can i get a fuko do-over?


our son is still nursing and my wife is going to a conference next week for 5 days (it's their first time apart overnight, so that'll be interesting for me ... but i digress). so, she ordered a pump off ebay. unfortunately, chrome's autofill got its wires crossed and filled in the right street address, but the wrong city and zip. by the time she realized what had happened, the pump was already on its way back to the sender. so, i hit craigslist last night and tracked one down. however, the area was a bit sketchy. so, i didn't want my wife going over to get it and i volunteered. the pump was bought and i went home. unfortunately, it was already 9:20 (PST) by the time i got home and the fukobukuro was already gone. so, i'm formally requesting a fuko do-over. i'd be happy to fill out the necessary paperwork. you can do that, right?

tl;dr - i missed the fuko in order to acquire a breast pump.

stl;sdr -