@elimanningface Well that just goes without saying. It would be like if the Meh button auto-clicked itself. You’d have to remember to unclick it if, for some reason, you wanted to depart from the standard course of action. That’s how it is with the batteries and the fridge - it’s just the way it is…
I feel your pain. I think I don’t wait for them to stop spinning before moving on. Sometimes they don’t seem to catch, or something.
Very Goat-worthy of you.
What professional Meh’er doesn’t go back and (at least) triple check their Meh button over the course of the day?
/giphy ashamed
@cinoclav And one last time at 11:59.
Shhhhhh! I’m trying my best to get to 365!
This stupid button wakes me up at night.
but did you remember to refrigerate your batteries?
@elimanningface Well that just goes without saying. It would be like if the Meh button auto-clicked itself. You’d have to remember to unclick it if, for some reason, you wanted to depart from the standard course of action. That’s how it is with the batteries and the fridge - it’s just the way it is…