There was a miniseries made of Ray Bradbury’s The Martian Chronicles when I was a kid. I was young when I saw it but I’d already read the book. I felt it was really good and it stuck with me.
After that I have a soft spot for the Tom Baker era of Dr. Who.
@st_ellis That gave me a chuckle. How about Sharknado, the last one in particular, though they all made me laugh for a different reason. It’s like a giant Beverly hills 90210, Voyager, Twister and Jaws mashup!
@hchavers I’d agree. The last season was a bust for me. Sorbo’s best performance, IMO, was an episode of Two and a half Men (S3, “Always a Bridesmaid, Never a Burro”).
Rommie was/is hawt. And bonus trivia, she’s Michael Shanks’ (SG-1) wife IRL (and why he made a guest appearance on Andromeda, and Lexa on SG-1).
B5 &/or DS9 would have been my choice(s), except that I started watching The Expanse when it moved to Amazon from SyFy, and whoaaaa, was it great! No, IMHO The Greatest. Really.
“You are about to enter another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land of imagination. Next stop, the Twilight Zone!”
@macromeh Glad I’m not the only one who remembers that show. Though “remembers” in my case is remembering that I liked it … couldn’t tell you what it’s actually about.
Star Trek in all it’s iterations is my favorite. I grew up with it. Same with TZ & DW. I watched B5 & loved it too. Amdromeda & Earth: Final Conflict both had serious problems as after their 2nd seasons. The Stargates were awesome. Farscape redefined what you could do with SciFi on TV. Then the rebooted Battlestar Galactica took it further. Firefly was funny as hell (I love Joss Whedon’s work, mostly). Fringe was a great show. After all that it seems that people were more willing to make SciFi and I am grateful for that!
@dontwantaname If it makes you feel better, in the app card game Animation Throwdown, Fry is eating some Panucci’s pizza with Seymour the dog in the research screen.
@eddhernandez Definitely, hope more seasons are coming, but I keep seeing Wash and looking for little dinosaurs. Would be cool to see some cameos of the old crew.
Without a doubt Star Trek. Specifically TNG.
/giphy booyah

Stargate SG-1.
For the record, I absolutely hate you for making me choose.
@submariner I said the same thing to my husband. How do I choose a favorite child?!?
Space: 1999
/giphy space 1999

@ybmuG I watched the first five minutes of this, and I’ll definitely be coming back when I have a half hour to spare
@st_ellis All episodes available on Roku Filmrise Sci-Fi app.
The new Lost in Space was pretty good.
Hard pressed to decide between Space, Above and Beyond and Firefly. Star Trek was my number one for a long time but recent shows… meh.
Clone wars
/giphy deep-space-nine

The Expanse
There was a miniseries made of Ray Bradbury’s The Martian Chronicles when I was a kid. I was young when I saw it but I’d already read the book. I felt it was really good and it stuck with me.
After that I have a soft spot for the Tom Baker era of Dr. Who.
What about the worst sci-fi movie/show?
I don’t know if it qualifies as bad, but this one makes me laugh.
@st_ellis That gave me a chuckle. How about Sharknado, the last one in particular, though they all made me laugh for a different reason. It’s like a giant Beverly hills 90210, Voyager, Twister and Jaws mashup!
@bmf “Plan 9 from outer space”
/giphy “plan 9 from outer space”

Where the frac is Battlestar Galactica (remake version)???!
At least someone had the decency to add The Expanse in the comments… @rtjhnstn

Quantum Leap
Red Dwarf!
@Kyeh Who’s the smeg-head who left THAT off the list???
@ybmuG Probably Queeg!

/image andromeda lexa doig
@mike808 It started out good
@hchavers I’d agree. The last season was a bust for me. Sorbo’s best performance, IMO, was an episode of Two and a half Men (S3, “Always a Bridesmaid, Never a Burro”).
Rommie was/is hawt. And bonus trivia, she’s Michael Shanks’ (SG-1) wife IRL (and why he made a guest appearance on Andromeda, and Lexa on SG-1).
Lost. (I know it’s not pure sci-fi, but that was one of its many genres & was probably the thing that most sucked me in, God help me!)
The Book of Bobba Fett
I rest my case. Now, go … like a Bantha.
/youtube bobba fett Rasputin
Futurama is great but wouldn’t exist without Star Trek. For all is flawed, ST is the GOAT
Babylon 5 ties with Star Trek & Firefly. The comes Dr Who. Then we have a Andromeda, & Farscape.
B5 &/or DS9 would have been my choice(s), except that I started watching The Expanse when it moved to Amazon from SyFy, and whoaaaa, was it great! No, IMHO The Greatest. Really.
I vote ‘The Outer Limits’ as best TV sci-fi show.
@redrock0597 The OG B&W or the color reboot?
@mike808 @redrock0597 original. Hands down.
@mike808 The b&w original. I saw every one when it originally aired. The color reboot is OK.
Stargate is criminally underrated.
“You are about to enter another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land of imagination. Next stop, the Twilight Zone!”
@macromeh Glad I’m not the only one who remembers that show. Though “remembers” in my case is remembering that I liked it … couldn’t tell you what it’s actually about.
@TheFLP As I recall it was about 30 minutes.
(The BBC series)

I concur with most of the ones listed. I also loved warehouse 13.
Star Trek in all it’s iterations is my favorite. I grew up with it. Same with TZ & DW. I watched B5 & loved it too. Amdromeda & Earth: Final Conflict both had serious problems as after their 2nd seasons. The Stargates were awesome. Farscape redefined what you could do with SciFi on TV. Then the rebooted Battlestar Galactica took it further. Firefly was funny as hell (I love Joss Whedon’s work, mostly). Fringe was a great show. After all that it seems that people were more willing to make SciFi and I am grateful for that!
Most all of the above. But Babylon 5, The Expanse, Star Treks (not a typo), and the Star Wars series in particular.
I hope the rumors of The Expanse getting more seasons are true, as the last trilogy has some wild stuff in it.
@blaineg I haven’t gotten around to watching The Expanse yet or I my might have included it!
I’ve heard of Futurama, but what’s the Futarama listed in the poll?
@blaineg Something to do with Rule34?
@blaineg given the meaning of the apparent root word, it’s certainly not family friendly, whatever it is.
He left the dog again in Futurama when he went back. What the heck was wrong with him???
@dontwantaname If it makes you feel better, in the app card game Animation Throwdown, Fry is eating some Panucci’s pizza with Seymour the dog in the research screen.
The Expanse… imo
Resident Alien?
@eddhernandez Definitely, hope more seasons are coming, but I keep seeing Wash and looking for little dinosaurs. Would be cool to see some cameos of the old crew.
I’m a leaf on the wind.
Fringe, Warehouse 13, or Eureka. I can’t choose!
Rick and Morty?
C-SPAN videos of Senate debates.
@rockblossom I think you meant CPAC. Just wait until the GQP Convention in 2024.
Let see if this thread does any better with this roster than in the topic I posted it in. Open in a new tab to get a bigger picture.
@blaineg Game over man, game over!
Never give up, never surrender!
@st_ellis But Galaxy Quest was a documentary!