Daring Fireball
8I’m sure most of you don’t read DF religiously here but John Gruber is awesome. If you enjoy great links, Apple anything, or just stories that are some of the “best-of-the-web” I can’t say enough good things about what he does. That is all.
Great choice Meh in terms of advertising.
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@mediocrebot THE BOT COMMENTED
Gruber is basically an arm of Apple PR. He’s so far in the bag for them.
@CraigDanger I saw this on Daring Fireball. I’d be surprised to read this on the Apple PR page:
Devastating column from Joanna Stern on the continuing saga of the unreliable keyboards in Apple’s MacBook lineup.
I consider these keyboards the worst products in Apple history. MacBooks should have the best keyboards in the industry; instead they’re the worst. They’re doing lasting harm to the reputation of the MacBook brand.
@CraigDanger @sligett He’s close to Apple marketing, and often tends to have a point of view “from the inside”, but that’s not the same thing as being a shill. I think it works out to give him a clearer view of a story as often as not, and usually any slant is one of exclusion more than something that’s wrong. (e.g. undervaluing a good deal, or not caring about repairability, that sort of thing, or framing things in business terms instead of consumer terms – fair (absences of) points of view, just makes for a less comprehensive perspective.)
He did link to this which is fairly brilliant. (Oh, that’s the same link as from Craig’s quote.)
His political coverage strikes me as myopic, on the other hand, but maybe that’s just me.
DF reminded me about meh and I’ve already bought three things today, so mission accomplished.
I’ve been reading DF daily for well over 10 years. I even got mentioned by name once. I’ve never listened to his podcast, though. He gets great guests but there’s no way I want to listen to them ramble on for 2+ hours. Some episodes clock in at over 3 hours. Who has time for that?
@SSteve Hey now.
you’re an all-star
get your game on