button pushing outrage

amehzinggrace thought this was worth mentioning said

I blame whomever the goat is…and @therealjrn…cause new bot…according to @kidsandliz that is…

give me a button…i’ll push it…and I’ll keep pushing it…and fix the calendar push button…who the living f***tard decided that i needed a 7 day waiting period to push a button to see my calendar…i’m not purchasing a new gun…my papers are in order…i’m not some newbie bot…

AND i didnt get my black clawz…and no amount of telling me that they were delivered is going to make them appear…the box contained red clawz (also ordered)…and packaged air…texas air…air i already get outside…that’s not a bonus…that’s just not my clawz…or an answer from customer support…

I bid you all “good day”…