7I know there was a coffee thread recently, but I can’t find it. Meh.
But that’s not what this is about.
Remember wine.woot back when it was really food.woot. I was introduced to some awesome companies who actually used this venue to introduce new people to their products. I met Beehive cheese where I still get their cheese today.
And I was introduced to, what was at the time, a unique coffee company. Thanksgiving Coffee, an old school coffee company, around for years in Fort Bragg California, gave a percent of every bag to a cause. Their motto - Not Just A Cup, But A Just Cup. I bought from them off and on for years. I’ve only met a few other coffee places like them Blue State Coffee on the East Coast and another in California called Wild Goose (unique in that every penny of profit goes to the local food bank. I know there are more of them, but I wanted to thank @snapster and his old original woot crew for me knowing who they are as they were just named by Roast Magazine as the MacroRoaster of the Year for 2017. If you are not a fancy new wave coffee junky but like damned fine coffee, give 'em a try.
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And thx to you for mentioning these vendors, given that you love them.
@Cerridwyn And now @f00l will be more hyped up than she already is.
@Barney Is that possible?
@cranky1950 It’s a scary thought, isn’t it?
It is my destiny
/giphy destiny