Did I just watch someone swing an axe (or splitting maul) at an otherwise fine desk?
I’m not one to sue for emotional damages, but this was painful to me.
@rockblossom@xobzoo One good-sized mortar shell would do the job, that’s for sure. But achieving a safe distance while the fuse burns down might be problematic if the launching charge tosses the payload at you.
Did I just watch someone swing an axe (or splitting maul) at an otherwise fine desk?
I’m not one to sue for emotional damages, but this was painful to me.
@xobzoo Splitting maul, yeah. Not even the right tool for the job. That task needed Sledge-O-Matic.
@werehatrack @xobzoo My brothers used to save some fireworks from July and stuff the pumpkins with them. Best done with a long fuse.
@rockblossom @xobzoo One good-sized mortar shell would do the job, that’s for sure. But achieving a safe distance while the fuse burns down might be problematic if the launching charge tosses the payload at you.
@werehatrack I think that would fit the category of “overkill” - especially if the watchers didn’t keep a safe distance.
How did I not know there was a youtube channel!?!
@UpbeatDuck There hasn’t been anything added to it in quite a while.