I’m holding out for a knife that can be opened one-handed with the left hand. The weird flick open thing is cool enough, I guess, but doesn’t look lefty friendly.
this is a surprisingly awesome knife- once you take it apart and disable the firesafe thingy with a dremmel and put it back together. i think i paid $20 for mine.
I already bought a knife last time. You can stop offering them now. What I would like, if you want to stay knife-related, is a block for kitchen knives and a decent steel.
What’s with all the stupid knives? I know Obama came and took away all our guns, so we need to have as many knives as possible to resist the Drumpf’s plasma pulse rifle equipped brown-shirts, but couldn’t you at least hawk some smart knives? You know, Bluetooth capable ones?
I don’t usually watch the videos, so I don’t know if this is a recurring problem, but the music in this one almost overpowered the voice, making it hard to decipher the information. The music was totally unnecessary, in that it added nothing to the video, and only detracted from it. It was pretty awful music, too. This seems to be case in a lot of YouTube explanatory videos also.
What’s in the Box?
1x Knife
Hand for scale
Opener tab
Detail view
Closed other side
Price Comparison
$58.73 at Amazon
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
Lifetime CRKT
Estimated Delivery
Tuesday, Jan 21
@Stallion Cut that out and go to bed!
Wait… what? No.
Knife-- blade runner tonight
the new speaker dock…meh
I kind of like knives and speaker docks. There’s something comforting in things that are banal and useful at the same time.
@robson Knives are useful. Speaker docks, however, are annoying for pretty much all purposes.
What a strange and stupid way to open a knife. Can the next one also require a retina scanner?
I want the orange meh! bomb shirt!
I only buy knives designed by Brian Tighe now.
@stinks After having bought that knife by Brian Tighe, I’m never buying another knife designed by him, no matter how cool his shirt.
Can I trade in the shitty Kershaw I bought here, with the rubber grips that unglued themselves in my pocket, for this?
Which Kershaw was that?
They stand behind their warranty and I’m sure they’d replace it.
Why pay that much? I don’t see what’s so different about this compared to the $30 knife I just got for $8.50.
I’m holding out for a knife that can be opened one-handed with the left hand. The weird flick open thing is cool enough, I guess, but doesn’t look lefty friendly.
@shampshire gerber suspension. Like $12 and lefty friendly.
@shampshire Google “automatic knives.”
@shampshire or “assisted open”. Just about any Kershaw Speeds are knife will work.
Something “corrected” Speedsafe" there. Kershaw Speedsafe assisted-open knives. They are fun.
this is a surprisingly awesome knife- once you take it apart and disable the firesafe thingy with a dremmel and put it back together. i think i paid $20 for mine.
Wishbone Ash: Argus
Combine this knife with yesterday’s webcam and one of those Bluetooth light bulbs and I would be all in on that trifecta.
Combine this knife with yesterday’s webcam and one of those Bluetooth light bulbs and I would be all in on that trifecta.
Ween - The Argus
@SSDDR I love this song. I mean, I love the entire album, but I love this song specifically.
@SSDDR Okay, I saw that list of songs and it blew my mind that this wasn’t on it. Thanks.
I’ll pass… this knife doesn’t look like it’ll bring me $33 worth of happiness.
I don’t like the way this knife opens…
Looks like it could jam when you need it.
That’s not a … (well, you know the rest.)
good lord that’s a lot for a little thing
/giphy good lord thats a lot
Feature Request: show the current date on the front page near the product photo.
So we know whether we’ve in fact refreshed the Meh browser tab for today’s deal.
For proof of life?
@robson no, just to see if it is a new day.
I already bought a knife last time. You can stop offering them now. What I would like, if you want to stay knife-related, is a block for kitchen knives and a decent steel.
Knife appears to be hard to open did you learn this before or after you bought a ton of these just wondering ?
What’s with all the stupid knives? I know Obama came and took away all our guns, so we need to have as many knives as possible to resist the Drumpf’s plasma pulse rifle equipped brown-shirts, but couldn’t you at least hawk some smart knives? You know, Bluetooth capable ones?
I don’t usually watch the videos, so I don’t know if this is a recurring problem, but the music in this one almost overpowered the voice, making it hard to decipher the information. The music was totally unnecessary, in that it added nothing to the video, and only detracted from it. It was pretty awful music, too. This seems to be case in a lot of YouTube explanatory videos also.
Yet another song about Daedalus (not metal this time), here’s Thrice with “Daedalus”:
Amon Amarth present, but no Sword?! Unacceptable!
ok with the knives already. knives and speakers seem to make up about 85% of what’s offered on here anymore. *sigh
@cchance Meh sells them because people buy them.
@lljk also because companies sell them at a discount to meh
After searching knife and knives, I only got 17 total results for this year.
interesting comments today…hardly any with relevant experience comments…
The knives are PHUN! And good deals!
I’ve destroyed my thumb opening it the first few times but now it’s all good!