Cell phones. Blech!

Barney went on a bit of a rant said

I’m not happy with my new cell phone.

Maybe it’s because I haven’t quite figured things out.

For instance, why do apps want to know so much about my own private business before I can use them? Are they offended when I tell them “no”?

And why do they keep updating? My phone is almost always wanting to update an app. Didn’t they get it right the first time?

Does anyone else get tired of having to carry their phone everywhere? I mean EVERYWHERE! My phone doesn’t fit in my pockets, so I am having to learn to do things one handed or not at all. If I put it down, I forget it when I move to the next room/place I’m going to.

Why can’t they come up with a longer lasting battery? After all, we put a man on the moon, didn’t we? But I will admit, that I like the turbo charger that my new phone has.

Yes, I know all of the above is disjointed and probably making no sense to most/all of you, but there are lots of things bugging me about my new smartphone. (Don’t even talk to me about installing screen protectors. I had to order a second pack of them.) People keep telling me that “I’ll figure it all out”. No, I don’t think so.

So, I guess what I’m really asking is, “Am I the only one who is finding no love with cell phones?”