Burger King's Nightmare King Burger.
8It is a burger and a chicken breast together with the usual BK toppings but on a green bun. Last “trick” burger I had was the Halloween Whopper from BK green poop included.
I wasn’t going to get the Nightmare King but then the girl at the front register said: “I kinda want to try it but I heard that if you go to sleep later after you have nightmares and stuff.” Well, I checked online. So, I bought a Nightmare King and if I have nightmares tonight I’ll let you know.
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I want it!

Wonder if our local BK has them!
I’ll pass.
Does it count as an extra serving of vegetables?
If the bun is green, that makes it vegetarian, right?
Remember to avoid the Cheese Spider!
For extra colorful fun, get the frozen black cherry Fanta, too.
Update: I didn’t have any nightmurdermares that I am aware of.
@Targaryen Aw. Wait, does that mean the burger made you actually kill someone?
@Targaryen just be psychotic and eat before bed.
It was Sunday. @Targaryen is a cat.

Mehployees: watch out on Halloween.
@mossygreen No, no we’re fine I think. The burger didn’t make us kill anyone that we can recall without years of psychiatric help. I mean… no, I’m fine everything is fine.
@RiotDemon dammit that isn’t how I get nightmares. That just gives me fat.
@narfcake lol man I love The Oatmeal.