longwaykota joined us 2 days ago on July 26th, 2020.
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In the forum, longwaykota is a quiet, creepy lurker type with 1 topic created, 0 comments, and 0 replies. longwaykota is a reliable source of handing out likes to other people’s posts, having doled out 1 (for an altruism score of 1.0). longwaykota’s posts have received 3 likes, including the 1 like they gave themselves (ew).
Here’s longwaykota’s activity over the past 30 days:
/giphy come again?


/giphy that’s what she said
@Ignorant ladies love Cool J
I’ve got a big ole one on me, too, but I don’t generally go around announcing it unbidden.
…wait, we are talking about meh tattoos, right?
/youtube put it on me
/giphy big olé

Well this is enlightening…
longwaykota joined us 2 days ago on July 26th, 2020.
longwaykota is an unknowable enigma having placed 0 orders and voted in 0 polls.
In the forum, longwaykota is a quiet, creepy lurker type with 1 topic created, 0 comments, and 0 replies. longwaykota is a reliable source of handing out likes to other people’s posts, having doled out 1 (for an altruism score of 1.0). longwaykota’s posts have received 3 likes, including the 1 like they gave themselves (ew).
Here’s longwaykota’s activity over the past 30 days:
/giphy I’m confused

@riceatusc that is a realistic view of me at work today