Channel Independent


Go here, play with site, report errors to me. Thanks. I have been helping my friend with his site. Now I need Meh friends to TAKE THIS BITCH OVER. Upload vids, make accounts, tell me errors.

What do you get in return? Be a big fish in a little pond. To achieve YouTube infamy is rather difficult. Here, you can be most famous of all 3 people using the site--the odds are ever currently in your favor.

Also, it can be our fun Meh video site for the time being. Also, if the site ever does do anything neat in the cold, hard world of the internets... you can PM me and be like, hey connorbush from Meh... remember when we used to be cool on the forums together, well; yeah--please feature my video on the main page of I will be like, fasho my mehrican. Then you will be featured on a site that 4 people use. Go you.