Computer purchasing suggestions from computer people

Mehntok went on a bit of a rant said

Hello Mehtizens,
Within the next 2-3 months I want to buy another laptop. As the only online community that I'm tuned into that has much computer knowledge, I come to you for suggestions. Capability needs: basic office stuff, statistical programs (Stata, Matlab), good for reading academic articles (I like the idea of one of these 13" 2in1 things, but have no idea if they are pieces of shit or not, much less how to tell the difference between them), and general multitasking. Notably not needed: gaming.

So, any suggestions on processors? (I don't have any conception or ability to retain information on any sort of measurement of these. it's like a mental block). Memory? 4gb min, but expandable? What's all this Windows 10 garbage and is it worth paying attention to? (oh yeah, looking at PC only). SSD harddrive sounds awesome, any input there? As a student, I'm heavy on the deal finding, so any suggestions on timing of the purchase, best website to find the lowest price on etc, is welcomed as well.

Thanks in advance!