Can we please vote on Irk's continued existence?
1I’m sure I can’t be alone in this. I love the site and all things Meh…however, I still can’t get past Irk. I actively navigate away from pages that show his annoying little face.
I feel he is the New Coke, Edsel, & Betamax version of a mascot. I don’t think he even rises to Meh…he is lower than that. I can’t get THAT excited about him to rise to not caring. The AntiChrist of Meh is IRK…who believes we should religiously persecute this puppet regime?
Torches at the ready annnnnnnnnndddddd GO!
- 29 comments, 65 replies
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You kidding me? Irk rules.
@Bingo I feel the same way. I like Irk.
@Bingo We Love Irk... My son would love some more Irk videos and some irk paraphernalia.
Booooo!!! You, sir or madam, are the AntiChrist!
@pitamuffin anti-Irk? Yes. Not sure about antichrist. Have to check with my ex wife on that one.
Irk is absolutely the best meh employee, hands-down.
@brhfl For that I'm going to capture your IP and add a sleep timer to your page loads on fuku days.
@NigelF Yeah! Mediocrebot is the best employee. Despite, you know, being an asshole.
@NigelF Case in point - I feel like Irk just isn't that vengeful!
@brhfl sorry, as long as HollBoll keeps feeding me L3 Dragons, she's got my vote for best employee.
Maybe it bothers you more than it should.
You can vote on anything you like! Vote on how many days should be in November, or whether it ought to rain tomorrow, or to repeal the laws of thermodynamics. I bet it will be fun!
@matthew I would like to vote to occasionally repeal the laws of gravity please. Oh and to vote for a teletransporter that will move all my crap if I get lucky enough to get that job in Chicago that I am interviewing for the week after next.
@matthew i vote for good, cheap, blazing-fast, reliable Internet. Just like the rest of the developed world has already. We know that isn't happening anytime soon.
@matthew I vote you add a female member of irk's species named tina
@slydon Ya know, a female irk might be a good addition to the next generation of irk videos. Same as when tv shows add additional characters as they evolve. Tina, I am not sure about - my vote would be for Iris.
@mfladd but without Tina who will run the thundirkdome
@slydon I don't know, man. Do we need another hero?
can we vote on whether Tuesday should be a day instead? i vote for eliminating tuesday and making the other days longer. here's why. every day of the week has a feel to it:
monday - aw fuck, it's monday
wednesday - week's half over
thursday - it's almost friday!
friday - friday!
saturday/sunday - drinking time!
tuesday - uhhh...yeah. this day shouldn't exist.
who's with me?
@carl669 tacos. I rest my case.
@carl669 two-for. To add to @connorbush's statement.
@carl669 Wouldn't it be smarter to get rid of Monday?
@hollboll no. we need the 'aw fuck' factor in the week and monday already has it. @NigelF i'm not talking from a business standpoint. @connorbush tacos are to be enjoyed any time of the week. they shall not be monopolized.
@carl669 No way, Tuesday is a valuable Inherently Funny Word. Without Tuesday I'd be down to just Sheboygan, snifter, flapjacks, and tittyflaps.
@carl669 - What would I do with all the time I now spend checking
@Starblind And kumquat.
@parodymandotcom @Starblind
@medz heh. Galoshes.
@carl669 If you get rid of Tuesday, then Wednesday is no longer the halfway point, so might as well get rid of that too. Then it just becomes Monday, Thursday, and Friday!
@medz most brilliant thing ever! thanks. Okay, maybe not brilliant, but had me gut laughing
@carl669 I vote to add a day - Mehday. It would come midweek it would be against the law make anyone go to work that day.
Name one video-prolific website puppet mascot that's better.
@ACraigL there is a reason there aren't any.
Would you say that... he, irks, you?
Trolling so hard here.
I dunno, I like Irk. I'd rate his videos as below the absolute upper echelon of Meh content (Showbiz Corner & Hank Harland) but way above the deliberately dumb/repetitive ones like the worm rave.
I guess the reason I don't rate him higher is he sort of has the personality of a late 80s LA stand-up comedian, the ones who were REALLY influenced by George Carlin's observational humour style. It's not that it's terrible or anything, and all the Irk videos have had their moments, but a repeat viewer can pretty much predict how an Irk video is going to go before even watching it. Being a troll, you'd expect him to be more unpredictable and michevious. Still, maybe it bothers me more than it should, and free entertainment every day isn't something bad. He's funny more often than he's not funny.
@Starblind good reminder we're due for another worm video
@matthew Noooooooo!
@matthew Kazoos?
@matthew No. We're due for more possum head chronicles.
I like Irk.
You better watch out- I heard Irk's girlfriend @Pepsiwine just bought a knife
@sammydog01 @mydrivec LET'S RUMBLE!

I'm the Sharks, you're the Jets, and Irk is Maria.
Wait, no, that didn't turn out so well for Maria.
Ok, I'm Clint Eastwood, and you're the punk.
UNLESS... You want to be the shirtless weirdo in the black vest, and I can be the handsome dude in the white tracksuit and Irk can be Michael Jackson.
And then we can all dance.
@pepsiwine I'm Rick, you're Shane, and Irk is Lori.
@sammydog01 Ohhhhhhh yeahhhhh - now you're talkin' my language!
Except, can I be Carol and you're Rick and Irk is Daryl?
How about @pepsiwine you be Kirk, @sammydog01 you be Spock, and I will be McCoy looking very concerned - and Irk can be t'pau at the end
@mfladd I wanna be Kirk :(
@sammydog01 Dammit! I knew there was going to be an issue with character assignments.
@mydrivec I apologize I left you out of this casting. You can be Stonn - the stoic looking guy at 1:08 - that's really all that's left. And if you question me on my Star Trek Geekiness - I'll kill ya :)
@mfladd Happy to be included. And I am in awe of your ST geekiness. :)
I'd suggest that we vote on the continued presence (nothing so extreme as actual existence) of other members of our community, but I'm not altogether sure I wouldn't be voted out myself.
Fuck all of you guys that would vote me out. And, Irk, buddy, we got your back.
@joelmw - as possibly indicated by the thread's auto-image:

Irk is the best.
@AnnaB out of what?
Still hoping that we see an Irk doll offered on Meh!
@boc We all do... I'd love it if it had a integrated speaker dock... Maybe his arms can have a knife too?
Irk is alright.
It's the whole goat thing that really needs to go. A spent joke that really should be retired.
Now that this little question seems to be put to rest, I'd like to promote another vote: Let's vote on whether we should all shun @mydrivec.
@cinoclav What are you? Amish?
@eyewerks Yes, on a permanent rumspringa.
@cinoclav I would shun me. Nothing like a good shunning!
We tolerate female mosquitoes, allow cooties to invade us and even look forward to reality TV and you wanna pick on a defenseless hand puppet? Go somewhere and bawl you eyes out, your a disgrace to irkdumb..
@unkabob two of the three things you mentioned aren't actually real. Nicely done sir!
@mydrivec ... I'm sure they're all real in one of our alternate universes, uh.. unless THAT'S not real either.
@unkabob Multiverse is real. Also my favorite Family Guy episode
@mydrivec .. Guess that's as real as it's gonna get then.
I don't get in internet arguments anymore, so I'll keep this short.
Fuck you, your opinion is wrong.
@Pantheist ok Hitler!
(Fastest use of Godwin's law ever )
@cinoclav lol nice gif.
So you never want to see Irk again? I think I have the perfect solution; I volunteer to pay a surgeon* to used a rusty melon baller to scoop your eyes out, then use my Ken OnIon knife to slit your scrotum open, and surgically swap your eyes with your testicles so that you never have to see Irk again.
*surgeon may or may not have professional training. and by may I mean definitely won't.
@Superjimtendo Wow. You must really like Irk. Or you're just a sociopath.
@Superjimtendo thank you Mr Dahmer. Your opinion has been noted and appropriately disregarded.
@SSteve why can't it be both?
@mydrivec opinion? I don't believe I espoused one. Try harder.
@Superjimtendo you think me a possible sociopath? No? That is commonly called an opinion. No need to try harder.
Who's "Irk"?
@RedOak There's room on this train for two of you.
@cinoclav Snowpiercer and Irk is the head of the train we must cut off
Who do you think Irk is, Jason Todd?
@stuartpb with the old school ref
I am still willing to purchase Irk plush.
@joedel263 I would totally buy one. Just to make Mr Bill styled videos. In the end he would burn though.
@joedel263 Today’s the day.
Irk is a planet from Invader Zim...

The name Irk, like Meh, is a fine example of truth in advertising. Yay, for honest advertising! :-)
May you wake up with a speaker dock crammed where the sun don't shine. Irk is Meh
irk FTW
You can vote all you want, doesn't mean anything will change :P
@Collin1000 ..