@Rueki I genuinely liked the reboots (loved the alternative history swerve!), but… they never really felt like “Star Trek” to me. I mean, they pretty much could have been any big budget Hollywood film thingy. But whenever I’ve mentioned this to people, they invariably go “Whaaa…?”
@Rueki There are more films. Just not from Roland Emmerich.
Stargate Continuum and Stargate Ark of Truth are films. They may have been straight-to-video releases, but still a continuous presentation of about 2 hours of content, just like a “movie”.
Which means a “movie” has the same content as a double-episode (or a triple-episode if you remove ads).
Or were you implying a theatrical release was required? Because those days are numbered with made-for-TV, straight-to-video, and now streaming distribution channels.
And are you including film adaptations of pre-existing book franchises or original films only?
@mike808 I’m aware of both and agree Stargate. Although without the years of series they would not make a ton of sense since they are, unfortunately, end caps. But I’m still thrilled we got them. Both of those movies are in my DVD collection.
Poor or unfinished phrasing on my part. I literally meant if they left out the word “film” we might get some more interesting suggestions to go watch. And everyone should go watch Stargate. Cause. Stargate. (I prefer the show to the movie)
your list is redundant.
animatrix be damned, I’ve held the same belief since the First time I Saw the Matrix in '99…Terminator is the backstory.
Also… StarTrek and Transformers are in the same universe.
I’ll give you alternate time lines, Wibbly-Wobbly-Timey-Wimey-Multiverse stuff ( I am a sucker for almost ANY time travel story), but.
StarTrek the Motion Picture:(it’s been around 40 years, but… Spoilers?)
massive alien entity, calling itself “V’ger” is coming for earth. Turns out V’Ger is one of the Voyager Probes, and it encountered was upgraded by a machine world.
what did the Voyager probes have onboard? a Golden Record, inscribed with “the sounds of Earth” and all sorts of Data about us.
…Well… 2 Voyager Records play a large part in Transformer’s Lore, Called “the Golden Disks”.
V’ger is a Voyager probe that went to Cybertron.
and given that it’s first instinct was to destroy anything that got in the way of it’s Mission…
Clearly upgraded by Shockwave…
@mike808 just looked it up… V’ger was Voyager 6 ( again, only 2 were launched).
"it was pulled into an anomaly once called a black hole, shortly after leaving Earth’s solar system.
Voyager 6 emerged from the anomaly in what was believed to have been the far side of the galaxy, and fell into the gravitational field of a planet populated by living machines. These beings found Voyager 6 damaged by its travels, and the identifying plaque attached to the probe’s exterior had been burned, leaving only the letters “V”, “G”, “E”, and “R” legible; the inhabitants of the machine planet called the probe “V’ger”.
These entities found V’ger to be primitive, but of a kindred spirit. They discovered the probe’s simple, 20th century programming, “learn all that is learnable and return that knowledge to the creator,” and interpreted these instructions literally"
Aliens, then Riddick.
Star Trek 1 through 10. Not the reboots.
@Rueki I genuinely liked the reboots (loved the alternative history swerve!), but… they never really felt like “Star Trek” to me. I mean, they pretty much could have been any big budget Hollywood film thingy. But whenever I’ve mentioned this to people, they invariably go “Whaaa…?”
Star Wars is fantasy; Not Sci-Fi… Library of Congress, most film schools, and most organisational systems count it that way. Just saying.
Great (excluding the last trilogy), but not truly Sci-Fi
/giphy Debbie downer

@arosiriak So is MCU fantasy or sci-fi? Ironman?
@arosiriak It fits the definition of science fiction.
@arosiriak @zhicks1987 How so?
Back to the Future
@mike808 I agree it’s an awesome sci-fi movie but isn’t it just one film? That is until Roland Emmerich decides to make more of them that is.
@mike808 if only they’d left out the word film… In general not specifically Stargate. There’d be more. But yes Stargate
@Rueki There are more films. Just not from Roland Emmerich.
Stargate Continuum and Stargate Ark of Truth are films. They may have been straight-to-video releases, but still a continuous presentation of about 2 hours of content, just like a “movie”.
Which means a “movie” has the same content as a double-episode (or a triple-episode if you remove ads).
Or were you implying a theatrical release was required? Because those days are numbered with made-for-TV, straight-to-video, and now streaming distribution channels.
And are you including film adaptations of pre-existing book franchises or original films only?
@mike808 I’m aware of both and agree Stargate. Although without the years of series they would not make a ton of sense since they are, unfortunately, end caps. But I’m still thrilled we got them. Both of those movies are in my DVD collection.
Poor or unfinished phrasing on my part. I literally meant if they left out the word “film” we might get some more interesting suggestions to go watch. And everyone should go watch Stargate. Cause. Stargate. (I prefer the show to the movie)
I liked Andromeda. Weird as it was.
@unksol Me too on Andromeda. Rommie is/was … easy on the eyes as a younger lad.
@mike808 I mean. In all of her forms
/youtube andromeda ascendant
I can’t get an image to work. So boring nerd description vs just. Andromeda
@unksol Here is a scene where Rommie (the avatar) had her hands full.

@mike808 I mean. Lexa Doig was rocking it in general. I will not deny she was hot.
Harper says he had a hand in it but. No.
@unksol If Harper had had a hand in it, he would have been called “Stumpy”.
/giphy Ian Malcolm

Star Trek. All of it.
Star Trek. Duh
Star Wars is not even science fiction, more an action/fantasy movie that happens to be set mostly in space
I’m totally on the Star Trek side of things. Star Wars isn’t scifi.
One more for Star Trek
Best Sci-Fi film franchises not yet made:
Does a film + a sequel constitute a franchise? If so, I’d vote for Blade Runner and 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Galaxy Quest.
@zhicks1987 That’s a documentary, you nerfherder.
I picked Matrix, but only because I haven’t seen the full series of any of the others, and none of the suggestions really spoke to me either.
your list is redundant.
animatrix be damned, I’ve held the same belief since the First time I Saw the Matrix in '99…Terminator is the backstory.
Also… StarTrek and Transformers are in the same universe.
I’ll give you alternate time lines, Wibbly-Wobbly-Timey-Wimey-Multiverse stuff ( I am a sucker for almost ANY time travel story), but.
StarTrek the Motion Picture:(it’s been around 40 years, but… Spoilers?)
massive alien entity, calling itself “V’ger” is coming for earth. Turns out V’Ger is one of the Voyager Probes, and it encountered was upgraded by a machine world.
what did the Voyager probes have onboard? a Golden Record, inscribed with “the sounds of Earth” and all sorts of Data about us.
…Well… 2 Voyager Records play a large part in Transformer’s Lore, Called “the Golden Disks”.
V’ger is a Voyager probe that went to Cybertron.
and given that it’s first instinct was to destroy anything that got in the way of it’s Mission…
Clearly upgraded by Shockwave…
@earlyre Unless the aliens are hanging out in the deep freeze of the Oort cloud, V’ger ain’t bump8ng into shit for tens of thousands of years.
Remember, it is traveling at way, way slow sub-light speeds. Despite being the fastest man-made object in the universe, so far.
@mike808 shhhh…
Suspension of disbelief sir…
Besides, if memory serves, V’ger was “Voyager 4”… And there were only 2…
@mike808 just looked it up… V’ger was Voyager 6 ( again, only 2 were launched).
"it was pulled into an anomaly once called a black hole, shortly after leaving Earth’s solar system.
Voyager 6 emerged from the anomaly in what was believed to have been the far side of the galaxy, and fell into the gravitational field of a planet populated by living machines. These beings found Voyager 6 damaged by its travels, and the identifying plaque attached to the probe’s exterior had been burned, leaving only the letters “V”, “G”, “E”, and “R” legible; the inhabitants of the machine planet called the probe “V’ger”.
These entities found V’ger to be primitive, but of a kindred spirit. They discovered the probe’s simple, 20th century programming, “learn all that is learnable and return that knowledge to the creator,” and interpreted these instructions literally"