Cord cutting: Who's using Sling TV or PS Vue?
5I’m currently a Dish Network subscriber paying nearly $100/mo for TV programming and looking for options to reduce that price. Currently I’m considering Sling TV or PS Vue. I’d appreciate feedback from anyone who’s tried either of these services in the last few months (since programming and service levels change pretty regularly).
Also a couple of questions:
How does the HBO add-on for Sling work? Is it all on-demand programming, or strictly “live TV”? If live TV, do you have access to all the variations of HBO (E, W, HBO-2, Comedy, etc) or just the main HBO east coast feed?
I’ve read conflicting information about the availability of USA network on Sling TV. Is USA in the programming package, or not?
Regarding PS Vue, is anyone using it on Amazon FireTV Stick?
I’m grateful for any feedback on these services, as well as any other similar services. Thanks!
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I don’t know if this is applicable to your situation. I don’t use it. I just get what I can get from Amazon, Netflix, Google, and various other apps.
But this might have useful info:
BestOfStreamingVideo subreddit
Also, have you been to the AVS and AfterDawn forums?
@f00l I am a Prime subscriber, and watch some of the Amazon Video stuff. My flatmate is a Netflix subscriber, so I also watch some Netflix stuff.
I’ve tried some of the network apps like AMC, FX, USA, etc, but find most of those require a current cable/satellite subscription to access on-demand programming.
I think I can add HBO to Amazon for around $10/mo.
I am not familiar with AVS or AfterDawn and will spend some time checking them out, as well as looking through the BestOfStreamingVideo subreddit.
Thanks for the tips!
I have the HBO paid app for the phone. Love it. Caught up w Silicon Valley, working my way thru Veep.
I think you can hook it to a TV? Not sure. See the FAQ before you sign up.
The subscription is, oddly, based not so much on yr email, but rather on your app store account. Which means, if you subscribe thru Google play, you can watch on a PC in a browser, but not thru the iOS app, since you didn’t subscribe thru the iOS app store.
You get a free trial.
@f00l Was this a HBO subscription directly through HBO, or as an add-on to some other service? So it’s a single device option? I’m currently splitting satellite cost with roomie, so a single device solution wouldn’t be ideal.
I subscribed thru Google Play. Another user was able to use my sub to stream to a PC, I think using chrome.
I believe, 3 concurrent streams. The oddity is that phones or tablets must ALL be either IOS or Android. No mixing, unless 1 platform views in browser, not in app. Dunno if that even works.
Oh, forgot. You download the app and subscribe thru the app. Free trial. 15 days? 30 days? Something like that.
instead of the hbo add on for sling, consider HBO NOW.
its $15 a month and you get the entire hbo catalog
its kinda like netflix, you dont get a live stream but you can watch anything in the HBO back catalog(the wire. the sopranos, Game of thrones)
for new shows it works like this
at 9:00 est the show airs
at 9:00 est the show is unlocked in your catalog and you can even skip to the end and put spoilers all over twitter.
@communist Sounds like a better option than the Sling TV HBO subscription. I’d prefer the on-demand scheme you describe vs. “live” streaming. Solves my prospective need for some kind of DVR service.
You don’t get a few very old HBO back catalog items at present. For instance, when HBO started showing original stuff, they didn’t always own the rights. They don’t own The Larry Sanders Show and some other early exclusive stuff, but supposedly are currently negotiating perpetual rights, esp for Larry Sanders.
They have some kick-ass looking documentaries I haven’t got to yet.
It’s all on demand. Nice app.
@f00l Vice on HBO has featured some truly excellent programs! There are also some one-off documentaries from time to time. Mostly I’m impressed with the majority of HBO series. I got hooked on HBO with The Sopranos and have loved many many series since. GOT, Veep, Silicone Valley, True Detective, True Blood (until about season 5), Boardwalk Empire, Rome, Band of Brothers… there have been dozens!
Like everyone else, I’ve seen GOT, BOB, and The Sopranos. I knew they had other great stuff, but until I could stream to whatever with no cable/dish/u-verse, was stuck with blu-rays, AIV, family and friends’ hoard, and “other sources” which I don’t use.
Then HBO made it sweet for me, and I do not regret the $. V happy here w HBO. Might pay for some other networks, in time.
Ive been a sling customer from day 1. Actually before day 1, they used to have a 10 dollar world sports package that i subscribed to. I have the espn based sling and you dont get usa. I did add the other sling package for like 10 days (fs1 and 2 instead of espn and the deuce with a few other changes as well) i believe that package did get usa. But i could be wrong. I havent used the HBO add on so i cant comment there. Overall for the 20 bucks a month i have been happy. And i live rural so i basically dont get any broadcast tv. I added the second package so i could watch the us open golf and the copa america games. It was nice to be able able to add that for a month then shut it off. (I think i actually had it for 25 days or something and it was prorated to 16 bucks) i have a roku in my bedroom an amazon fire tv in the living room and a fire stick running it down stairs each seems to handle it well enough. Frequently sling does a promotion where if you pay 3 months up front the firestick is free or the newest roku or fire tv is half price. And they have done a nice job of adding a few channels as well, comedy central got added recently then BBC america (sweet for a doctor who nerd like me!) The ability to add packages for a short period of time if theres something you want to see (and do it easily) is nice. And 20 bucks a month (I pay 25 (sports add on) as I am a soccer fan) is a steal. Cheapest cable package i could get is 60 plus dollars for less channels and more that i wouldnt watch. Service quality is still not 100 percent, but i have seen marked improvement which is more than i deserve for 5 VMP memberships a month.
@pfarro1 Excellent info here. Much appreciate your reply. @f00l and @communist have provided some great feedback on the HBO component, and your info abouton the Sling service and particularly how it behaves on the Fire Stick is exactly the kind of responses I was hoping for. Many thanks!
I stopped using a cable/FIOS box about five years ago and use a number of things to watch TV while not having to deal with the insane/inane stuff from cable and FIOS providers (I don’t see a difference between Dish and the other providers, except perhaps Dish is affected by rain and snow). I still have my internet connection from one of these providers but that can change easily without affecting my TV experience. I currently pay $43/month for 200Mdown and 50Mup including cable modem rental and all taxes.
For TV (I mostly use it only for live sports), I picked up a refurb’d Slingbox 500 for $150ish (I got it on woot, but plenty of other places have them and a new one can be had for way less than the $299 list price).
I pay my gf $20/month to store it at her house, on a shelf next to a spare FIOS box and her router. Somehow, the three boxes got their wires crossed and we decided in the name of science (and love!) to see if the relationship led to any remote controls or other offspring. So she pays $13/month to keep the FIOS box, which is a small price to foster their relationship and possible offspring, etc.
With the Slingbox I’m able to watch anything that she can in her house with a 4-5 second delay (or less). I need an internet connection* and a PC or Mac or phone or tablet. The Slingbox app works extremely well after the app connects to the Slingbox, with almost no drops or glitches. The ad the app plays before it connects to the box each time can be annoying, but you can usually skip after 5 seconds and it is only one ad per session, where a session lasts as long as the app stays open.
This gives me all the TV I want, for $20/month in shelf rental fees. I’ll note that it did take almost three whole months of not paying for a cable box to break even on the Slingbox purchase (four months if we count the shelf fees as well) and now I’m saving more than my internet connection costs me each month even paying to rent the shelf space.
I also use Plex and run a Plex Media Server (PMS) and Open Plex Home Theater (OpenPHT) on the same PC that I use with the Slingbox. My TV is the second monitor on this PC, so I just drag the app’s window to the TV. My daughters and gf and a few others also use Plex app on their PC’s, phones, tablets, Rokus and Raspberry Pis. Because I timeshift almost all TV (except for live sports) the commercials get stripped out and thus we almost never see such things (except during live sports). I am very thankful to the elves for removing the commercials and keeping the smoke inside of the electronics that make these things possible (such a PITA when they drop the ball and smoke gets out).
I’ll be glad to field any questions you might have re: a Slingbox or Plex, as I’ve been using both for years and am extremely happy with them.
*I have 200/50 for my internet and my gf has 50/20. I have this speed because it was a free upgrade for a year. When my promo ends, my speed will drop to 100/20 or 50/10 or some such and either of these is more than enough for the Slingbox.
@baqui63 Of all the very much appreciated info you offer, the thing that strikes me most: $43 for 200/50 'net? REALLY!?!?! WTF! I’m Centurylink is gouging me $55/mo for 12/1.2 (8/0.7 nominal; uploading YouTube vids is an excruciating exercise in patience).
If I decide to break up with Dish, I’m also planning on breaking up with Centurystink and switching to Cox’s gigabit service, but that’s going to be $80/mo before taxes and fees!
It’s redic that TV/ISP are the largest numbers in my budget ledger.
@baqui63 Or we could all move to one of the wireless Google Fiber cities. Other cities are in negotiation with Google; mine is one of them. As soon as fiber comes to a city, other service providers get motivated to offer amazing price reductions.
@ruouttaurmind I’ve had Time Warner Cable’s RoadRunner for years with 5/1 and then 8/2 and 10/4, etc for something in the $40-$55 range. 26+ months after installing fiber on the back of my building, Verizon is still unable to go the last 18" thru the foundation wall so TWC is my only real option but I’ve been happy with them for internet, so this is ok.
As an NYCFC supporter with full season tickets, I wanted to watch NYCFC away games at home. I called TWC and discussed options, mentioned that I don’t have a TV and wanted to watch on my PC, that I didn’t want home phone unless it was “free” AFTER all taxes and fees, and I was DEAD CLEAR about really only wanting YES Network. I was offered the 200/50 internet at the 100/25 price to offset the $25 phone setup fee and ~$12/month in extra taxes and fees for it, so I grumbled a bit but said ok.
The first month was fine and I was billed ~$150 ($27 for the one-time phone setup fee even tho I never set up the phone). Later that month I called them to ask a question and was told I could get a Digital TV Adapter (DTA) and return the cable box that I wasn’t using to get ~$10 off my bill each month, so I ordered the DTA and sent back the cable box. Got 2nd bill for ~$120 and was not unhappy. Got the DTA and discovered that it doesn’t do YES Network (or any of the premium channels), even tho this was specifically discussed. Then the next day I got my 3rd bill, for almost $400! (Returning the cable box saved me $12/month but broke the package price, so I was paying for home phone, TV, internet, etc. all at ala carte prices!)
So, to keep me as a customer they gave me their 200/50 internet for their basic internet $34.95/month price (plus the modem rental makes $42.70/month). Also, I eventually got tired of calling to explain why I felt they owed me more money and thus never got the last $40 or so I felt I should have of that insane bill (I do auto-payments via a credit card… I first learned about the $400 bill from my CC company).
@OldCatLady, I’m not currently willing (or able) to move out of NY City and I seriously doubt Google could afford to put free internet in NY CIty.
I used sling for a few months to catch walking dead, it works decently… the video quality seems to change constantly.
I switched to PS Vue and have not looked back… I have not had one issue with PS Vue, the quality is stable, the cloud dvr concept is well done… I really like it.
Yes PS Vue will run on the FireTV Stick… but… the menus/UI is extremely slow. On the FireTV (2015) box the menus are much more usable.
PS Vue does now have a roku client… and the actual video quality is really good on the Roku but the UI is really barebones, there is no guide on the roku at this time. You could use the ios client as the guide to set “your shows” to get tagged as recorded for you, and then view them on the roku, but sling has a much nicer roku client than PS Vue does.
The chromecast is also supported via the ios app, but I don’t think you can activate service with it… I think to activate you need either a PS 3, PS 4, Fire Tv Box/stick, or roku device… but once its activated you can then use the chromecast.
The biggest difference between PS Vue and Sling tv is the concept of mobility… PS Vue does not like it when your IP changes… so if you have LTE backup on your connection be careful, if PS Vue sees you jump ISPs it locks you down… Sling doesn’t give a hoot where you are connecting from. This doesn’t matter much with apps…
The PS Vue login credentials work on many more provider apps and websites than sling. This comes in pretty handy if the show doesn’t have on demand features on ps vue (many do). While ps vue cant be used mobile (tied to your home ip address) you can use many of the network apps to watch shows while you are mobile.
Main advantage to sling… price… $10 cheaper than the cheap ps vue ($20 cheaper in markets where you are forced to get local channels).
Having used HBO on sling during the free preview weekends, I would echo that you are better off getting HBO Now… the video quality is better and it’s easier to navigate imo.
@thismyusername It’s always somethin’, innit! Vue DVR service and channel selection sounds great, but lack of mobility is a bummer. Sling has more device viewing options, but no DVR and fewer channels.
Fire Stick menus and nav for ANY app really suck. Cripes, even the main OS menu structure sucks, I guess I wouldn’t expect any better from any app.
In my case, I think I could live just fine with the Vue “Access” package for $30/mo. I’d have to have the Sling “Blue” to get most of what I need, that’s currently priced at $25. Split between roomie and myself, that’s only a delta of a couple bucks, so no big. The lack of mobility though… I’ll have to consider that.
Just about time to launch the free trial period on each of these and compare. Little surprised nobody has suggested a third alternative to these. Perhaps there ISN’T one. Maybe these two are the only game in town?
@ruouttaurmind I thought the lack of mobility would matter, but since the PS Vue login works on every mobile app I have tried, I have not missed it one bit. The picture quality and reliability make it worth the extra $10 a month for me. Also note that the vue packages allows up to 5 simultaneous streams in the same location at once… you have to do a multi-stream package at sling for that.
I echo much of what you said, I also had sling for a short time, video was horrible at times. Tried PS Vue for 1 main reason, they have the Big 10 Network. And once I did try it, i was sold the video quality, it is so much better than Sling. 1 wish is that they bring the App to Apple TV.
@TRSmudge Interesting, I love Sling. Never had any video problems and I have one of the slowest internet speeds.
I’ve stopped it for the summer and will start back up when football season starts. One thing I really like about Sling is that it is so easy to stop it for a while and then restart it.
@Barney Yeah and its not m provider because I stream here at 65mbps and still have my initial trial of Sling. Buffers all the time on multiple devices and platforms. But the Big 10 Network is what made it for me with PS.
@Barney, which Sling package did you use before discontinuing it? Do you happen to recall if USA network was available? Which device do you use to watch Sling?
@TRSmudge, as well, which device to you use to watch each of these services?
TIA kids!
Yes Sling has USA…But only on Sling Blue($25) or Orange+Blue($40)
I used/tried Sling on Roku 4, Amazon Fire TV Box, and Apple TV (only works on latest box).
I now watch PS Vue on either my PS3, Roku 4, or Amazon Fire TV Box
@ruouttaurmind I discontinued my Sling in mid April (the end of college basketball). I had the basic $20 package. I now see that they have three tiers of service. They didn’t have this when I subscribed and they did not offer USA then. (@TRSmudge is right, you can only get USA on Sling Blue or Orange+Blue.)
I watched Sling on my laptop.
@Barney PS Vue is simple to start and stop as well… all the OTT (over the top) tv providers are like this… here is hoping it forces the traditional tv providers to lower their prices
My folks (Who are almost 60) have PS Vue and love it. They are running it on a fire TV and it’s smooth. Can’t comment about the fire stick. They love the ‘dvr’ service it has. They record shows for our kids they can flip on when they come over. I think that and the some channels that were available on it and not sling is what pushed them to it. Honestly I think I would probably go the PS Vue route too.
@dnh127 Vue is a bit more expensive, but I noted it does have a broader channel selection, even the basic “Access Sim” package offers more channels ( 59) than Sling’s top tier “Blue” package (45).
Since I don’t watch sports, there’s really a limited list of channels I care about: HBO, AMC, FX, A&E, USA, SyFi, History and Discovery. There are a couple others that I’ll watch from time to time, like Travel Channel, SundanceTV, HGTV, Cooking Channel and Food Network, but it’s really the core 8 channels I’m trying to keep.
I can get most of my local broadcast channels with an antenna, of course. No DVR service, but that’s not a show stopper though I will miss being able to skip commercials in AFV every Sunday night (#FML; #FirstWorldProblems)
HBONow seems to be the best solution for keeping HBO, unless I pay for my mom to add HBO to her Dish subscription, then I can use HBO Go, which should be about functionally equivalent to HBONow.
I was totally unaware of Vue’s “dvr service” and will definitely have to look into this more. On the back burner I was thinking I was going to have to delve into Plex at some point, but if Vue offers this as an integrated service, that’s a more seamless solution. The only showstopper I see with Vue: My flatmate watches TV in his room on an XBOne. Not insurmountalbe I think… a new Amazon Fire Stick is only $35, and once in a while (like last week) is on sale everywhere for $25.
Thanks for the info! Must look deeper into Vue’s DVR thingy!
@ruouttaurmind so I say ‘dvr’ with quotes. It lets you record as many shows as you want at any time. It’s all stored in the cloud. The one thing to note is that it only lets you keep the recordings for something like 28 days.
The DVR method PS Vue uses is very interesting. Basically you add the show you want to Favorite Shows. Then it begins saving them to “DVR” as they come up. For example, I added Seinfeld, cause I can watch those 1000 times over and over. As of today there are now 5 seasons with 43 episodes I am able to watch.
@dnh127 Thanks for the clarification. Possibly a mild inconvenience, but sufficient I think. As long as I don’t have to be home at 9PM on Wednesday to watch Mr. Robot or whatever. I’ll miss the option of keeping movies on the satellite DVR with no expiration, but not as much as I’ll enjoy the cost savings.
@ruouttaurmind if you get playstation vue, you get a usanetwork log in so you can watch mr robot on usanetworks website and you can watch usa network live at
Curious…which, if any, of these options are compatible w existing TIVO OTA HW? Which, if any, are compatible with TIVO cable HW? I have access to both when I finally get my TVs out of storage.
@f00l In the extensive research I’ve done in the last couple days I haven’t heard a peep mentioned about TiVo. And personally I don’t know the difference between a TiVo and a taco. I know it’s some sort of DVR, but that’s the limit of my knowledge.
I have heard plenty of talk about PlayOn in conjunction with these services. They offer a Windows based application which offers DVR type recording for any video you can stream in a browser. Once recorded, you can watch later on the PC, or stream or download to mobile/streaming/gaming devices via their app or browser.
Edit: oh ya, and you can set timers to automagically record streams for you.
@f00l As far as I can tell, neither lists Tivo as an option.
Tivo was the first consumer DVR. And still has many patents on the technology, tho I hear some of those patents might expire soon.
Tivo has always had the rep of having, hands down, the best and easiest interface. You could set it up for your technically unsophisticated great-grandfather, hand them the remote, and once the setup was complete, never have to answer another question - at least until they asked you what "running out of disk space means (assuming they had recorded “everything”). And it had s “just works” rep. Still good stuff, if you have it, and it talks to the rest of your setup.
I guess I’m the only one here who uses Hulu.

/giphy sigh
@sammydog01 I use Hulu and I’m a little ticked off about having to pay for it.

/giphy mad as hell
@Sammydog01, I looked at the content listing at Hulu here and didn’t see really anything at all that appealed to me. A few movies, but none of the weekly TV series I currently watch. For $8/mo WITH commercials it didn’t seem like anything I would be able to use.
Oh, and by the way… probably your fault.
@sammydog01 We use Hulu and Netflix and an antenna for OTA (Olympics and Big Brother, both for my fiancee).
Once Mythbusters left the air I didn’t really feel like I was missing out on much of anything anymore. I also just don’t care that much about TV in general, though. Most watching is series’ dumped by season (Orange is the New Black, Stranger Things) we usually watch around dinner, sometimes taking 2 or 3 days to watch an episode. A few shows that I want to catch (Fool Us, for example) are on Hulu so I don’t have to sit down at a certain time and still don’t miss out.
Sling sounds interesting but I’m trying to get more things done and spend less time on the couch so I’m ok with not having it right now.
@sammydog01 I use hulu
I am going to try dropping it this month but last time I tried to drop it they gave me a free month 
@djslack ditto
If you have decent internet, have you considered Kodi?
@2many2no I don’t fully comprehend what Kodi does. I thought it was a HTPC media manager. I know there are extensions available to access Netflix, Amazon Video, etc, but I would still need some form of subscription services, and Kodi just puts it all in one spot, yes?
I messed with XBMC on Homebrew on my Wii years ago, and it was useful as a tool to access and play my ripped music CDs, and watch DVDs, but that’s about all it had going for it back then.
@ruouttaurmind The subscription services (Netflix, etc.) are still paywalled, but it accesses international feeds that are free for sports and movies. I think it’s like using a VPN to watch stuff, but it does all the setup for you.
@2many2no So it basically simplifies the process of streaming from pirated torrents and such?
@ruouttaurmind I don’t think torrents are involved. It’s not a download device, but a streaming device. The streams are legal in the various countries, but not available in the USA. It’s more like a DVD player that’s been made region free; just cause Disney doesn’t want you to be able to play import discs doesn’t make it illegal.
@ruouttaurmind OTOH, I’ve seen things like streams of movies curuntly in the theater that are probably illegal.
Kodi is just the android version of media center software (Wikipedia) that can be run pre-installed on a small streaming box (see above Amazon link.) Although Kodi is trying to distance itself from piracy, it is open source, and some of the apps are pretty questionable. I would recommend if you don’t want porn and piracy, don’t install those apps.
Kodi itself is free and legal HTPC software, you’re just buying the box to run it and hook to your TV. I’m sure there is a disclaimer to “use it responsibly and not violate the laws of the jurisdiction you are in.”
@2many2no Just like Homebrew on the Wii all those years ago. It was up to the user to decide if it would be used for good
or evil 
@2many2no What apps do you use? I tried a free tv app that took legal stored TV shows and presented them in one location by channel. My test showed it was slow to start and populate the TV list. 30% of the shows would not launch.
I don’t have a Kodi box at the house, just friends and family that use them and love them. You can watch pretty much anything you want, including live feeds.
I don’t know what the apps are actually, just search for what you want to watch, and pick a link that works. Usually that’s the first one, but sometimes you may have to try several times. None of us are tech wizards, but we get it to work easily enough.
It’s a system that is evolving and not locked down. Newer updates are more reliable, but you still get links that don’t work. I still occasionally get those on Roku too, but a lot less often.
I don’t think Kodi is for everyone yet because it takes more tinkering and is less reliable than some of the other media streaming boxes, but it shows promise of getting there with appropriate support. They’re getting pretty cheap though, and setup is getting less complicated, so I’ll probably buy my own to supplement the Roku pretty soon.
Take a look here:
We love us our Rokus- and we only have the older cheaper versions.
I like the Cone Zone so I buy SlingTV. The included ESPN and most especially the ESPN app are nice.
Many thanks to everyone who pitched in here. There have been so many awesome bits of knowledge and experience shared, and it was all very valuable in making my final choice…
TL;DR? For me, the best way to cut the cord… was not to cut the cord.
Whaaaa??? Ya, so I’m currently with Dish Network. Between my basic programming, HBO, DVR fee and a second receiver in my flatmates room, plus taxes and fees, I was paying a gnat under $100/month.
During the course of researching all the various alternatives to cable/satellite, I discovered a brand new program package from my current provider. It’s called the “Flex” pack, and offers 50+ channels for $35/mo. In fact, it appears to be very close to the same channels offered in the SlingTV “Orange+Blue” package. Makes sense to me because SlingTV is a Dish Network service.
Bonus: This new package hits ALL the “core channels” I identified as “must haves”.
So I keep my HBO ($10/mo for life), I keep my existing equipment, including the whole-home DVR and second receiver My new monthly bill will be $64.02.
Sure, it’s about $25/mo more than several of you pay (well, and $64 a month more than some of you pay). But I get the convenience of my in-home DVR, plus all the portable options like DishAnywhere on-demand, and access to all the subscribed channels via their mobile apps. And to keep it real, that extra $25 is split with my roomie. So I’m really paying $12 to keep the added convenience features I enjoy now, and no new equipment to buy.
No commitment, no new contract, no extra fees to make the change, just a bill credit for the prorated portion of the month I’ve already paid for (reducing next month’s bill to about $30).
I will continue to evaluate my options on a regular basis since this is a very evolving market. But for now, I’m satisfied.
Now to see what I can do about my ridiculous $55 Centurylink bill for 12/1.2 ISP service.
I was spurred by this thread to make the change to sling and keep Netflix. Right now sling is offering a promotion - pay for 3 months of service and get a free Roku 2. (or get a Roku 3 for half price). I opted for sling blue ($25/mo) to start, so for ~$75 they are sending a new box.
Note: sling doesn’t seem to be available on old, original Roku boxes. Also, I don’t know how much I’ll miss the local network channels. I live on the wrong side of a hill and get poor OTA reception.
@KDemo I did that promo and picked up a 3… the modern Roku 2 and modern Roku 3 are the same device the only difference is the remote.
@KDemo This won’t help with your “local” tv, but you would be able to get abc and nbc and fox (8 days after airing):
@KDemo I still plan to do the free test drive of Sling and PS Vue. The nice thing about the programming change I made tonight: no commitment. If I find a more attractive option I can bail on Dish at any time.
@ruouttaurmind - no contracts with sling either. If I’m not happy when the 3 months are up, I can get an easy annulment.
@thismyusername - I was reading that. Now I think I need the new Roku streaming stick for that other tv that hardly gets used.
@Barney - Thanks! I was just reading that Roku offers some local channels:
I miss Aereo.