I went to buy new shoes today and I got some regularly $50 shoes for $3.50. I assume someone made a typo but I pointed it out to the cashier and it rang through at that price so happy day for me.
Growing up in SoCal, I remember days growing up in which we were not allowed to play outside because of the smog. Stringent air quality standards have done a lot, but there’s still room for improvement.
/image LA smog then and now
@narfcake@rtjhnstn the article you cite is from 2014 who reads information that old? Also it talked about song bird deaths not bald eagles. They are everyone’s bird ours China Germany even Ukraine with their perfect phone call. For the love of all that is holy can we elect people from now on who do not sound like idiots when they speak. I don’t care about your taxes but do a good job and don’t make me feel like a finger painting has better communication skills.
I “rescued” my neighbor from child-baked cookies left for Santa. Lent her my trash can so she could destroy the evidence AND gave her a full tin of GOOD cookies. It’s a Christmas Eve miracle! LOL
Does something you bought for yourself, wrapped yourself, and put under the tree for yourself count as a non-gift? If not it was the new butt stock for a Snake Charmer II I’m rebuilding.
/image SnakecharmerII
lots of things, but of the poll choices i had to go with nice weather. driving is really Not Fun for me so i’m glad there’s no rain, snow, or ice to make it worse. and last night driving down there wasn’t even any traffic. it was almost eerie, in a way, but i’ll take it!
I would say decent weather which is currently decent (42° and climbing) for early spring or late fall. It’s not that decent for winter here in northern lower Michigan. I voted for day off. At least I can rake all the leaves in the yard that the damn trees held onto for a long time.
Saying Merry Christmas to a bunch of strangers and getting lil star points for it.
I made cassoulet today, and sharing it with mom was pretty great.
/image cassoulet

@UncleVinny that looks awesome, Vin!
I went to buy new shoes today and I got some regularly $50 shoes for $3.50. I assume someone made a typo but I pointed it out to the cashier and it rang through at that price so happy day for me.
Oxygen, I’m glad there’s air to breathe.
@rtjhnstn Here’s hoping we can all say the same thing in the future.
Growing up in SoCal, I remember days growing up in which we were not allowed to play outside because of the smog. Stringent air quality standards have done a lot, but there’s still room for improvement.

/image LA smog then and now
@narfcake @rtjhnstn wind turbines
@bleedmichigan @rtjhnstn The message obviously didn’t get through.
@narfcake @rtjhnstn the article you cite is from 2014 who reads information that old? Also it talked about song bird deaths not bald eagles. They are everyone’s bird ours China Germany even Ukraine with their perfect phone call. For the love of all that is holy can we elect people from now on who do not sound like idiots when they speak. I don’t care about your taxes but do a good job and don’t make me feel like a finger painting has better communication skills.
/giphy finger painting for president 2020

I “rescued” my neighbor from child-baked cookies left for Santa. Lent her my trash can so she could destroy the evidence AND gave her a full tin of GOOD cookies. It’s a Christmas Eve miracle! LOL
Does something you bought for yourself, wrapped yourself, and put under the tree for yourself count as a non-gift? If not it was the new butt stock for a Snake Charmer II I’m rebuilding.

/image SnakecharmerII
Stories of family memories.
Having a 13 year old tell you your a great dad and realizing just how proud of her you are.
Close encounters.
Great food and snacks at work
Holiday wishes and other encouraging words from friends and family.
It was something… NSFW, but not anything exotic.
Not having to deal with in-laws.
24 hours of A Christmas Story
@lilsrm123 With only 12 hours of ads!
Carols, then midnight Mass with French horn, flute, piano/organ, full choir and two professional sopranos, then champagne and cookies to follow.
lots of things, but of the poll choices i had to go with nice weather. driving is really Not Fun for me so i’m glad there’s no rain, snow, or ice to make it worse. and last night driving down there wasn’t even any traffic. it was almost eerie, in a way, but i’ll take it!
merry christmas and happy holidays everyone!
Watching Gemma get so excited about my gifts that she forgot to open her other gifts. Adorbz. Love my little Shade Queen!
Light traffic on the way into work.
Having to work on Christmas isn’t the worst thing but it is what it is.
A nice hot cup of coffee 27 seconds after I woke up!
@Goofmont Bless you. We are in the same church.
Being able to stand barefoot in the street on Christmas day and take pictures. That’s a little cloud at the top of the first one.
Double rainbow (taken from the backyard):

Seeing the rainbow in FRONT of the hill:

I would say decent weather which is currently decent (42° and climbing) for early spring or late fall. It’s not that decent for winter here in northern lower Michigan. I voted for day off. At least I can rake all the leaves in the yard that the damn trees held onto for a long time.
It’s pouring rain and windy today, but I don’t have to drive to work in it.
Paramount network recognizes the best Christmas movie ever. Die Hard.
Two days of family parties, a digital copy of the Muppet Christmas Carol, and the flu. The last item I am looking for the receipt so I can return.
Day off, A Christmas Story and Harry Potter marathons, and the Sixers kicking some ass!
Beautiful weather (high here in Iowa was in the low 60s on Christmas)… and a free rental of The Polar Express (I’d never seen it before) from Vudu.