Concert week 2023
Concet weeks been going on, today live Nation started their $25 all in sale. I know this has been mentioned here before, I think I first found out about it on these forums many years ago.
What tickets are everyone getting?
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I used to do this but the concerts are a couple of hours away and the drive home sucked. I took my daughter to see KISS and Ozzie Osbourne among others. Classics.
Did you buy some?
@sammydog01 I picked up trivium & beartooth and Jimmy eat world & manchester orchestra. I’m considering counting crows & dashboard confessional and Boyz II Men, but I don’t know if I can talk anyone into going to those with me, and they are a little out of town. There’s more I would see but are like 5hrs away and I don’t like any of them that much.
@metaphore I saw Boys II Men here a few years ago. I have a series locally of about 20 concerts, including the Counting Crows and Dashboard Confessional. They just announced The Beach Boys. I’m more excited than I should be. (I go alone to most of them. Don’t judge.)
@sammydog01 21-22 I went to a bunch of shows alone, including 3 or 4 with 5hr drives but I got burnt out on driving. And then last year live Nation did there other thing in the fall? I think? Where it was 4 packs of tickets for $80 so I had to find others.
@metaphore I finally decided I’m too old to be driving home at 2 am. We got a hotel room after KISS and went to the beach the next day. But that kind of defeats the purpose of cheap tickets.
@sammydog01 a couple times, when the weather was favorable, I slept in my car after the show. One time I asked a guy I only knew on the internet if I could crash on his couch after the show since he was at it too. One time based on where the show was at, parking anywhere closes was gonna be like $30 and a hotel a 15 minute train ride away was only $50ish, that seemed like a good play.
@metaphore @sammydog01 Or it gives you an excuse for a little getaway.
The Offspring/ Sum 41 / Simple Plan.
Not sure if we’re springing for the better seats or not, though.
My sister is going to DMB. Not sure if I am going to get out this year. I need to take a look at what is around. Most shows are 2-3 hours away. The last couple I did go with someone I wished I was alone. They were no fun!
@speediedelivery it’s no fun with someone that doesn’t really want to be there. My boyfriend is a pretty good sport when I want to drag him somewhere, but if it’s something he’s not gonna enjoy at all I’m not gonna subject him to that.
My GF mentioned that Beyoncé was going on tour,

So I googled it:
With the average ticket price $1000, plus travel, ect;
I’d rather spend a week in the Caribbean!