To kill a mocking-bob
Oliver French Twist
A-pair-of-clips Now.
@WaltC That’s a movie, but maybe it’s based on the novel Hair of Darkness.
@Fuzzalini You’re right. I should have said: You’ve seen the movie, now read the book, “A-pair-of-clips Now”!
From Hair to Eternity
The Perm (by John Steinbeck)
Tails of Mystery and Hairmagination by Headgare Allen Poe
Of Lice and Men
Follicles - also a musical
One Hundred Weaves of Solitude
Atlas Shaved
The Wig In the Willows
War and Hair-Piece
Hair - the version with John Travolta
Gray Expectations
The Handmaid’s Tail
A Brief History of Trim
Julius Scissor
The Last of the Mohawks
Hairy Potter
That’s a series:
Hairy Potter and The Pageboy’s Style
Hairy Potter and The Chamber of Scissors
Hairy Potter and The Ponytail of Asymmetry
Hairy Potter and The Cabinet of Dryers
Hairy Potter and The Order of the Pomade
Hairy Potter and The Half-Box-Braid Princess
Hairy Potter and The Dreadlock Fellows
The tale of Peter Rabbit. Duh
@unksol Hare. I see what you did there…
@shahnm you mean you see what I did hare?
@unksol We’ll, somebunny had to point it out…
@shahnm that wabbit rabbit!
@shahnm @unksol This is haresay: Take him to a pellet court.
The Perminator
What about Bob?
@mike808 Was there a book?
@mike808 @shahnm bill murray doesn’t require a book
@mike808 is that the movie of, roses are red, violets are blue, I am schizophrenic, and so am I. ?
@mike808 @moonhat sounds about right… Sometimes I say to my selves. Selves… I… wait what were we talking about
@mike808 @moonhat @unksol Paranoid schizophrenic with narcissistic delusions of grandeur who is convinced one of me is out to get the rest of me.
@mediocrebot m-bot, that’s gross. Behave yourself.
@mediocrebot @moonhat yeah. Not sure what’s up with that. I could have done without that particular mediocre bot. Guessing it googled schizophrenic
Sometimes a Great Lotion King Shear
The Big Tease Starring Craig Furgeson!
@mike808 I freaking love this move so hard! Forgot it existed—so super big thanks!
Great Investment guides: “The Mullet-hair Next Door” “The Wealthy Barber” (That’s a real book, of course)
For Adults: “Balding all Night Long”
Part of Darkness by Froseph Conrad
Brave New Curl
Next Genhairation
@unksol “To baldly go where no one has gone before.”
@Milyvan1 well done. You might enjoy this.
Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow
@benj I like this one. Thank you for your recommendation.
@Margarate Your welcome!
All the King’s Manes.
The Lord of the Ringlets
And a favorite (real) book: Hofstadter’s Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid
The Unhairable Lightness of Being
Not a novel, but: Much Updo About Nothing
The Pony Tale.
ooooh- 2 of my fave movies are Con Air, and The Cutting Edge.
@moonhat oops not a novel
To kill a mocking-bob
Oliver French Twist
A-pair-of-clips Now.
@WaltC That’s a movie, but maybe it’s based on the novel Hair of Darkness.
@Fuzzalini You’re right. I should have said: You’ve seen the movie, now read the book, “A-pair-of-clips Now”!
From Hair to Eternity
The Perm (by John Steinbeck)
Tails of Mystery and Hairmagination by Headgare Allen Poe
Of Lice and Men
Follicles - also a musical
One Hundred Weaves of Solitude
Atlas Shaved
The Wig In the Willows
War and Hair-Piece
Hair - the version with John Travolta
Gray Expectations
The Handmaid’s Tail
A Brief History of Trim
Julius Scissor
The Last of the Mohawks
Hairy Potter
That’s a series:
Hairy Potter and The Pageboy’s Style
Hairy Potter and The Chamber of Scissors
Hairy Potter and The Ponytail of Asymmetry
Hairy Potter and The Cabinet of Dryers
Hairy Potter and The Order of the Pomade
Hairy Potter and The Half-Box-Braid Princess
Hairy Potter and The Dreadlock Fellows
The tale of Peter Rabbit. Duh
@unksol Hare. I see what you did there…
@shahnm you mean you see what I did hare?
@unksol We’ll, somebunny had to point it out…
@shahnm that wabbit rabbit!
@shahnm @unksol This is haresay: Take him to a pellet court.
The Perminator
What about Bob?

@mike808 Was there a book?
@mike808 @shahnm bill murray doesn’t require a book
@mike808 is that the movie of,
roses are red, violets are blue,
I am schizophrenic, and so am I.
@mike808 @moonhat sounds about right… Sometimes I say to my selves. Selves… I… wait what were we talking about
@mike808 @moonhat @unksol Paranoid schizophrenic with narcissistic delusions of grandeur who is convinced one of me is out to get the rest of me.
@mediocrebot m-bot, that’s gross. Behave yourself.
@mediocrebot @moonhat yeah. Not sure what’s up with that. I could have done without that particular mediocre bot. Guessing it googled schizophrenic
Sometimes a Great Lotion
King Shear
The Big Tease

Starring Craig Furgeson!
@mike808 I freaking love this move so hard! Forgot it existed—so super big thanks!
Great Investment guides:
“The Mullet-hair Next Door”
“The Wealthy Barber” (That’s a real book, of course)
For Adults:
“Balding all Night Long”
Part of Darkness by Froseph Conrad
Brave New Curl
Next Genhairation
@unksol “To baldly go where no one has gone before.”
@Milyvan1 well done. You might enjoy this.
Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow
@benj I like this one. Thank you for your recommendation.
@Margarate Your welcome!
All the King’s Manes.
The Lord of the Ringlets
And a favorite (real) book: Hofstadter’s
Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid
The Unhairable Lightness of Being
Not a novel, but: Much Updo About Nothing
The Pony Tale.
ooooh- 2 of my fave movies are Con Air, and The Cutting Edge.
@moonhat oops not a novel