@awk Interesting fan - I wonder if it is jet propelled?
Those blade tip nacelles look like they could be blasting streams of compressed air to spin the fan.
[This form of drive virtually eliminates torque forces on the mounting hardware.]
Or they could just be to break up the turbulence coming from the vortices generated at the blade ends??
I looked for an answer to this, and ended up on the “Big Ass Fan” commercial fan website, where I noticed that they call their blades “Airfoils”, and list “Winglets” as one design feature, so maybe they’re just a function of that design…
This is legit a great price, and I’m super tempted. Like, maybe even to get two. I have a drum fan in my garage, but I have to drag it around when I need it. I… I might have talked myself into it.
If they’re not sold out by tomorrow afternoon (and I have a feeling they might be), I might be in for another because I’m sure we can use it somewhere.
(As a woman of a certain age, my husband is gonna think I want this installed in our bedroom pointed directly at me, lol! And maybe that isn’t a bad idea…)
@k4evryng My wife is at the personal heater stage as well. Our room has ceiling fan going. She has a little 8” fan pointed directly at her and we also run a 18,000 btu air conditioner running all night. This is WAY TOO LOUD for a bedroom. But… it would keep you cool for shizzle. I got 3. Two for the garage/shop. One for the upstairs Gym. 3 for the price of one. Amazons best sale price on this fan was $69 a few months ago. Regular price is $108. It on sale at Amazon at the comparison price FYI
In for 2 immediately [for cooling effect when working] out in our barn…
Where we already have 2 large ceiling fans mounted centrally, but they don’t seem to have much cooling effect unless you’re almost directly underneath them.
I think that may be because of the large volume of air in the barn, much of which is in the open rafters above them, but I think with these mounted in the 2 front corners nearer to where we mostly work, we’ll get better [at least adequate] air circulation and cooling effect.
5 star = 83%, 4 star = 10%, 3 star = 5%, 2 star = 1%, 1 star = 1%.
So approx. 98% rated them at 3 stars or more.
One review mentioned great customer service with them having replaced a dented mounting bracket.
Best Critical Review: 3.0 out of 5 stars
Good power but Rattles
Reviewed in the United States on August 9, 2021
“Excellent power but the cage rattles on full power so is very noisy.”
@bugger oh boy! I’m glad to see I’m not the only one, lol! You completely understand!
We have central air, and installed one of those little vent fans over one of the vents to push the cold air upwards…we also have a ceiling fan that’s on 24/7…but last year when I felt like a freaking oven, we put in a window room air conditioner as well. My poor husband is all bundled up under the covers all night while I just use a sheet. He’s a keeper.
But…even when I wasn’t a personal heater, I like it pretty cool when I sleep. I love being warm under the covers in a cold room.
This fan will be going in our garage and not on me. I’m sure he will be very happy about that.
@Bingo If that’s an 18" fan, this is a pretty convincing bit of model-building, at the very least.
(Yes, of course I’ve heard of Photoshop, but the wise and scrupulously honest (not to mention staid to the point of humorless) people of Meh would never resort to that. Inconceivable!)
Great as long as the area being ventilated doesn’t get a lot of fibrous debris floating around. (Like poplar/cottonwood seeds, or cotton lint in a screen print shop.)
This is a screaming hot or cool deal. I got three. Even Amazon has this thing at three times the price and for any other fan that’s even close to this one most of those are well over $100 with higher db’s. Well worth the money just buy deez dams fans. Stay cool fool
@shop6d6ky This is the first time I’ve tried putting a giphy into a post. It took me who knows how many tries to get the snow-dive to show up. And then I got the bearded guy too - I have no idea why. And now I can’t edit the post anymore - there must be some limit. Ah well
@shop6d6ky :Laughing: We had snow at least that deep that fell overnight when I lived in northern Idaho. The world came to an end for 8 days as the entire city was snowed in (blowing winds didn’t help). I cross country skied to work. I tried to convince my kid to jump off the porch rail so I could take a photo of snow up to her arm pits with no tracks of her getting to where she was. She refused then later regretted it when she saw photos other parents had their kids do the same thing.
I got three. I need one more to make my hovercraft dream come true! Now I’m waiting for Meh to list a 3-mile-long extension cord so I can take it to work…
Woohoo ! I got one. Almost as heady as the thrill of getting an Irk in the old days. Going to put it in my basement, where water seeps in every time there’s a LOT of rain or heavy snow melt outside.
/giphy priceless-overjoyed-soda
Out of the box and plugged in this fan wobbles Environments horribly. I took The cage apart , 1 screw, 4 clips Easy peasy Took a second to Bend all of the blades to the same approximate angle. Easily mounted it to the ceiling joist of my garage And now have the most amazing breeze. nice job, nice fan.
I grabbed one to mount to the garage ceiling, aimed to blow the hot air out through the door. I can clean the lint and cobwebs off of this easily, unlike the air mover I had been using.
@chienfou I don’t recall any of your jokes having a mention of “69” in them.
'Sides, yours was indeed prime, while this one was not. And 1333 is odd other ways too. (Why would they stock 33.3% of the nice round 4000 units?)
Anyhoo, I’m older than you, so have been dealing with primes a lot longer. I’m still entitled.
Yes, they are. But you are merely annuated, whereas I am superannuated (in the good sense, i.e., as in, that’s my “super power”. I’m in my mid-seventies, I don’t think you’ve reached that stature, SO THERE).
In a few years, I will join the ranks of octogenarians, octomoms, octopussies, etc., God and my pharmacy willing. What a future!
Perhaps my best years might have passed, but as for my prime years…
Be sure you realize there are more primes in the first 20 counting numbers than any other two decades! So, my retreat into my adolescence is quite appropriate. Just as long as I can still find my truck keys before I forget where I was going to go…
[Time to throw some math out to the unwashed.]
Want a run of consecutive non-prime numbers? How many would you like in the run? There are sequences with THAT many (and more).
Can you prove my statement? (It’s actually pretty easy; only simple arithmetic and some math-type logical thinking required.)
I’ll give it a few days, and reply with a proof if wanted.
Whisper to me if you have an answer and don’t want to brag[/show your ineptitude] in front of everyone. But if you openly post here, I will get out my red pen and grade it in front of the whole class. Heh.
No cheating! Besides, AI has proven to be pretty stupid on verifiable stuff.
@chienfou@macromeh@werehatrack @phendrick
Just for grins, here is an example.
Find a run of TEN consecutive non-prime integers. I’ll post my answer to this around the roll-over time Wednesday evening (20230823 2359-ish) if I don’t forget. Props if you can find a sequence with smaller numbers than mine (I don’t know if mine is the one with the smallest integers, and am too lazy to verify, but it has a good chance to be).
Or try for SIX, if you want something a little more tractable.
Give this to your kids to try, if they have otherwise finished their homework and their brains have not yet overloaded.
You don’t get any points for confusing me, or trying to. “Continuous numbers”? Your math terminology??
“Continuous” is a very special term in math, used in analysis, topology, and a few other places, generally for relations / functions between things, particularly for 2-dimensional things. E.g., grab any old calculus book.
I’m guessing you are meaning the sequence of three consecutive prime numbers (two apart) {3, 5, 7}, the only three to work that way. (And they are generally regarded as “discrete” as opposed to “continuous”.)
I guess your grade could go up a percentage or two, for the observation.
That fact the “triplet primes” {3, 5, 7} are the only ones to work that way is easy to prove. (Wanna try? It’s actually pretty simple. And would be worth bonus points.)
BTW, most notation and terminology in math has been standardized over the centuries, but still not completely. Most text books past sophomore or so level actually start with a page or three of the notation they will use, just so everyone is agreed (at least for the nonce). Ditto for articles in journals.
IME, most variations are found in books heavily using set theory. And statistics books tend to have a variety (as well as varying approaches to the organization of the material). In fact, it was my second semester teaching statistics that I realized I was not really teaching a traditional math course. (But that changes at the advanced level.)
@chienfou Maybe you’ll like this better. It’s a little meatier. Came in my email today.
"You read the paper Rota?s umbral calculus and recursions. A related paper is available on Academia.
Nopers, My brief review of the Home Despot Q&A for these makes the need for use in only dry environments [excluding even bathrooms and laundry rooms] extremely clear.
That’s why I think the caveat posted above re: use in high fiber environments [?cottonwood fuzz] shouldn’t really be too much of an issue…
@duodec Hey there. Could you shoot us a ticket from the support page with some of the same info and maybe info on when the error happens (clicking buy it vs. clicking place your order)?
@mhoop1 Edit:… so i noticed it went to sold out when i made my purchase. so, i cancelled it to see if it is suddenly available again for someone who might actually need it as opposed to me thinking ‘huh, that’d be cool’. here’s hoping it shows up on a big discount during the next mehrathon.
@chiefbugbung Just bought another Vornado instead of this Meh. the 633. My old 630 finally bit the dust after almost 10 years. I made the mistake of getting a couple of Honeywell Turbos a few years ago, but they don’t even come close.
I’ve found air movers are fantastic fans as well. You can find them at Costco for $50ish. very strong, directed air, often has a couple of plugs to daisy chain or whatever else you need to power up.
They also don’t take much space, aren’t fragile, don’t tip over.
It’s no Dyson soundwise but you can place them pretty far away and still have a great fan experience. Pretty sure air movers are quieter than 80db, that’s as loud as a food blender or a diesel train at 100ft away or one of my children screaming nearby as measured by my watch hearing damage warnings. Then again I haven’t measured an airmover dB.
From Home Despot: Decibel (Sound) Rating 60 dBA
However, also cost: $239.00
CFM: Provides high volume air circulation at an average of 1625 CFM.
This fan [per Amazon]: Air Flow Capacity: 3146 CFM [Cubic Feet Per Minute]
Cost: $29.99 + $6.00 [shipping] + state sales tax= lots less!
This is one of the best Meh deals [oxymoron alert defeated] we’ve seen recently [IMHO]!
They keep telling me to buy this. I already have a 25+ year old Hampton Bay floor/mountable fan that I use every evening after the temperature drops below 75 outside. If you don’t have one, you should get one. But I have one.
@Fuzzalini Yup, until the sale closes or they sell out, at which time your Hampster Boy fan will likely expire with a tired wheeze…
Sorry, but that’s the story of my life- at least so far…
@PhysAssist ha! Fat chance! It’s sat in the sun and the rain for years and it just keeps going and going. I’d actually like a newer one because this one looks like hell, but it works still, against all odds.
Good on ya!
What works we keep, what doesn’t, we modify, repair, or replace.
I hope my dire prediction was completely wrong.
Best of luck to you!
@Allieroon In theory, the regular sale place, but you’ll usually need to refresh the page right dead on 4PM ET and be lightning-quick on the Buy It button to score one of that handful.
Can i please have one of the fan to buy please I’m 60 live with my grandson we have only a small fan can’t afford air conditioner and or big fan cost to much my name Janice currie
@yellowgirl36 This is probably not the best type of fan for your situation, as this is supposed to be MOUNTED on to a wall or perhaps ceiling jousts. And so, not very portable.
If the cost is an issue, check with your local citizen aid resources, maybe even elder aid. Some places offer free fans, especially during heat waves.
Have you checked if you have “311” services in your community? (Just dial it on any phone.)
Shipping wasn’t the most careful so there was a large hole in the box right where the motor sits. Opened up today and noticed many of the screws are rusted.
Anyone else notice this on theirs? How damp was the storage space before Meh got them?
@404Error Haven’t opened mine yet, but holes in the sides of the boxes were obvious before I lifted them from my porch. Not usually a problem with deliveries in my area.
@404Error@phendrick Mine arrived without ventilation. Give the cats two more days to notice the box, and it will undoubtedly get consecrated, if that hasn’t happened already.
Industrial fan? Maybe if it was 18 feet instead of 18 inches.

/image bigassfans
@awk Do they pre-qualify customers to make sure they sell to only those with big asses?
@awk @phendrick Yes, and Anthony L. Ray buys that list for obvious reasons.
@awk @yakkoTDI
Anthony L. Ray?
Oh, Sir Mix-a-Lot! Why didn’t you say so?
/youtube Baby Got Back
(NSFW or in front of Church Ladies)
@awk I love Big Ass Fans. Their mascot is a donkey. Named Fanny.
@awk Interesting fan - I wonder if it is jet propelled?
Those blade tip nacelles look like they could be blasting streams of compressed air to spin the fan.
[This form of drive virtually eliminates torque forces on the mounting hardware.]
@awk @rpstrong
Or they could just be to break up the turbulence coming from the vortices generated at the blade ends??
I looked for an answer to this, and ended up on the “Big Ass Fan” commercial fan website, where I noticed that they call their blades “Airfoils”, and list “Winglets” as one design feature, so maybe they’re just a function of that design…
/giphy airfoil nacelle

/giphy ceiling fan

@awk @PhysAssist
Indeed, that is the case. From their site:
These things really blow.
@shrewsbury Except when you’re behind them, and then they suck!
Right on time again Meh. We have a cold front in Texas today; we didn’t get above 100.
@hchavers Think of the Floridians!
This is legit a great price, and I’m super tempted. Like, maybe even to get two. I have a drum fan in my garage, but I have to drag it around when I need it. I… I might have talked myself into it.
@fuzzmanmatt I did it and I’m not ashamed, just disappointed that it’s going to be September in Michigan before I see it.
@fuzzmanmatt Glad I could help!
In for 1 right now.
If they’re not sold out by tomorrow afternoon (and I have a feeling they might be), I might be in for another because I’m sure we can use it somewhere.
(As a woman of a certain age, my husband is gonna think I want this installed in our bedroom pointed directly at me, lol!
And maybe that isn’t a bad idea…
@k4evryng My wife is at the personal heater stage as well. Our room has ceiling fan going. She has a little 8” fan pointed directly at her and we also run a 18,000 btu air conditioner running all night. This is WAY TOO LOUD for a bedroom. But… it would keep you cool for shizzle. I got 3. Two for the garage/shop. One for the upstairs Gym. 3 for the price of one. Amazons best sale price on this fan was $69 a few months ago. Regular price is $108. It on sale at Amazon at the comparison price FYI
In for 2 immediately [for cooling effect when working] out in our barn…
Where we already have 2 large ceiling fans mounted centrally, but they don’t seem to have much cooling effect unless you’re almost directly underneath them.
I think that may be because of the large volume of air in the barn, much of which is in the open rafters above them, but I think with these mounted in the 2 front corners nearer to where we mostly work, we’ll get better [at least adequate] air circulation and cooling effect.
/giphy cold-frigid-tooth

BTW, per Amazon buyer reviews:
4.7 out of 5 stars over 251 global ratings
5 star = 83%, 4 star = 10%, 3 star = 5%, 2 star = 1%, 1 star = 1%.
So approx. 98% rated them at 3 stars or more.
One review mentioned great customer service with them having replaced a dented mounting bracket.
Best Critical Review: 3.0 out of 5 stars
Good power but Rattles
Reviewed in the United States on August 9, 2021
“Excellent power but the cage rattles on full power so is very noisy.”
@bugger oh boy! I’m glad to see I’m not the only one, lol! You completely understand!
We have central air, and installed one of those little vent fans over one of the vents to push the cold air upwards…we also have a ceiling fan that’s on 24/7…but last year when I felt like a freaking oven, we put in a window room air conditioner as well. My poor husband is all bundled up under the covers all night while I just use a sheet.
He’s a keeper.
But…even when I wasn’t a personal heater, I like it pretty cool when I sleep. I love being warm under the covers in a cold room.

This fan will be going in our garage and not on me. I’m sure he will be very happy about that.
@k4evryng @PhysAssist
Perfect giphy!
@k4evryng @Kyeh
It took me quite a few edits and refreshes to get that one to pop up.
80 db is LOUD!
@ACustomer The loudest my Vornado gets is 46 db.
@ACustomer not in an industrial setting. We have lots of fans like this in my plant that makes automotive seating.
@ACustomer What? I couldn’t hear you over my Comfort Zone 18” High-Velocity 3-Speed Industrial Wall Mount Fan.
@ACustomer /giphy soft
@ACustomer Yet they’ve somehow sold over 800 of these already.
/giphy boggle

@ACustomer That’s why I don’t think they’re really for use inside of a [your] house- they’re better for use in a garage or barn that needs cooling…
I have also seen them under awnings and such at parks and fairs where sheeple are waiting in long lines…
/giphy lined up sheeple

@ACustomer You’ll have to speak up I’m wearing a towel
Ummm, isn’t the fan pointing in the wrong direction in the last picture? It sure looks like it is…
Good eye!
@Bingo Indeed it is! I came here to comment the same observation. Maybe the boater enjoys going in reverse!
@Bingo @JWhirly @chienfou Or maybe this is a tacit indication that this fan sucks.
@Bingo If that’s an 18" fan, this is a pretty convincing bit of model-building, at the very least.
(Yes, of course I’ve heard of Photoshop, but the wise and scrupulously honest (not to mention staid to the point of humorless) people of Meh would never resort to that. Inconceivable!)
@Bingo no. The fan is simply there to cool the guy in the boat. The boat has a regular motor for propulsion.
@Bingo @warpedrotors Solid theory! It can get warm out on the water!
Is this your only fans day? Between side deal and this…
Who’s peeking out from under a stairway
Calling a name that’s lighter than air?
Who’s bending down to give me a rainbow?
Everyone knows it’s Windy
55 years later, I’m still wondering how that rainbow thing worked.
But I don’t have an industrial wall for mounting the fan.
My walls are the usual fragile gypsum.
Great as long as the area being ventilated doesn’t get a lot of fibrous debris floating around. (Like poplar/cottonwood seeds, or cotton lint in a screen print shop.)
@werehatrack Dog in house => lots of fibrous debris floating around.
Probably not much fiber in the rest of the dust, though.
This is a screaming hot or cool deal. I got three. Even Amazon has this thing at three times the price and for any other fan that’s even close to this one most of those are well over $100 with higher db’s. Well worth the money just buy deez dams fans. Stay cool fool
Not a fan.
Sure it is… says so right in the description.
/giphy catchy unknown snow

@shop6d6ky Thumbs up for this gif just ‘cause it’s fun to watch. Hope she had someone to help dig her out!
@shop6d6ky This is the first time I’ve tried putting a giphy into a post. It took me who knows how many tries to get the snow-dive to show up. And then I got the bearded guy too - I have no idea why. And now I can’t edit the post anymore - there must be some limit. Ah well
@shop6d6ky :Laughing: We had snow at least that deep that fell overnight when I lived in northern Idaho. The world came to an end for 8 days as the entire city was snowed in (blowing winds didn’t help). I cross country skied to work. I tried to convince my kid to jump off the porch rail so I could take a photo of snow up to her arm pits with no tracks of her getting to where she was. She refused then later regretted it when she saw photos other parents had their kids do the same thing.
@shop6d6ky Limit is 5 minutes. I’m enjoying looking at that on this 92 degree day!
I got three. I need one more to make my hovercraft dream come true! Now I’m waiting for Meh to list a 3-mile-long extension cord so I can take it to work…
got 3 for my garage (glassblowing in the heat is terrible) , thanks for saving some
! I got one. Almost as heady as the thrill of getting an Irk in the old days. Going to put it in my basement, where water seeps in every time there’s a LOT of rain or heavy snow melt outside.

/giphy priceless-overjoyed-soda
Congrats on having your perseverance work out!
@chienfou Thanks!
@chienfou Did you get one?
nope, I never did pull the trigger…
Out of the box and plugged in this fan wobbles Environments horribly. I took The cage apart , 1 screw, 4 clips Easy peasy Took a second to Bend all of the blades to the same approximate angle. Easily mounted it to the ceiling joist of my garage And now have the most amazing breeze. nice job, nice fan.
I should get this to air out my trunk.
@yakkoTDI Too much junk?

/giphy junk in the trunk
@iggy71 @yakkoTDI Does she happen to work for a certain fan company mentioned below?
I grabbed one to mount to the garage ceiling, aimed to blow the hot air out through the door. I can clean the lint and cobwebs off of this easily, unlike the air mover I had been using.
Almost 1300 sold so far. Wow. Meh has a lot of fans. Who’d-a-thunk-it?
Sold out at 1333 units.
That’s an odd number, but not a prime example of such, since it’s the difference of 1369 and 36, which are perfect squares.
hey… that was my joke!
@chienfou I don’t recall any of your jokes having a mention of “69” in them.
'Sides, yours was indeed prime, while this one was not. And 1333 is odd other ways too. (Why would they stock 33.3% of the nice round 4000 units?)
Anyhoo, I’m older than you, so have been dealing with primes a lot longer. I’m still entitled.
sorry old timer… just a bit of ribbing from this young-un
@chienfou jus so’s yeh stay off’n my yard while yer at it.
@chienfou @phendrick
I don’t know - seems like your prime years may have passed.
@chienfou @macromeh @phendrick Whippersnappers.
Yes, they are. But you are merely annuated, whereas I am superannuated (in the good sense, i.e., as in, that’s my “super power”. I’m in my mid-seventies, I don’t think you’ve reached that stature, SO THERE).
In a few years, I will join the ranks of octogenarians, octomoms, octopussies, etc., God and my pharmacy willing. What a future!
@chienfou @macromeh
Perhaps my best years might have passed, but as for my prime years…
Be sure you realize there are more primes in the first 20 counting numbers than any other two decades! So, my retreat into my adolescence is quite appropriate. Just as long as I can still find my truck keys before I forget where I was going to go…
[Time to throw some math out to the unwashed.]
Want a run of consecutive non-prime numbers? How many would you like in the run? There are sequences with THAT many (and more).
Can you prove my statement? (It’s actually pretty easy; only simple arithmetic and some math-type logical thinking required.)
I’ll give it a few days, and reply with a proof if wanted.
Whisper to me if you have an answer and don’t want to brag[/show your ineptitude] in front of everyone. But if you openly post here, I will get out my red pen and grade it in front of the whole class. Heh.
No cheating! Besides, AI has proven to be pretty stupid on verifiable stuff.
@chienfou @macromeh @werehatrack
Just for grins, here is an example.
Find a run of TEN consecutive non-prime integers. I’ll post my answer to this around the roll-over time Wednesday evening (20230823 2359-ish) if I don’t forget. Props if you can find a sequence with smaller numbers than mine (I don’t know if mine is the one with the smallest integers, and am too lazy to verify, but it has a good chance to be).
Or try for SIX, if you want something a little more tractable.
Give this to your kids to try, if they have otherwise finished their homework and their brains have not yet overloaded.
@macromeh @phendrick @werehatrack
do I get any points for telling you the longest string of continuous prime numbers?
(Hint… it’s 3)
[@macromeh @werehatrack]
You don’t get any points for confusing me, or trying to. “Continuous numbers”? Your math terminology??
“Continuous” is a very special term in math, used in analysis, topology, and a few other places, generally for relations / functions between things, particularly for 2-dimensional things. E.g., grab any old calculus book.
I’m guessing you are meaning the sequence of three consecutive prime numbers (two apart) {3, 5, 7}, the only three to work that way. (And they are generally regarded as “discrete” as opposed to “continuous”.)
See twin prime conjecture
I guess your grade could go up a percentage or two, for the observation.
That fact the “triplet primes” {3, 5, 7} are the only ones to work that way is easy to prove. (Wanna try? It’s actually pretty simple. And would be worth bonus points.)
BTW, most notation and terminology in math has been standardized over the centuries, but still not completely. Most text books past sophomore or so level actually start with a page or three of the notation they will use, just so everyone is agreed (at least for the nonce). Ditto for articles in journals.
IME, most variations are found in books heavily using set theory. And statistics books tend to have a variety (as well as varying approaches to the organization of the material). In fact, it was my second semester teaching statistics that I realized I was not really teaching a traditional math course. (But that changes at the advanced level.)
never mind
@chienfou Maybe you’ll like this better. It’s a little meatier. Came in my email today.
"You read the paper Rota?s umbral calculus and recursions. A related paper is available on Academia.
Global Calculus of Fourier Integral Operators, Weighted Estimates, and Applications to Global Analysis of Hyperbolic Equations
Don’t think I’m going to have the time for it; would appreciate a short summary of the salient bits.
Water proof? did I miss that?
Can it work in my pool?
@culmac I’m also curious if these are okay for using outside.
@culmac @SBouren
yeah, thinking of the underside of a porch ceiling on the poolhouse…no direct rain, but lots of humidity in AL summers.
Nopers, My brief review of the Home Despot Q&A for these makes the need for use in only dry environments [excluding even bathrooms and laundry rooms] extremely clear.
That’s why I think the caveat posted above re: use in high fiber environments [?cottonwood fuzz] shouldn’t really be too much of an issue…
/giphy careful loopy wind

Keep getting the “Something went terribly wrong” screen when trying to buy this. Last night and still happening today.
Two different systems, different browsers, and different networks/locations…
@duodec Hey there. Could you shoot us a ticket from the support page with some of the same info and maybe info on when the error happens (clicking buy it vs. clicking place your order)?
Pretty rad they got Conor McGregor to do a photo shoot for their product.
/giphy beaming-familiar-cook

/giphy crappy-unjust-calculator

looking forward to a breeze in my garage
@mhoop1 Edit:… so i noticed it went to sold out when i made my purchase. so, i cancelled it to see if it is suddenly available again for someone who might actually need it as opposed to me thinking ‘huh, that’d be cool’. here’s hoping it shows up on a big discount during the next mehrathon.
So <looks at numbers, counts on fingers, scratches head> are there 5 on hold for lucky members?
@djslack and of course I got busy at work and completely forgot to come back. Probably for the best.
You had me at mount
Y’all talked me into a second one.

Glad I got it though!
These are too big to mount a half dozen on a 4x4 with the end trimmed down and wrapped with grip tape to call it your fan club.
@werehatrack But the little ones on SideDeal would do the trick.
Product: Comfort Zone 18” High-Velocity 3-Speed Industrial Wall Mount Fan
Model: 125008
Condition: New
What’s Included?
Price Comparison
$78.52 at Amazon
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Monday, Aug 28 - Tuesday, Aug 29
How’s this compare to the vornado?
In my experience, vornado compares to vornado.
The rest are just fans.
@chiefbugbung Just bought another Vornado instead of this Meh. the 633. My old 630 finally bit the dust after almost 10 years. I made the mistake of getting a couple of Honeywell Turbos a few years ago, but they don’t even come close.
I’ve found air movers are fantastic fans as well. You can find them at Costco for $50ish. very strong, directed air, often has a couple of plugs to daisy chain or whatever else you need to power up.
They also don’t take much space, aren’t fragile, don’t tip over.
It’s no Dyson soundwise but you can place them pretty far away and still have a great fan experience. Pretty sure air movers are quieter than 80db, that’s as loud as a food blender or a diesel train at 100ft away or one of my children screaming nearby as measured by my watch hearing damage warnings. Then again I haven’t measured an airmover dB.
Just an example. Costco or sams probably better. https://www.homedepot.com/p/RIDGID-1625-CFM-3-Speed-Portable-Blower-Fan-Air-Mover-with-Collapsible-Handle-and-Rear-Wheels-for-Water-Damage-Restoration-AM2560/202942745
From Home Despot: Decibel (Sound) Rating 60 dBA
However, also cost: $239.00
CFM: Provides high volume air circulation at an average of 1625 CFM.
This fan [per Amazon]: Air Flow Capacity: 3146 CFM [Cubic Feet Per Minute]
Cost: $29.99 + $6.00 [shipping] + state sales tax= lots less!
This is one of the best Meh deals [oxymoron alert defeated] we’ve seen recently [IMHO]!
80 db is pretty damn loud - I assume that’s on high? How is the airflow on med/low?
yeah, wonder how much is fan motor noise, how much is air movement??
They keep telling me to buy this. I already have a 25+ year old Hampton Bay floor/mountable fan that I use every evening after the temperature drops below 75 outside. If you don’t have one, you should get one. But I have one.
@Fuzzalini Yup, until the sale closes or they sell out, at which time your Hampster Boy fan will likely expire with a tired wheeze…
Sorry, but that’s the story of my life- at least so far…
@PhysAssist ha! Fat chance! It’s sat in the sun and the rain for years and it just keeps going and going. I’d actually like a newer one because this one looks like hell, but it works still, against all odds.
Good on ya!
What works we keep, what doesn’t, we modify, repair, or replace.
I hope my dire prediction was completely wrong.
Best of luck to you!
Ok…silly question here. As a Meh member, how do you go about buying items that are “set aside for existing members to be released at 4PM ET”?
Where do you find the offer?
@Allieroon In theory, the regular sale place, but you’ll usually need to refresh the page right dead on 4PM ET and be lightning-quick on the Buy It button to score one of that handful.
Ahhhh…therefore I must have been too slow in the past. 🥹 Thanks for the info and advice…I will practice for this afternoon!
I’m waiting for 4 PM to come around, but a little wary in that FakeSpot gives the reviews from Amazon a D - not encouraging.
/giphy alive-bawling-belief

Can i please have one of the fan to buy please I’m 60 live with my grandson we have only a small fan can’t afford air conditioner and or big fan cost to much my name Janice currie
@yellowgirl36 This is probably not the best type of fan for your situation, as this is supposed to be MOUNTED on to a wall or perhaps ceiling jousts. And so, not very portable.
A better one for you would more likely be one that is free-standing on the floor or on a pedestal, like the one they once sold:
One of these might have been perfect for you, but they sold out over a year ago on those.
If the cost is an issue, check with your local citizen aid resources, maybe even elder aid. Some places offer free fans, especially during heat waves.
Have you checked if you have “311” services in your community? (Just dial it on any phone.)
Thank you still looking
I wish I would have bought more than one. Hopefully these make it side deal.
@TehMaliron They sold out, though, so probably not.
Shipping wasn’t the most careful so there was a large hole in the box right where the motor sits. Opened up today and noticed many of the screws are rusted.
Anyone else notice this on theirs? How damp was the storage space before Meh got them?
@404Error Haven’t opened mine yet, but holes in the sides of the boxes were obvious before I lifted them from my porch. Not usually a problem with deliveries in my area.
@404Error @phendrick Mine arrived without ventilation. Give the cats two more days to notice the box, and it will undoubtedly get consecrated, if that hasn’t happened already.
@404Error Mine came in fine, no rust at all
Bought this and it just stopped working today. We’ve probably used it max 4 times since getting it last August.