Well, I’ve heard that happens a lot too. So for me, once it goes into pause mode I give up on it. I just think of it as a sellout when it goes pause. I’m sure @snapster has lots of good reasons he wants to sell stuff with the pause feature but I don’t like it and he can’t convince me otherwise. Today the bubbas were up for an hour and forty minutes for the late risers on the east coast. Bleh. I had to be somewhere today (and most mornings at 8:00 AM EST so thanks for nothing meh.)
@snapster Hi, Today, I was on time. It was the pause that foiled my order. You had them in stock, I was “on time” you held them back. bleh. You stink. And you smell bad too.
Well, I’ve heard that happens a lot too. So for me, once it goes into pause mode I give up on it. I just think of it as a sellout when it goes pause. I’m sure @snapster has lots of good reasons he wants to sell stuff with the pause feature but I don’t like it and he can’t convince me otherwise. Today the bubbas were up for an hour and forty minutes for the late risers on the east coast. Bleh. I had to be somewhere today (and most mornings at 8:00 AM EST so thanks for nothing meh.)
There is no God.
@therealjrn I’m just curious what will come up…

/giphy where is your god now
So they made a liar out of me. I’ll never go dehydrated again. This chug is for you meh!
Sounds like you guys are on the right track on your own but for those thinking something’s unintended here:
Once a deal goes on pause you should give up on it. You had your chance and missed it.
VMP hold back is a token amount as an appreciation gesture. Don’t count on it either.
Feel free to describe why you didn’t care enough to be here on time. There are of course an infinite number of things better to do.
Only if we start maxing out servers like fuku does at 12 and 8 eastern launches is there much else to discuss.
@snapster Hi, Today, I was on time. It was the pause that foiled my order. You had them in stock, I was “on time” you held them back. bleh. You stink. And you smell bad too.

/giphy facepalm
@ELUNO What?

/image stinky butt ELUNO
@therealjrn yeah, they pause it specifically for people who don’t get here on time giving on-timers less chance. They hate you.
@medz See? Right? I was on time. thhhhpt
@snapster fuck.

/giphy feeling meh
@snapster or cunt, I don’t know. give me a telecomute job or something
@f00l you are on the ball. I have no idea who you are, but I feel compelled to buy you a drink. Do you ever travel to NJ, ME, NH or MA?

Love that area, but have not been that way in decades. If I have a chance to travel that way, I’ll get in touch.
@f00l good deal