Cat of a young a friend of mine needs help


When Michelle was growing up she fed my cats when I was out of town. Cats are her world and she had a tendency to befriend the least lovable cats out there. Her 4 year old cat continues to be sick and running a fever, without a diagnosis. While technically not an emotional support cat, this cat is her world (Michelle has some significant personal, ongoing health issues that are expensive and at times she has been eligible for food stamps - she works when she can; emotionally she relies on her cat). Her parents are retired, without a lot of money, and while they have helped her to the extent they can, she is struggling to pay the vet bills. (More information on the gofundme site).

If anyone feels so moved to help her or spread the word, here is the gofundme she created to help her cat:

The gofundme page gives the direct contact information for the vet’s office. Thanks.