But No Elephants..
11So, I can hear my husband in the kitchen saying "stupid, stupid bird", while my old Italian superstitions are screaming "stupid, stupid husband; birds in the house are a bad omen." I can only imagine the silly husband left the back door open and the bird sought the warmth of my kitchen. Last time, hubby let a squirrel into the house with the same trick! So, what kind of critters have visited your home lately?
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None recently, thankfully. My neighbor's cat (who comes into my yard to get high on the mint plants) has wanted to before, though.
Snakes. One rat snake when I carelessly left the back door ajar, but mostly ring-neck snakes that I carefully pick up and put back outside. I don't mind them when I'm alone, but they tend to spook visitors. I try to quietly maneuver them back outside while mumbling about lizards and skinks, holding the ring-neck so that visitors don't notice the absence of legs on my "lizard" intruder. (Funny, really, because I would never pick up a lizard or skink. They bite.)
The wanna-be intruders are the raccoons. They get into the garage via the cat door and cause a mess, but I keep a storm door closed between the house and garage. So far, they have been unable to open that because it has a thumb latch that is too high to reach. They did figure out the thumb latch on the back porch door because there's a porch rail high enough for them to stand on, push in the door latch, and use a claw to swing the door open wide enough to get in. I started using a short bungee cord on the inside with one end around the door handle and the other attached to the wall. So far, that has defeated them. I really hate pesky wildlife with hands!
@rockblossom Talk about determined, what do you have in there? Raccoon crack?
@mikibell The thread picture really threw me off- I thought this was going to be a thread about beloved children's books (of which the thread title is definitely one), and instead I read about animals intruding into houses.
@thismyusername This is all your fault!
@dashcloud isn't that what our beloved book is about? First a bird? And lots of snow?

original source
I thought I had a cave cricket issue so I put down glue boards. Much to my surprise, I have a mice issue and sadly they don't do very well with glue boards.
@heartny I had a cricket issue. pesky little shits! I found that a dehumidifier helped make them go away.
Do spiders count? cuz we get a whole lot of spiders. Red nasty fat things. Ew!
@luvche21 spiders kill the bad bugs, they are your friends.

@thismyusername Yeah, I know that, but they're still super gross! We get black widows and other deadly ones here, so I at least pretend my hate for them has reason.
@thismyusername I was sad when the spider in my shower hid under the drain cover and I accidently drowned him :( I moved him out of the water but it was too late.
@thismyusername This actually might be why I live alone....or at least a product of living alone...
I live in a residential neighborhood. Today I looked out my kitchen window to see a beautiful red chicken scratching and pecking in my yard. No clue where it came from, but I looked it up and it seems it should find its own way home at dusk.
Nothing inside, but a crazy loud flock of parrots hang out from time to time in the tree outside of my apartment.
I had a cute male downy woodpecker get into my screened patio.

@cengland0 That looks more like a female red-bellied woodpecker

than a male downy.
@gio You might be right. I now have doubt.
Frogs and lizards, but mostly frogs. It's Florida, they're everywhere.
@FroodyFrog I just gagged at the sight of that. No thank you!
Do grandkids count?
During last years snow (we had maybe one or two), the birds were baffled by my kitchen window and kept flying into it. The vacant hamster cage had a few occupants while they recovered their wits. This only happens when snow is on the ground. It must change the reflectivity in some important way.