Channel Independent
5Go here, play with site, report errors to me. Thanks. I have been helping my friend with his site. Now I need Meh friends to TAKE THIS BITCH OVER. Upload vids, make accounts, tell me errors.
What do you get in return? Be a big fish in a little pond. To achieve YouTube infamy is rather difficult. Here, you can be most famous of all 3 people using the site--the odds are ever currently in your favor.
Also, it can be our fun Meh video site for the time being. Also, if the site ever does do anything neat in the cold, hard world of the internets... you can PM me and be like, hey connorbush from Meh... remember when we used to be cool on the forums together, well; yeah--please feature my video on the main page of I will be like, fasho my mehrican. Then you will be featured on a site that 4 people use. Go you.
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TL;DR helped friend make site. plz go to site tell me how much it sucks. k thx. maybe have fun.
The support is resounding. I will get right on it.
I couldn't think of a video to upload as I am not into music, not musically inclined and not very entertaining either. I think the format looks fine, reminds me of Angular?
@tightwad Any type of content is welcome. It just so happens we only know music ish people. Please put as many videos of whatever! Thanks for taking a peak. It has been a long time side project/hobby/thing.
I wouldn't go so far as to say it sucks, but video hosting is a ridiculously crowded field right now and it needs some kind of hook if it's going to take off even a little. If I'm starting an awesome series of video content, I don't see a clear reason why it would be hosted here as opposed to Youtube or elsewhere.
Don't think this is too harsh, if you have a workable framework in place there's a lot of directions you can take it, but there are too many options for video content out there for a site to get by just by being another one.
@Starblind I think our initial hook; ages ago. Was the 'location' theme of it all. If I saw someone doing cool stuff on YouTube or another platform, that was it--I saw them on YouTube. If I wanted to collaborate, see them live, or otherwise access them, it was digital. Whereas, on CI, we were looking to integrate the physical aspect.
"Oh look at this cool DJ in my neighborhood, I happen to do vocals and also paint murals, lets link up and collaborate."
"Oh hey this magician I love is doing show not too far from where I work, I'll go catch it live."
"What?! These guys at like flying fleets of drones?! SO do I, I wonder when their weekly meetup is?!"
That was our initial driver behind it. Alas, the world moves quickly and the scene became saturated.
Not too harsh at all. I am glad you took a look and provided feedback.
@connorbush Ahh, I see. That makes a lot more sense then. I did notice the Member Events tab but it was empty. Well, I'm glad the site exists, as more competition for Youtube is always good, and it's nice to see a video host site that doesn't reach for the gamer/ultrageek target audience. Maybe it would be more easy to integrate events and such if the scope of the site was more explicitly local, as in limited to the scene of a particular city or area, which would also help it spread by word of mouth. If it takes off, more cities could be added.
@Starblind hmmm. I actually, REALLY like this idea. I will see what the 'gents say when I pitch it to them.
@connorbush Using QR codes, it would be really easy to tie this in to the local alternative weekly or even show flyers. If Prolapsed Fistula is performing at the Herniated Pushole on Friday (all ages, no cover!), people could scan a QR to hear a clip in case they thought it was a bluegrass band or whatever.
@connorbush Noticed you have embeds. Do they work on mobile too? If so, you could add embed support to our Mehdown project over at GitHub and send us a pull request:
Then we could have Channel Independent embeds on the forums.
@shawn thanks I forgot about this!
This is kind of confusing...

And I actually used a real email to sign up. Did not get an email yet, but I will let you know if I do.
@Willijs3 I cannot thank you enough for the screen shot. I'll put in a ticket right away and get back to you.
I think the CSS needs a bit of refining. First thing I had to do in order to calm down my eyes was kill the letter-spacing — generally speaking I try to avoid this unless I'm extremely confident my preferred font will show up for the vast majority of viewers, and that adjusted spacing renders well with said font. And to me, on your page, it really falls apart w/ Verdana, not great w/ Helvetica, ok w/ Arial (that's a scary thing to say), and actually pretty good w/ Lucida Sans Unicode (my sans fallback).
In the upper bar, CHANNELS, MEMBER EVENTS, SEARCH has weird spacing. Much larger gap btwn the first two than the last two. SEARCH does not fall under
ul.nice-menu a
and therefore doesn't match the 7px left margin, 5px left padding.'Remember me' and 'Forgot password' look like they should line up, but they don't.
Unrelated to CSS, but somewhere along the line, there's a parser missing HTML escape codes (presumably greedily replacing all ampersands) — on the front page grid view of videos, you see titles like 'Grams & Granny,' and 'Let's English!' These are parsed properly on the actual video page (including that page's left sidebar thingy).
My apologies! This was lengthy and nit-picky — all relatively small things, and there are other even smaller nits to pick… who knows that anyone would care. But as someone who does a lot of front-end web stuff, this all jumped out at me immediately.
@brhfl No apologies at all! This is PERFECT and what I am looking for. Without your feedback, my colleague and I would be unable to make corrections and adjustments. I genuinely appreciate your attention to this and the detailed feedback. It is great!
@connorbush Fun
anecdote: the powers-that-be at my workplace decided to set the first font in our internal standard template to Myriad Pro. For those who don't know, this font comes with Adobe CS/CC, and there's no reason for a non-web/design person to have it installed. So, without manually forcing a fallback, pages render considerably different for those of us who work on them than for the vast majority of users.I'm seeing some Page scaling issue, I guess don't know what else to call it. I don't keep my browser open all the way. anyway it's hiding the share buttons and doesn't offer a side scroll
@Foxborn thank you for the heads up.
Friday night I am going to submit these, along with my own findings, to our dev team. I really appreciate all of the feedback!