Seven Daze in Meh, starring Burt Votecaster and Kirk Lincoln-Douglas, about a preposterous Deep State takeover. Also, Frederick March was the leader of the band. Melania (“Ava”) Gardner was the neglected love-interest.
Coolidge Runnings
Garfield of Dreams
Hoover Framed Roger Rabbit
Truman Who Shot Liberty Valance
La La Cleveland
Cleveland of the Lost
She’s All Taft
Adams’ed Yankees
The House That Jackson Built
Cannery Monroe
Beach Blanket Buchanan
(Please, someone stop me, before I pun again!)
Reagin’ Cajun
Seven Daze in Meh, starring Burt Votecaster and Kirk Lincoln-Douglas, about a preposterous Deep State takeover. Also, Frederick March was the leader of the band. Melania (“Ava”) Gardner was the neglected love-interest.
@phendrick There were also drunk Senators and rifle-toting right-wingers to amp up the incredibility (or, “willing suspension of disbelief”).
Forgot to mention the “China threat”, from the tea-leaf-reading future-predictors.
Shouldn’t this poll be in the political quarantine thread…?
@shahnm No, because I demand my first-amendment Twitter rights.
@shahnm @phendrick Gaaah! We’ve escaped quarantine!
Ford Vs. Lincoln
@shahnm cars or presidents?
Actually, thought it was Booth vs Lincoln.
@phendrick That was the sequel. For some reason, there wasn’t a third installment…
The Taft: Legacy
LinColn Air
and, well, The Truman Show
Sweet Home ala Obama
Silence of the Lambs
We are the sheep who are voiceless.
@tweezak This is literally the one day of the year where your voice is as loud as Jeff Bezos or Mitch McConnel
@brumagem @tweezak “Strike the ballot for Pete’s Sake! You’re the man now, Dawg!”
The Ike-er Sanction
Be Coolidge
Inglourious Basterds (covers most of them)
Hair Farce One, starring Harrison Forty-five.
Donald & Joseph Go to White Castle
Coolidge Runnings
Garfield of Dreams
Hoover Framed Roger Rabbit
Truman Who Shot Liberty Valance
La La Cleveland
Cleveland of the Lost
She’s All Taft
Adams’ed Yankees
The House That Jackson Built
Cannery Monroe
Beach Blanket Buchanan
(Please, someone stop me, before I pun again!)
The Adams Family.
(two for one)
@PocketBrain You get a second star as well.
Trump, The Tragic Comedy?
Oh wait, I totally misunderstood the question.
@DrWorm No that was a great movie.
Twilight’s Last Reaming
Not a pun but Man of the Year starring Robin Williams is a very fun watch despite being full of plot holes.
@brumagem WAIT
You Don’t Know Jackson
Princess and the Ford
Avengers: In-Kennedy War
Forrest Trump
Independence Day
Ulysses S. Grantz
girls gone wild: down and dirty debuTHOMAS JEFFERSON