Cell phone providers

sohmageek thought this was worth mentioning said

So... I'm looking to you guys again for some assistance.
I live in Vermont, where there aren't too many choices for cell phone, it's mostly Verizon or AT&T. Sprint is here but we've had issues with reception....

There is technically no T-Mobile locations up here, but if you look at their coverage map it's here. I had an iPad that I set up with T-mobile for cellular coverage and it seemed to be pretty good LTE coverage, about the same as my AT&T service which makes sense as it should be using roaming agreements. Looking at the plans however, it looks like T-mobile I'd lose my 2 year discounts on phones, but save more than that on the plan costs and not have to worry about going "over" on minutes and/or data. I'm not looking into the AT&T next plan as that's still $175 over T-Mobile's $110.

Thoughts on T-Mobile? I'd try the test drive but I have to make it to a store which again there aren't any nearby...