@pakopako@werehatrack Fun fact: A Margay Cat, Marbled Cat, and Clouded Leopard can all descend trees head first. Yes…I watch way too much Animal Planet and Nat Geo Wild
yep… the house i grew up in had a built in upper bunk bed, with a removable ladder (essentially homemade, looks like made from bits of dowel stock)
anywho… one day i’m sleeping up there, and our cat buster was suddenly in the upper bunk with me.
he climbed up there all the time…
getting back down… he would go a couple rungs, then jump off. he never jumped from the full height(5’5"?)
going up, he basically hooked his front paws over the rungs
Seems most kitties like ladders. We had two that ignored the expensive multi-leveled cat tree play house thing, but bring in a step ladder and they’d spend hours chasing each other up and down and through it, or just perched on the steps or the foldout tray at the top. They did prefer the wooden ladder to the aluminum.
Every year when decorating the tree Princess Grace would perch atop her pedestal. She could jump down but usually I had to take her off the ladder when I wanted to move it.
@narfcake How many cats does it take to change a light bulb?
(sadly, I have no punchline for that one)
@narfcake @xobzoo Just one. The cat uses a human to actually do the work.
A friend of mine had his cats trained to climb to the top of a stepladder when they wanted to get brushed.
But can cats UN-ladder?
@pakopako Some of them are better at it than others. This is why there is the phenomenon of Kitty Stuck In Tree.
@pakopako @werehatrack Fun fact: A Margay Cat, Marbled Cat, and Clouded Leopard can all descend trees head first. Yes…I watch way too much Animal Planet and Nat Geo Wild
yep… the house i grew up in had a built in upper bunk bed, with a removable ladder (essentially homemade, looks like made from bits of dowel stock)
anywho… one day i’m sleeping up there, and our cat buster was suddenly in the upper bunk with me.
he climbed up there all the time…
getting back down… he would go a couple rungs, then jump off. he never jumped from the full height(5’5"?)
going up, he basically hooked his front paws over the rungs
Seems most kitties like ladders. We had two that ignored the expensive multi-leveled cat tree play house thing, but bring in a step ladder and they’d spend hours chasing each other up and down and through it, or just perched on the steps or the foldout tray at the top. They did prefer the wooden ladder to the aluminum.
@stolicat Just like that box of toys you buy for them and they only want the box to play in.
And then there are my cats…
@kjady I only see one…
@kjady @Kyeh I just see eyes staring back from the void. Happens around here a lot, too.
@Kyeh Yeah Bear is just a representing them all. 8 cats would be a lot to picture at once.
@kjady Oh! But none of them like ladders, I guess!
@Kyeh Ladders no, roof tops yes.
Every year when decorating the tree Princess Grace would perch atop her pedestal. She could jump down but usually I had to take her off the ladder when I wanted to move it.