Cinoclav's Field of 32 Day 17
13Aah, the Sweaty 16 at last! That’s right, Sweaty. I don’t know about you, but I don’t have the money for a legal team to take on the NCAA who has trademarked that other term. Granted, it only applies to athletics but I’m not taking any chances. Come to think of it, I’m not really sure why they didn’t go with ‘Sweaty’ themselves. Have you watched basketball players run up and down the court for 48 minutes? Sweaty seems a hell of a lot more appropriate than their choice.
Anyway, that’s enough talk about bodily fluids for the moment, we’ll have plenty of time for that later. It was a true dogfight between Bluetooth Speakers and Knives. Either way, a lot of mehtizens were going to be disappointed in the outcome. As your goat, I wish I could make everyone happy but my primary objective is to be here for you to blame. So go ahead Speaker fans, blame me for your 1 point loss as Knives stuck it to you 24 to 23. Now let’s loop back around to the northwest corner of the bracket and revisit some old friends. Power Banks are back to take on Vacuum Sealers. I don’t have a good feeling about this one folks. There’s an awful lot of love here for Power Banks, Then again, Vacuum Sealers absolutely crushed their nemesis Electric Toothbrushes so you can’t count them out just yet. Tighten your belts everyone, it’s about to get tense! But not tents - why the hell hasn’t meh ever sold any tents?
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Power Banks!
Vacuum Sealers!
I lovelovelove my vacuum sealer–happily the one pictured–but I have to go with power banks as typifying a typical Meh sale…shit.
I’m pretty sure Meh has sold eleventy million billion different types of power banks (give or take) but has only sold 10 or 12 different sealers. Hey! That reminds me of a story…
A penguin has some car trouble…
A vacationing penguin is driving his car through Arizona when he notices that the oil pressure light is on. He gets out to look and sees oil dripping out of the motor. He drives to the nearest town and stops at the first gas station.
After dropping the car off, the penguin goes for a walk around town. He sees an ice-cream shop and, being a penguin in Arizona, decides that something cold would really hit the spot. He gets a big dish of ice cream and sits down to eat. Having no hands he makes a real mess trying to eat with his flippers. After finishing his ice cream, he goes back to the gas station and asks the mechanic if he’s found the problem. The mechanic looks up and says “It looks like you blew a seal.”
“No no,” the penguin replies, “it’s just ice cream.”
@therealjrn sounds like these cheeky penguins
@therealjrn @tinamarie1974 Penguin jokes! This one goes back to year one.
@cinoclav Ah, so this is how The Joke Thread got necro’ed to the front page.
Vacuum sealers. Because you can put a power bank in a vacuum sealer, but you can’t put a vacuum sealer in a power bank.
@mehcuda67 Hmm… You might be able to run a vacuum sealer with a power bank but you can’t run a power bank with a vacuum sealer. Such a dilemma!
@cinoclav @mehcuda67 Perhaps with their powerz combined, they could be the Zappy Suckers, an elite crime-fighting duo!
@mehcuda67 @UncleVinny Or a swing band.
I’d love to buy a grow tent, since you brought up the topic. Until then, power banks it is.
@OldCatLady Damn hippies.
I got a vacuum sealer in my final fuko.
It’s still in the box along with everything else it came with except the deck of ‘Who?’ cards.
The box (which is the vac. sealer’s) is also marked as a return to Walmart, reason: damage, so I don’t even know if it works. A quick inventory of the myriad parts didn’t show any obvious damage.
Anyway, I’d still be more likely to eventually find a use for a vac. sealer than a power bank, so the V.S. gets my vote.
Absolutely love my vacuum sealer I purchased from Meh. I believe it’s the only item I’ve ever bought more of when they came back on sale…One for my Dad, and one for my Sister…So my vote should count as +3 for our side!
@cinoclav I blame you for not posting an updated Sweaty 16 bracket PNG/PDF somewhere.
And I’ll start a new bracket thread for this round for those that would rather forget the last bracket or want to jump in now with prognostications.
@mike808 I actually meant to this morning. Had one all ready to go. Then I looked at the clock and realized I should have left for work 5 minutes ago. I’ll do it when I get home tonight.
I’ve heard about vacuum sealers, but I can’t picture using one in my real everyday life. Kind of like sous vide, it seems like yet another way to add unrecyclable plastic to my life (and the garbage trail that spreads out behind me…)
My power bank, however, which came in my one and only Fuko, is pretty cool. It sits there and waits for the apocalypse to strike! How exciting!
@UncleVinny It appears the damn hippies with their VW vans, love beads and bell-bottomed jeans like the vacuum sealers, they must buy in bulk a lot, like me. I’ll catch things on sale, then seal and freeze for later. But for quote/unquote everyday use, using saran wrap or containers is far less expensive.
@therealjrn oh yeah…it’s just me here, so buying in bulk doesn’t really make sense. No Costco
@therealjrn @UncleVinny
/youtube Okie from Muskogee