Can Meh become a tradable commodity?

Kevin went on a bit of a rant said

There should be a way to trade mehs and grow and eventually cash them in for a Fukubukaro (SP?) or something else just as worthless.

The smart people at Mediocre should create some sort of market with the sales info, and have people invest their meh clicks in it.

One thought is to divide up the day by 5 minute segments, and people can buy "stock" in them. The difference between each day for that segment would give you a return.

You would have to come up with a formula for the return. Something like, Revenue divided by sales orders, times new users created. You get your number, then you the same calculation for the next day -- subtract those two numbers and you get your return.

Each block would have a value, 12am would be worth more than 11pm.

You could find ways to game the system, but in the end it would benefit Meh. If there's something I want to buy, I could invest my meh for 2pm to 2:05pm block, place my order at 2:01pm, and increase my meh.

This is a pretty silly idea.