Card fraud - banks be quick

lisaviolet thought this was worth mentioning said

So, I check our personal banking account this morning. Four charges pending, made yesterday.

Bed Bath and Beyond

I made the Morningsave and Amazon. Not the other two. Call the bank. Cancel the card. Go through and change five payment things online. Still need to do meh.

Check the peoplefinders website, was this a one time charge or ongoing? Gee, look at that, it’s a trial, but a subscription. Call them. It’s already been cancelled! But we confirm the cancel.

Called Bed Bath and Beyond. The system recognizes my phone number! This number was used when the purchase was made. I talk to a CSR about it. I told him I wanted to cancel the purchase since I didn’t make it. He says “it’s already been cancelled”.

Cool. “Who cancelled it?” One of their other departments.

“What did I buy?”

A vortex heater. I hope someone freezes their ass off.

Boy, the bank was quick getting the word out, though.

Unblame @therealjrn.