Can we get, like, an org chart or something?
22So, lots of beakers are posting. What the fuck do you all do? I'm going to see if I can name all that I've seen so far: In no particular order, @snapster (ok, that was in a particular order), @dave, @jont, @shawn, @matthew, @harrison, @katylava, @hart, @mehcus, @hollboll, @chadp, @denboy, @mehdiocre WHEW! Sorry if I missed someone, it's only because you haven't made a very lasting impression on me. Beakers, tell us about yourselves. The less truthful the better. Knowing too much about folks on the other side of the internet makes it just a little too real.
- 14 comments, 67 replies
- Comment
@snapster does octopus stuff in the mornings, and i think @dave does little brother octopus stuff too.
you get all of the +1's available
"Beakers, tell us about yourselves."
Meep meep meep meeep meep meep. Meeeee meep meep, meep meep meep. Meep.
Hi, I'm @JonT and I'm the Community Communications Lead at Mediocre Labs.
Some of this is true and some is less true:
oh gosh that last one.
Also, where in SoCal are you from? I moved to Seattle from SoCal about a year ago myself.
Born in San Diego, lived in Orange County/LA County before I came here (Anaheim and La Mirada). What about you?
Born in the SFV but grew up in ventura county since I was 5ish. Agoura Hills/Thousand Oaks area. Certainly a great state,miss it occasionaly
If you told me even a year and six months ago that I would live in Texas I would have called you a liar. But it's been very very good to me.
@JonT I live in San Diego. Definitely a tough place to leave. What led you to TX?
It's a long story. I'll just say what led me here isn't why I love being here now.
@DaveInSoCal, where in San Diego? I'm in Lakeside.
Bass is awesome, I play (very poorly) myself, and I saw The Godfather for the first time about 6 months ago.
@lisaviolet Clairemont
Oh, another So Cal transplant! Hacienda Heights to Lake Elsinore here. Don't pick on me for my old 951 area code.
@Thumperchick it was really weird seeing how area codes don't mean shit up here.
@CowboyDann - I had to explain the area code thing to so many people here in NY.
@ceagee He clearly said bass GUITAR.
@JonT No you did not invent post-it-notes. I know for a fact it was Romy and Michele (they said so in the movie so it has to be true).
@JonT I know this a really old thread, but I am a newbie. So just exploring.
You say "no particular order;" I say FIFTH!
the ego of a 'creative' is a precious and fragile thing, not to be toyed with.
Liked it so i found the Original
It's all one person, who wears funny wigs/hats for each different persona, and also reads each post aloud in a goofy theatrical voice. One of them has a monocle and red silk sash with medals on it.
Did someone mention me?
My Twitter bio says I do: Content, Community & Design for , (CCO & Co-Founder)
i'm a developer. i type in all lowercase when what i am saying has not been thought out. i like cheese. and ice cream. and cookies. and bad coffee with artificial fruit flavors in it. i have 2 dogs and 2 cats. in my free time i play stupid games on my ipad while watching tv. i like to chill. you've probably already seen my twitter... that pretty much completes the picture.
I'm also a developer. People tell me I talk in lisp because of all the tangents. Well just Sam said that. He lives in Canada now.
Well I'm @hollboll and I'm a Member Engagement Specialist (MES).
• I also just moved here from Southern California.
• I am married and have two cats
• I have NOT been to the moon.
• Lived in Australia for 3 months
Need to get that titled changed to Member Engagement Hilarity Specialist (MEHS).
I don't think there's anythign wrong with saying @hollboll is a mes. ALTHOUGH, my two interactions with her would not support that statemen
You couldn't just change the 'two' to a 2 and fit that last t in there, could ya?
@Jont of course not.
It crossed my mind, @jont
Are you married to @JonT?
@marklog and I are not married.
Oh neato, another SoCal transplant. Where were YOU from?
@JonT did you break up after he cheated on you with that dog?
@cowboydann I grew up in the IE moved out to San Clemente to finish up high school then moved to Santa Barbara for college. :)
And another So Cal peep!
You're Customer Service, then?
@thumperchick yes and yup :)
"Member Engagement Specialist" So this site is really ?
@jont is auditioning for the role of nagging wife with posts that start with 'you couldn't just'
Hi, I'm @MEHcus, I guess I'll follow @Jont's format here. I'm the Member Engagement & Experience Manager at Mediocre Labs.
Most of this is trueish, most of it, maybe:
- Despite living in the good ole' state of Texas my entire life I do not own a gun or drive a truck.
- But I do own cowboy boots
- I currently have a zombie puppet version of my self covering a giant dinosaurs head sitting on my desk
- I once performed in a "Very Tuba Christmas" concert
- My favorite number is Free
- My real name is Heisenberg
- I do not keep up with the Kardashians
Last one is 100% lie.
I can vouch that this is false. Framed on his desk:
@hollboll says the girl with Bieber looking over her shoulder
And you're sort of one above @hollboll?
"I do not... drive a truck." Sure looked like you were driving a truck when you dropped off my gumball machine. @MEHcus, what say you?
@JMACKIE3501 see what had happened was...I borrowed a truck for said gumball mission. Also, I want a truck again.
Meh, why not? I'm @hart. I'm the Inventory Coordinator/Rodeo Clown at this place of employment.
My duties include:
So is Irk of the same species as ALF?
No, but Bruce Jenner is.
Honestly, I don't know. We just happen to have a lot of extra cats.
@hart about the cats...
completely true about the velvet rope.
Does that mean you are responsible for the "random" Fuku packages ? IOW, you are the one to bribe ?
@ceagee, no comment. But I accept bribes in the form of forum stars and Diet Dr. Pepper.
^^^^^ star.
just saying. they aren't beakers. they're erlenmeyer flasks.
also. i'll introduce myself on a different day.
You mean they aren't fancy wine decanters?
Yeah, they totally are.
I thought they were urnials.
Crap, I don't want to describe my mediocre role here.....boring. Anyone else care to take a stab at making me sound way more awesomer than I am?
@denboy is an ace fighter pilot for the battlestar Mediocre
Commander of Box Fort "JBL". @denboy leads the roombas into battle astride his mighty Irk mount.
@denboy is the Sterling Archer of the mediocre team
@denboy I told you no posting until After you make the coffee.
sorry, so @denboy is responsible for all of if the daily product selection sucks, that's @denboy. he's also our staff scapegoat
I was starting to feel good about this, then @snapster had to be all real. Coffee boy is important........right?
We're just so happy you launched the site.
Considering changing username to whipping boy
It has a nice ring to it
Shoulda gone for 5,000 mL round-bottom boiling flasks.