Citizens of meh... Stamp collectors, help?
2So, it was "spring cleaning" day at storage (indoor unit I figured what else to do on a cold day that the MIL could watch @stitch. We found a boat load of old stamps, and other Americana to hopefully unload for a decent price. But I don't know the best way to do so. We aren't looking to squeeze every penny from it, but we don't want to sell the collection for $100 and find out it was worth thousands (most of it is from the 50's I think, but some of it could be from the 30's.) The point of it is for @stitch's college fund :)
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I like the new name for R!
@Thumperchick I registered that for him for a while... I ping it and it hits my email though :P
@parodymandotcom That was interesting, thanks.
If you can take pictures of a group of the stamps , I might be able to tell you when the are from. Do they seem to be in good shape? I'm interested.
Few stamps are worth a lot. If I could buy them, I'd share if there were any worth big bucks.
@cahuston You can contact me at cahuston65 at gmail dot com.
Collectibles seem to pretty much suck dirt lately.
I'd guess, like baseball cards and coke bottles, they're worth approximately face value in their country of origin.
Pro Tip from someone who messed around with trying to get rich off the two above mentioned categories (inherited items)... don't waste much effort on it.
@RedOak Agreed, many go bust. But comics have stood the test of time. They may go with the market of highs and lows but they have always remained stable. Especially, right now where many of all new mainstream movies and popular tv (even cartoons) shows are comic based in some way. There is now a new generation enjoying them. They will collect.
Save any of these you find:
@thismyusername can you imagine accidentally licking that one and putting it on an envelope?
24 cents was a hell of a lot of money for postage in 1918.
But look what the mortgage crash did to its value - from almost $1 million pre to a hundred K post. Ouch.
@jqubed a classic!