Can you give advice, please pass by thread if not interested in helping...
0I'm trying to raise money for a charity and looking for all places to find people willing, what ideas can meh users bring to the table? Other than word of mouth I've been tweeting, telling friends, social media and subtly leaving clues that I'd like support. It's a small goal and I know I can do it. What else can I be doing? The event is Saturday. Thanks for any input.
- 13 comments, 34 replies
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If you're on Facebook, leave a status update with a link to your event, then message people you think would support you.
Maybe create an event and invite a huge chunk of your friends to it?
If you follow anyone on Twitter with a decent following, you could try getting them to retweet your link.
You could also change your Twitter icon to the Extra Life icon until after the event is over.
If you want to venture into the real world, you could print up a flier to hand out.
Are you a member of another forum ? If you think people there would be receptive to it, might as well post it there.
@dashcloud I sneakily posted it in the original...I have posted on other forums, fliers at work, and tweeted hoping to get picked up. I'm just trying to get the word out without sounding needy. Thanks for the suggestions. The link!
@dashcloud @Boomdabah Also on twitter, if you can have a local paper or TVstation or something of that nature, find their twitter handle. Reply on a tweet of community activities. Everyone that sees their tweet will get your reply to it.
Remember to put a period "." before any @ that starts the reply so that everyone can see it.
Good luck !
@Boomdabah others here are doing it also. I've posted a few threads to get the word out. :) It's getting noticed more and more.
@sohmageek Awesome, hopefully we can rally some support!
@Boomdabah I've found facebook very good to get people to donate! :)
@Boomdabah do you have someone/ a direct link to you we could sponsor? If the link you gave is specific, sorry, it is not exactly mobile friendly :)
@mikibell Here's my link:
@Boomdabah Thank you!! Good luck.
@mikibell THANK YOU!!!
Fliers to local businesses.
@connorbush Done, thank you!
A bit late for your fundraiser - perhaps will help others...
A friend was pretty successful linking up with a local organization. The organization would depend on your community and the match to the charity. In their case it was the local Lions Club. It might be the Rotary, American Legion, Chamber of Commerce, etc...
The org helped promote and their membership multiplied the contact points. Even came with additional volunteers.
What was in it for the org? Sometimes they're looking for a project. And they get favorable publicity.
The catch? Organizational politics can be a hassle. Egos, power struggles, etc...
This sounds way old school, but contact local tv stations, they love human interest stuff and charitable situations especially if its unique.
Another suggestion is local church bulletins; the person who does our charitable events advertising sends to churches, day cares, the ymca, the newspaper, the new stations, basically to anyone/thing that communicates to others. Her list of contacts is amazing!
@mikibell I actually work at a church...I'm trying to tap into streaming networks and see what we can do. I'm already 1/4 of the way there!!!
@Boomdabah hmm our friend @mfladd is a sucker for charities.. trying to think who else would donate on such short notice. Your goal looks to be $100. It would be great if you met it or even exceeded it by Sat.!
@mikibell That's my hope, I'm just putting it out there and hopefully the stream will make up the rest tomorrow morning!!! Thanks to the anonymous donor!
@Boomdabah Oh, and did you mention that it is for the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals?? Calling all suckers for helping children.. please help Boomdabah.. @somahgeek @carl669
@mikibell I've been trying, I've mostly been selling that it is for my local state Riley children's hospital! Thank you for all your help, i appreciate it!
@Boomdabah So all of our friends in Indiana.. care to help?? I love our Children's Hospital in CT. They are awesome!
@mikibell @Boomdabah Sorry, I have been on vacation for a week and was not checking emails for notifications. I just got home today. My inbox was destroyed. I was only on sporadically on meh during last week - such as for the Great Jimmie/Sprinkle War of 2015. Glad to see some people helped here. Sorry I missed it.
Even if people want to come to my Twitch stream tomorrow and watch and maybe donate, that would be cool too!!! Probably 8-10am ET
UPDATE: We've already hit $100 goal this morning. Thank you to all donors! I've increased goal to $200 to see what we can raise on stream tomorrow! Thanks again!
@Boomdabah well now, you are getting greedy ;) It is the least we can do for the April Fools Fuku warning you gave us ... Have fun tomorrow. (I just hope I don't have to concede on the "jimmies/sprinkles" controversy with @mfladd ...)
@mikibell Not trying to be greedy. Thanks for the april fools acknowledgement, thought my comments weren't read here. Jimmies vs sprinkles???
@Boomdabah I was teasing about the greedy...
@Boomdabah If @mfladd helped you over the goal, I may owe him, since I invoked his name :)
@mikibell Really now?
@boomdabah congratulations for hitting your goal. Someone must like you :P I'm about $45 away from mine. I'll be posting a thread with twitch and other links to watch the multiple streams... why only 8-10 AM ET? Are you not doing the whole 24 hours?
I'll have the links here if I don't add another thread for Extra life streaming...
@Boomdabah also... What games are you going to be playing? Any Diablo 3? :)
@sohmageek Can't do the whole 24 hrs because of prior engagements but I'm going to still get a stream in...Probably Unturned and Rocket League...maybe CSGO put probably not...
@sohmageek really now?? are you not a sucker for helping out kids??? I think you proved me correct!
@mikibell I've been signed up for quite some time now ;) the wife wants me not to do next year. But I think I'm going to :) maybe have a meh team? ;)
@Boomdabah so make the rest of the time up some other time? Also it's good to disclose that you aren't doing the full 24 hour commitment or letting your contributors know what's going on. I'm going to be dragged into helping babysit. I'll just count the hours and do it on the end. Hurray for 7 am sat till 10(hopefully not noon) Sunday morning. Then crash lol
@mikibell oh and the really was toward the whole @mfladd
@sohmageek I said I hope I didn't HAVE to concede to @mfladd ;)
@mfladd You've permanently modified my brain path when hearing the word "sprinkes". Wed 11/4/2015 10:07AM
@RedOak Annie? 'Cause yeah, that's all I hear when I hear Sprinkle . . .
Thanks for all the suggestions, I made $135 today in two days and I think in big part to this page! Thanks so much!
@boomdabah I'm about to launch D3 if you're interested, look me up Sohmageek in Blizzard and in steam. Also I want to thank the Meh community, Someone made an anonymous donation saying "from meh" thank you!
Bake sale......Brownies......yeah Brownies
@somf69 LOL... NICE!
@mikibell. When I donated, I didnt have my goats in a either ignore that part of my message or mentally change it to will be a great goat. That is all.
@mehbee thank you very much mehbee! You were one of the people who said your name
@mikibell I really am not on drugs or got confused as to who the second person doing this event was and thought it was @sohmageek first and then thought it was you. I think I was right the first time so ignore my message.
@mehbee Hi! How wonderful it is that you donated! :)
Thanks again everyone! $150 in total!!! SWEEET