Collaborate on Something Stupid
4You’re here on Day Zero so you’re obviously the elite of the Internet, congrats on that dubious achievement. However that does give you certain…"skills" if you want to call them that. Let’s put them to use and make a meme (a MehMeh?) today so when you reference it tomorrow nobody will have any idea what you’re talking about and you can retain the false sense of superiority that you have by being here before anyone else for just a little bit longer.
So what should it be? Whatever you want it to be. Current event, breakfast octopus (little obvious though isn’t it?), Irk the Troll, completely text-based, just make it funny, make it good, and make it together.
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Let's see -- there was the crab invasion on Woot. There was the Octopode discussion on mediocre. I think the obvious answer is Eyebrows. No? Okay, okay... How about Andre the Giant?
Be careful! Men in masks cannot be trusted.
Anybody want a peanut?
Something with paper bag snapster...
I'm lost
I'm cold.
The whole 300 thread including "This is sparta." is pretty funny. Even if "This is Sparta" doesn't end up being the meme dujour I may go ahead and bust it out on a daily basis.
does anyone know how to make a paper bag @snapster ascii art?
Make your own here:
Verily, I spake upon the King. And he was wise in his cogitations. He bequeathed upon the mass of citizens known as Zeroites a quest. "As one, make a MehMeh, such that the kingdom shall be ever confused, yet laugh with the laugh of the clueless", said he. And onwards I traveled. Up the Hills of Indifference, the Mountains of Conformity, the Plains of Mediocrity, and the Seas of Fuku. I eventually reached the land of Meh. A silly place, the land of Meh. Many a strange traveler has passed by, each greeting each other with the custom of the land: "Good Morrow, and Good Mehing." A friendly place, a bit backwards, but still a place to explore. Upon the rising sun, a merchant shows his ware. Only one ware did he have. And it was glorious. And then came night. Repeatedly I checked the town square, but day and night, he only shows his ware. Thusly, exhausted, I fell asleep. And on the next morrow, a new ware! Equally as glorious! But never changing, never changing, only staying, and my body refused to leave. I was frozen in that day, and stayed in the land of Meh, forgetting about my quest, and the townfolk who depended on me. I was lost, and hopefully soon, someone shall find me.
That seems like the most random thing ever. I'm in stitches. That HAS to be it
What if we substitute peanut with groundnut?
I don't have an imgur account. Would @BillLehecka create the meme template of Paper Bag Snapster?
I'm loving this, I can't get enough Rutledge Lunch Bag Man.
To make your own:
Holy hell! That paper sack @snapster is still the freakiest thing I've seen in weeks.
Definitely my favorite.
This seems like a lot of effort....I say we just keep referencing amazing benefits and coupon codes that were given to the elites and watch the peasants beg!
"I'm just glad I have $5 off every purchase for life!"
I love the idea of Irk having lingering weight issues. I'm in for one day zero juice cleanse.
Mine won't post. I'm stupid with posting pictures sometimes...
i had to edit mine after remembering to click one more time on the image and use that url instead of the url.
Thanks, I posted it again further down. Stupid imgur (because it is easier to blame something other than myself)
Here's a suitably horrible one. I'm at work on a laptop with only Microsoft Paint. Hooray MS Paint!!

It's appropriately mediocre
Collaborate? That... just seems extremely tiring.. and my day is arleady stressfull.. I have to wake up (check)... eat (check)... poop (check).... shower (tbd) ..... get on the computer all day (check)....... sleep again (tbd)
Ditto. I've already stopped and listened. I'm not sure I have time to collaborate, too.
I don't think I can top @medz creation.
I'm sure you could given enough boredom and time.
medz now!
I can't stop laughing at this.
Holy awesome.
aaaaaaaaaand I'm back ten hours later, and this is still hilarious.
I'm Spartacus!