@SirLouie Reading about them, sounds like that’s right. Probably not a good sign for the wood if there are borers. I’m just outside Philly, please keep your borers over there.
@SirLouie Glad you started this. I saw two of these at work last week and wondered what they were. Wharf borer gets my vote. I’m also just outside of Philly.
@cinoclav No - look at the coloring on the back. It is different. The mystery bug is also thinner than roaches are. And I can say due to first hand recent experience (their egg sack was on the sticky paper so they were doomed from the start) that cockroach babies get their adult coloring within hours of being born and while they are still very tiny. Not a roach.
Any of you folks ever lived in a southeastern state? At first glimpse I thought it was a palmetto bug, but the coloring and head shape are wrong. Lucky for you.
Palmetto bugs can fly, especially when they are alarmed and need to escape from something. Or from someone, as my mother found out when one flew onto her 1962-era beehive hairdo. Did I mention the damned things grow to about 2" ?
Whats your general location (what state)?
@thismyusername Pennsylvania.
@SirLouie hmm can you walk him onto some white paper and get another pic?
(and if meh fails you, this this is a good place:
There’s one on the wall… (this is my friend’s picture)
@thismyusername “him”? Why are assuming it’s a dude bug?
@moonhat how dare I assume that bugs gender, I apologize.
@thismyusername I’m from PA and you all are scaring me. Of course, the mountains of PA, and everything is 10 degrees colder up here.
Whatever site you’re hosting the image on is blocked at my work. Saved it and putting it here via my phone…

@SirLouie Not really sure, but it looks like a red soldier beetle. Where in PA do you live?
@cinoclav Pittsburgh. Reddit suggests it’s a Wharf borer?
@cinoclav that second picture does look extremely similar
@SirLouis that does look exactly like it
@SirLouie Reading about them, sounds like that’s right. Probably not a good sign for the wood if there are borers. I’m just outside Philly, please keep your borers over there.
@SirLouie Glad you started this. I saw two of these at work last week and wondered what they were. Wharf borer gets my vote. I’m also just outside of Philly.
Looks like your run of the mill domestic cockroach to me.
@cranky1950 Nah, definitely a noticeable difference. Either way, they’re all gross.

@cinoclav No - look at the coloring on the back. It is different. The mystery bug is also thinner than roaches are. And I can say due to first hand recent experience (their egg sack was on the sticky paper so they were doomed from the start) that cockroach babies get their adult coloring within hours of being born and while they are still very tiny. Not a roach.
@Kidsandliz Didn’t have to tell me, I already mentioned that it wasn’t a roach.
@cinoclav Oops meant to reply to @cranky1950 and not you. Clicked on the wrong reply. Sorry.
Geez, the Wharf Borer and the Red Soldier beetle look almost identical!
@SirLouie Long lost brothers
@SirLouie crazy. Only really noticeable difference I see is the segment behind the head being different.
@RiotDemon the first one also has long mandibles.
@SirLouie I found these (perhaps clearer) pictures:
Wharf Borer

Red Soldier Beetle

Note the antenna and leg colors among other things.
@awk Coloration and the head from what we can see looks more like the borer?
any way you need the orkin man
I’d guess it’s a variety of Soldier Beetle. But here ya go…
If eluno thinks it is cute it is a spider if not I think it is of the mirida family and needs raid.
@CaptAmehrican Not cute enought to be a sexy spider.
Honestly it looks like one of my nightmare bugs…shutter…my best guess is it looks like a cockaroch to me.
@candiedisilvio1 Not a roach. This apt is over run with them. Plenty of first hand experience. The coloring is wrong and the width to length is wrong.
Peruvian Death Beetle. Nice knowing you.
@DaveInSoCal I don’t understand this reference. Can you explain? Even Google hasn’t been able to demystify it for me.
@SirLouie I understand. The Google search for this particular reference can be vague. Here’s how I found it: http://bfy.tw/CRwr
@DaveInSoCal Odd, it looks like another Redditor “letdogsvote” beat you to it by 6 years…
Guess that’s why I thought it might have been a thing. Thanks anyway!
@SirLouie I hate it when jerks from the past steal my ideas
@DaveInSoCal That’s time travelers for ya. You and I know the truth.
Just pick it up (cup your hand around it) and throw it outside. It’s not gonna hurt you.
Any of you folks ever lived in a southeastern state? At first glimpse I thought it was a palmetto bug, but the coloring and head shape are wrong. Lucky for you.
Palmetto bugs can fly, especially when they are alarmed and need to escape from something. Or from someone, as my mother found out when one flew onto her 1962-era beehive hairdo. Did I mention the damned things grow to about 2" ?
Is this now a dead bug? If yes take it to your nearest university biology dept and ask an entomologist if they have one.
Thanks everyone. Based on the coloring it’s probably the Wharf Borer. My friend said her new place had a ton of them in it. Eesh.
@SirLouie Sounds like her new place is very quickly going to be an old place with lots of rotted wood.