Competitor selling inventory they don't have

mOONmOON went on a bit of a rant said

Yes that's right. I purchased a few things including an expensive item they sold on one of their main pages just over a month ago. I noticed a couple weeks later they were selling that same expensive item on their "sellout" page for the same price.

After emailing back and forth with their support and getting barely more than generic replies asking me to wait a few more days, Monday I finally called it quits and kindly asked that they cancel my order.

Today I received this:

Hello (censored),

Thanks for your patience. Honestly, I don't know if your other items
ever shipped or if they are every (I'm sure they meant "ever" here)
going to ship. So I have issued a refund for everything except for the
watch (edit: I received this THREE days after ordering it). The refund
should post to your account in about 5 business days. I apologize
again, and hope you forgive us!


(censored) Member Services

Really? "I don't know if your other items ever shipped or if they are ever going to ship"

Very professional.