me sick.

I’ve been weaning off of them the last month because I’ve had really bad vertigo, sweating, excessive yawning, amongst other things. I finally finished them about two weeks ago.

I was told it could take up to 3 months for any withdrawal side effects to show up and for any other symptoms to go away.

I do feel better, but I’m still having bouts of vertigo. I see my doctor tomorrow morning. I hope she can help.

Sucks that the medication that is supposed to help can also be so shitty. Birth control side effects anyone?

I just watched the Joker. Loved it. Made me wonder about the medication though.

My coworker/friend just lost her step dad the other day. I’m trying to be helpful but it’s just brought back so many memories because the doctors essentially killed him in a not so dissimilar way to what happened with my mom.

I know a lot of people feel awkward talking about mental issues, but I think it’s helpful. Things are looking up, even though I feel crappy at the moment.

Thanks for listening. Sorry that I sometimes treat this place like a diary.