Connecting on other Social Networks; LinkedIn


Yesterday in the CEO-fuzzy-vision brainstorming thread for things our community might do collectively, @connorbush suggested a jobs board for posting jobs and then (as a followup shortcut) a Meh group on LinkedIn. I’d like to explore that here because it may be a quick action item.

First let me acknowledge there are many folks who dislike LinkedIn. It’s a personal decision of whether the value you get justifies the cost or nuisance of their monetization. I can’t solve for that.

What I can solve for is creating weird business models where we don’t fear our community gathering elsewhere, even if it’s out of our control. Most of the value creation we’re responsible for is complex and counter-intuitive enough that Amazon really didn’t care to figure it out. We (Mediocre) seek to have transparency and build an honest, open community while efficiently clearing inventory or making items. We should be taking advantage of our stance by gathering in ways that other commercial entities can’t. Maybe that sentiment helps you over the hump in participating or maybe not.

So on to LinkedIn group needs - I’m on LinkedIn but I don’t use it much. Does anyone here have experience creating and managing groups there? How onerous is maintaining a group there - are there tools for election of admins and delegation of tasks? Are there job boards than can be maintained? Are there fees that an organization can pay to help things run better?

Could we build a group there with value proposition worth emailing out to other Mediocre or Meh members to join?