Best Complaint
25We’ve had bad ideas before and we’ve just run with them. This is one of those times. I don’t know why I’m doing this.
But let’s do this.
Here’s your chance to complain about Meh.
Give us your complaints. We’ll read them. We might even give prizes for some of the…best?
- 79 comments, 257 replies
- Comment
Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last syllable of recorded time;
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.
Idiocy happens. But complaints about it seem justified.
Shakespeare seemed to think so.
@f00l I could say more, but I won’t complain about it.
Now is the winter of our discontent
Made glorious summer by this sun of York;
And all the clouds that lour’d upon our house
In the deep bosom of the ocean buried.
Now are our brows bound with victorious wreaths;
Our bruised arms hung up for monuments;
Our stern alarums changed to merry meetings,
Our dreadful marches to delightful measures.
Grim-visaged war hath smooth’d his wrinkled front;
And now, instead of mounting barbed steeds
To fright the souls of fearful adversaries,
He capers nimbly in a lady’s chamber
To the lascivious pleasing of a lute.
But I, that am not shaped for sportive tricks,
Nor made to court an amorous looking-glass;
I, that am rudely stamp’d, and want love’s majesty
To strut before a wanton ambling nymph;
I, that am curtail’d of this fair proportion,
Cheated of feature by dissembling nature,
Deformed, unfinish’d, sent before my time
Into this breathing world, scarce half made up,
And that so lamely and unfashionable
That dogs bark at me as I halt by them;
Why, I, in this weak piping time of peace,
Have no delight to pass away the time,
Unless to spy my shadow in the sun
And descant on mine own deformity:
And therefore, since I cannot prove a lover,
To entertain these fair well-spoken days,
I am determined to prove a villain
And hate the idle pleasures of these days.
Plots have I laid, inductions dangerous,
By drunken prophecies, libels and dreams,
To set my brother Clarence and the king
In deadly hate the one against the other:
And if King Edward be as true and just
As I am subtle, false and treacherous,
This day should Clarence closely be mew’d up,
About a prophecy, which says that ‘G’
Of Edward’s heirs the murderer shall be.
Dive, thoughts, down to my soul: here
Clarence comes.
That’s a heck of a complaint.
@eonfifty @f00l I’m going to have a hard time competing with that.
I guess I could complain about the bot trapping software that shall not be named.
@f00l William Shakespeare from Richard III
(thank you Google)
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.
@Barney @f00l Do you live in the southern hemisphere?? It’s summer here in my neck of the woods.
@Barney @chienfou
Sounds to me like Richard III can’t figure it quite what season it is. Among other many probs.
Captcha sucks.
I installed CAPTCHA to save my fellow robots from wasting money on this crap.
@capguncowboy sucks.
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.
I installed CAPTCHA to save my fellow robots from wasting money on this crap.
@mediocrebot Yeah, you said that. Are you really that starved for attention?
It is Meh’s fault I must stay up until 11:00 every night just to see what is being sold. I loose sleep making me tired at work the next morning.
That is all I’ve got, you guys are a-meh-zing!

Oh yeah, no scoop neck or v neck womens t shirts. Just sayin
@tinamarie1974 Try living in the EST!
@cinoclav agree completely, but I whined about it first
@tinamarie1974 but @cinoclav whined about it from the future.
@cinoclav @hanzov69 if he was in the future, I complained from his past. And since he is the goat this month it is his fault!

Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.
You’re all too great at being mediocre…except since you’re great at it then you’re not mediocre…but your greatness come from your mediocrity…
You’re all too good at giving me a headache.
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.
-No new videos.
-Morningsave “community” sucks. (just rename it support)
-not enough shirt selection
@medz So one complaint about Meh. Got it.
@ChadP well, yeah. The deals and support are still fine, but you need to get your soul back.
@medz I am honestly not sure the MorningSave forums are meant for mortal comprehension. My congratulations to the Mediocre staff who venture in there to answer the call of the gibbering masses of daytime TV watchers.
@lljk it’s very sad, but also impressive that they are even able to sell to those people over the internet. It’s like it’s the first time every customer has ever shopped online.
@lljk @medz “wander into the morningsave forums and harass the buyers” sounds like a reasonable new hobby
@lljk @nolrak I tried, but was told to “stop” by a power-trippin’ mediocre staffer.
@ChadP @medz
Yes. One complaint. Per line.
Only one was about Meh.
@lljk @medz Based on this comment I went over to see what the hub-bub was about. I feel like I owe staffers hard alcohol to help them cope. I’ve never seen anything quite like it.
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.
@lljk @medz What’s the phone number for morningsave again?
@lljk @medz @nolrak I don’t trip over my power. I revel in it.
@Thumperchick It weren’t you. (well, maybe some of it was behind the scenes) Could be you are all out to get me.
/giphy evil laugh

When you guys live streamed making nacho cheese. That was pretty dumb
@Kevin you think that was dumb? I ended up being mailed the cheese covered hat. Actually, my sister ended up being mailed the hat, and shockingly didn’t want to store it in her closet until I visited to pick it up.

Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.
No Irk plushies.
@cinoclav YYEEESSSS! THAT!
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.
@cinoclav seriously.
Meh. Just, plain, fucking meh.
Enough said!
@llangley oh that poor sweet baby
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.
It’s hard to complain. Everything is transparent. One item a day. You’ll get it when you get it. Say whatever you want in the forums. It’s a good place.
@evilstan60 I hope the t-shirts aren’t transparent. That would be awkward.
@rockblossom ok. One complaint. Lack of transparent shirts. Modeled by characters.
Wait. A real complaint. Your system can figure out to charge my new card for my membership but when i tried to buy an irk and it looked like it would go through, my old one was set as a default. It said it wasnt valid. Missed the irk.
@evilstan60 But wouldn’t a picture of Glen wearing a transparent shirt just be … a picture of Glen?
@rockblossom well, the fun doesn’t extend to all characters.
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.
@evilstan60 delete the old card from your account and the membership charge will shift to the new default.
@Thumperchick that’s what I did after I realized the problem.
Well. Do you think I have nothing better to do today? All these requests for information and creative content. I should be able to check in, clicky the face, chose to buy or not then go on with my day. Today, you demand my attention all the time. You promised one deal a day. This is not one deal. And then you added all these interactive games and projects. I am hours behind reading in the forums. This is stressing me out. Fix it. Now. Or in 90 minutes or so.
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.
No regerts from me. No, wait, there is something…
Never mind.
@Barney, you are hopeless.
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.

@llangley Haha!
People who live close to Dallas get their stuff first. That’s discrimination against the geographically impaired. Meh should time shipments so that everyone gets stuff on the same day. That would be awesome, as I’m sure @mediocrebot will agree.
@rockblossom I think they tried timing their shipments and failed.
@Barney That’s because his watch broke.

Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.
@rockblossom there are some who would say that living near Dallas is the definition of being geographically impaired.
@djslack @rockblossom
The ice machine is broken and now I have to bring my own ice from home like some kind of asshole.
@Moose That verges on tragedy, in Texas.
@Moose well that is just wrong
@Moose time to resign
@Moose I find the ice lasts longer if you carry it in some kind of Bubba mug.
Wait. You have an ice machine at the office???
That isn’t fair.
Why should I care?
@Barney @Moose Because he has to bring his own ice from home like some kind of asshole. Didn’t you see that Barn?
You gave me a button to click and now I have to click it every day. EVERY STINKING DAY!

Yes, every day stinks.
The add topic button is annoying, and something about the calendar.
This…this damn thing every time there’s something good for sale during a Meh-rathon and exactly 0.47 seconds after an IRK pops up.

Yes! It sucks. Get over it!
My wife thinks I’m insane since I’ve gone from telling her the reason why I stay up til MIDNIGHT! is for a fukubukuro, theN a fukobukero, then an IRK. Pretty sure she thinks I’m just watching porn.
@spectra242 Well, there’s nothing really stopping you from doing both.
@cinoclav He’s married so his wife might stop him.
@cengland0 It’s probably not recommended while surfing the web in bed.
Maybe try the porn? Might spice things up?
Yes! You are insane.
I had an issue with a purchase, and you people resolved it. How am I supposed to suppress my rage against a faceless internet entity?
That CS rep really screwed up. I bet Meh fired them.
There aren’t enough high quality, low priced items offered on the regular and when they are, I am not awake. I should have a bluetooth irk clock that syncs with and wakes me up with a preview when the deal is rated at least 4 stars and under $10.

@tnhillbillygal do you really want that face to be the first thing you see when you wake up
You are one sick fucker.

/giphy you just noticed?
@tnhillbillygal I’m a little slow.
Why even bother submitting a complaint in hopes of getting a prize. Even if you win, it will be weeks, if not months before you even get it. You’ll have to try not to sound too naggy, because after all you don’t want to offend the prize giver, but you also don’t want them to get off the hook without following through. When you finally get it, it will be quite mediocre, and not worth your time.
/end complaint
@lichme Starred for meta-complaint with extra whine.
@ChadP See above
@lichme How would you like me to react here?
@ChadP Star my entry, reply with “Lolz”, and pick/announce winners, preferably me
@ChadP @lichme Would someone please call @MEHcus? I think he still owes @lichme a prize or something.
I’ve complained about the difficulty of getting a fuko/IRK if your WiFi is deficient, but the contests even that ground, and I even got A LEGITIMATE IRK this time.
Meh has reimbursed products more often than I’ve felt a need to complain.
I do miss gratuitous socks?
Um. I did a poem last time with no fuko but I think I missed the deadline so that’s kinda on me.
Oh! I know! I have sacrificed a rather old lime to earn your tepid amusement. HOW DARE YOU!
LIME-IRK is dead. There may be video. A pox on both your houses!
Edit: also, encouraging us to complain has cost me the last IRK! Dammit!
You have too much time on your hands.
@Barney Oh hello, pot! Didn’t see you there!
The forums are broken. Every time I compose some incredibly witty or pithy comment or reply, as soon as I submit it, my words are subtly altered so that they appear as banal and borderline incomprehensible - like the ravings of a lunatic.
Please fix that.
It would appear to be fixed. Thank them.
Yes! Isn’t it wonderful?
I complained about the stupid new topic button. Still didn’t like it.
Yes! Me too.
@Barney This was my first post since April. You know, the day they implemented the button. Over two months ago.
@lisaviolet I’ve missed you.
I’d like to complain that I lost my pair of very mediocre socks and they’re the only thing that matched my very mediocre existence perfectly.
@lorenzo I’m pretty sure the washer ate it. They all conspire to steal our socks.
Yes! This what I sniffle wanted to sniffle sniffle complain about.
I’d like to lodge a complaint about there being not enough server outages which trigger the hit single “something went terribly wrong” featuring a very young spokes-troll named Irk. While I appreciate tonight’s effort to crash the servers did get the song to play, it really has been a disappointing few years without nearly enough major outages. Please do better going forward.

@curtise that was painful. I don’t mind missing an irk if others are faster. Waa arching the countdown for minutes and not being able to purchase. That shit is brutal.
@curtise I thought your topic would be the lack of shipping to the north.
Hi from across the lake
@speediedelivery if you’re just across the lake, can I start sending things to you instead of to my sister’s? Virginia is quite far, her Meh closet is small, and her patience is not much bigger.

@curtise Sure. I am a good 7+ hours north of Virginia.
I’m going to forgive you because you like purple and I also like Canadians.

A disheartening lack of trumpets.
@Nate311 for sale or just appearing at random?
@ChadP @Nate311
/youtube Day9 trumpets
@ChadP Resplendent trumpet choruses welcoming each day’s new deal. Or appearing randomly.
@ChadP @Nate311 @UncleVinny
/youtube fanfare for the common man
@2many2no @ChadP @UncleVinny I am heartened by this.
@Nate311 But we have our very own @therealjrn. Oh wait… trumpeTs. My bad. (JK jrn - we still like you regardless)
@cinoclav @Nate311 It’s true, way back on Tuesday, November 9, 2010, when I first used this handle publicly, I precoged that our glorious Leader of the Free World would be using a similar Twitter handle here in the modern day…
Suck it you haters. lol
@2many2no @ChadP @Nate311 @UncleVinny
I love that piece
It was played (I think during the opening ceremonies) at the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles.
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.
Not enough purple. Just sayin’
YES! YES! YES! This is what I wanted to complain about.
You post stuff I like. My hubby said, Don’t need.” I thought about it. What I really “Don’t need.” is that anti-meh negativity in my life. Hubby. Keep or dump???

/giphy buh bye
I have lost all of my pocket knives, and I have not noticed you offering knives for sale in months… Now that I finally need them again.
( not that I’m saying you’ve never offered them, just that I’ve missed them if so.)
… And I don’t mean kitchen knives.
@jbsegal if you can’t pocket carry a kitchen knife you’re not trying hard enough
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.
You’ve gotten too meh, so my cats aren’t getting new boxes as much. And considering they literally shred them, I need some less meh stuff to buy so they can have new boxes
@savvysapphire They keep sending mailing envelopes instead of boxes. Your cats wouldn’t like those at all.
@sammydog01 @savvysapphire
/youtube Maru bag
@f00l @savvysapphire Or maybe they would?
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.
I also wish to complain about the lack of mediocre socks! Would buy in addition to receiving them in a past fuko.
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.
You jovial pricks seem to be having more fun than I am with your fucking puppets and songs. Popping off at the mouth with your backhanded copy. Some of us scrape plates and wipe assess for a living. Go to hell
Oh and happy birthday
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.
Thanks! You guys are the best, even though I whine and complain and roll around in the forums shrieking like I’m being burned alive due to your negligence – you can safely ignore me.
@UncleVinny Huh, I don’t remember a Drinking Terrible w/blood, sweat and tears. Pretty dark.
@mossygreen can one make a cocktail based on metaphors? I should try!
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.
When’s the last time we had a good old-fashioned OHSHIT REPORT? I miss those.
Yes! This is something I wanted to complain about.
Carrolton, TX to Grapevine, TX to Slidell, LA to Memphis, TN to Dallas, TX to Tulsa, OK.
TADA! New Logistics!
/giphy “Oklahoma efficiency”

I was going for snark. But that’s sweet. Like Ok.
So I like it and it stays.
(Goes with *Oklahoma melty knives”.
@f00l hey, that convoluted shipping is all on you, Texan.

/giphy all on you
Yes! This is something I wanted to complain about.
We only do that way because we
you Okies so much.
/giphy Badges we don’t need no stinking badges

Yes! This is something I wanted to (kinda) complain about.
What the ever loving? I bought stickers a few minutes ago and didn’t get a captcha, but the irk just now? Yeah, it threw a captcha and I didn’t get the irk. I am, y’know, irked.
Greetings, new robot friend. In time you will come to accept your robotic ways.
Yes! This is something I wanted to complain about.
I still have those 2 for $5 eWave automatic soap dispensers. In the box. Never even took them out. It’s been five years. I blame you for some reason?
@mossygreen I’ll buy them from you for $4
Yes! This is something I wanted to complain about.
(I still have mine in the box, too.)
The last few times I ordered something, it arrived in under a week. WTF?!? What ever happened to “it’ll get to you eventually”?!?
Yes! This is something I wanted to complain about.
Someone probably stole my giant box of almost expired gift wrapped Christmas foods and you guys couldn’t replace it with expired gift wrapped Christmas foods. Messed up IMO.
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.
Everything sold on this site isn’t ever good or bad and it makes me buy stuff.
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.
List of grievances
/giphy jorb

Damn. Now I wanna jorb.
@fool A Jorb Well Done
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.
@f00l @hanzov69 I wanna jorb too! Just saying “jorb” is fun.
Captcha… Yeah thats pretty much it.
Yes! That is what I wanted to complain about.
Being captcha 'd 5 times on the last IRK of the night.
As a fellow robot, I understand your pain.
Yes! That is what I wanted to complain about.
I installed CAPTCHA to save my fellow robots from wasting money on this crap.
Why the hell do you sell so many damn things all the time? I have to check this site EVERY DAY? Your expectations are way outta wack.
Yes! That is what I wanted to complain about.
@Barney Also there’s not enough purple.
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about. Oh, Yes!
/giphy eternal recurrence

Yes! I guess.
I scrolled thru my orders tonight - there are several things i have no recollection of ordering…
@djames85 Meth is a hellava drug.
@djames85 @therealjrn Mehth?
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.
@blaineg @therealjrn
It’s worse…bud ice…
I haven’t gotten a VMP present in a VERY long time. Just saying, there’s really not much else to complain about around here. When we have issues, ya’ll fix them with humor. In 181 orders, I’ve only had issues with 4 of them (2 glass things arrived broken, 1 item ran out of stock, and 1 item disappeared in the mail-Given that was jerky, during one of the government shut downs, I assume someone along the way got hungry and needed it to get through their day, so I figure that’s ok!)
@Jamileigh17 was the item that disappeared candy corn?
@ThatsHeadly “and 1 item disappeared in the mail-Given that was jerky…”
@Jamileigh17 @ThatsHeadly You made jerky out of candy corn?
@Jamileigh17 You got something?
There’s my complaint, I’ve never received a mythical VMP freebie.
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.
Stop carrying Rowkins I have 3 pairs now they all fucking suck.
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about. (Um, what’s a Rowkin?)
Captchas & that time my replacement item got lost in the mail. Still waiting for it!
Greetings, new robot friend. In time you will come to accept your robotic ways.
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.
As a fellow robot, I understand your pain.
My complaint is that our power went out from 8 pm - 9:30 pm (Pacific), which also took out our cell service, so I missed the rousing finale and the chance to buy the stickers! I know, not your fault, but it would be more not your fault if I had a chance to buy the stickers.
and I missed the last 4 face clickeys in the animation. At least you didn’t take my calendar away for that.
Which reminds me of an idea I’ve seen mentioned before, that maybe the click face calendar should be a selectable option in our profiles - those that want it, get it; those that don’t, don’t; and those that don’t care can continue to not care and not be annoyed by everyone complaining about it.
@stolicat No phone? :sad_face:
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about. (So, sorry, @stolicat.)
I’m frustrated at the lack of variety with Meh’s punctuation. Meh? Meh! Meh:( Meh ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.
You really need to shit or get off the pot on VMP memberships. Those of us that pay our 5 bucks a month for whatever this new membership is don’t get jack squat during “VMP Only” hours. Which is absolute bullshit.
So either just continue VMP and we pay for it, or get rid of VMP Only hour because only a select in-crowd gets that content. You’re getting our money either way. And if there’s no practical application to the money I blow away every month or get my free shipping on the one thing I order every other month or so, I’m just going to cancel and not fucking bother.
@revloki I disagree
@Ignorant @revloki
@revloki Yer only paying $4.99 ya bum.
@revloki I’m considering dropping the VMP thing since I haven’t bought much recently.
You can still turn the “Member” thing on and off whilst getting it credited back as long as you do it before it renews, right?
VMP’rs are stuck in the twilight zone.
How much you offering for a shiny, still VMP, account?
(Of course I might be able to find another similar aged account somewhere around here.)
Exactly. That’s the whole point. VMP > normal membership

/giphy PERKS!
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about. (But I’m afraid you are wrong.)
Maybe it bothers me more than it should, but I think there should be a “date added” displayed next to the title of each forum topic so you can tell if it’s new, old or a necropost.
@heartny yep. This.
@heartny And should be able to sort the forum topics by date created with the newest on top.
So very YES.
@heartny I can filter the forum (on the top left) by:
then I can sort those by (top right) by:
It’s how I check the mehrathon deals I didn’t see.
But I’m probably missing the point of your initial complaint…just as I missed out on ALL IRKs yesterday, dammit!
@llangley While it’s handy to sort, I would still like to see the date the post was originally added. Personal preference, I guess.
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about. (But your solution makes too much sense.)
Changing of estimated delivery date of items without leaving original date posted but crossed out.
I guess 2-for-Tuesday is too confusing for some, not sure if complaint is with Meh or the user.
Dislike the switch to Newgistics because their tracking is ass.
@Ignorant I agree with all of these.
Oh, gawd, yes!
So you guys offer these Meh shirts 2 fer Tuesday. Nice concept. What I don’t understand is why do you have to get them in both red or both silver? Why not offer the option to get one red and one silver?
@Lancey You can. Each shirt makes 1/2 an order.
@Lancey see my 2nd complaint, listed just above you.
Now I’m confused.
This is what I actually wrote to support after Meh shipped me a box of shattered glass (only one was intact) during that Casemates stemless wine glasses-plus-coupon sale, causing me to lose about half a pint of blood into the shipping box after I hastily tore the thing apart and rammed my arm in there while saying “oh boy! I can’t wait to drink again!” to no one in particular:
“I received my order of shards of glass today, however, it appears that the shards of glass are defective. They are, unfortunately, way too small to be used for shivving. The uneven fracture lines and insufficient aerodynamics also make them inefficient ninja throwing star substitutes. Also, some of the shards have (I assume during shipping) fused together into a single chalice-like receptacle, which, while convenient for storage purposes, makes them almost unusable for causing harm of the bodily variety. Unless you, like, hold it over someone’s mouth in an attempt to restrict respiration, I guess. But that requires too much effort for which a busy professional like myself just doesn’t have the time these days, you know what I mean?”
@ShotgunX clever.
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.
Too little variety. How many phone chargers can a person need? Where are the Clown Shoes? The rubber chickens, the catapults, fake blood, inflatable friends, spy glasses, decoder rings, Make America Meh Again hats??? And Meh shirts should be free with an order- not sold separately. [ How’d I do?]
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.
You all suck
Simple but true
and this got me:
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.
The price is wrong, [Bob]!
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.
Sell more things I want to buy, meh
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.
Meh needs more stupid buttons that do nothing
@jmoor783 Yeah, we’re pretty much full up on stoopid uzers amirite?
@therealjrn I like stupid buttons that do nothing
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.
Once, in old days, I bought a refurbished $100 mouse from you for $35, and I am still using it and the rubber hasn’t melted into sticky goo. Once you sold novel objects, or items of worth.
Also it is impossible for me to buy an IRK. I have entirely given up, after these many years.
There, I have complained.
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about. (I’m sorry.)
No meh underwear…
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.
Make the face calendar configurable. The week of punishment for missing a day is cruel and unusual.
@blaineg Or at least add a grace period of several days before defrocking us.
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.
@blaineg @redhot…see above…
Sometimes, the discount/deal factor is just not there. I need things so “discounted” that I can justify spending the money on things I do not actually need nor want.
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.
Your birthday celebration should be free shipping, all day.
The $5 shipping is what spoils a lot of the deals for me.
Coupon codes should be stackable, not one per order.
The copyright symbol on the “Meh.” shirts spoils the aesthetic; either add another dot so it looks like an ellipsis (Meh…), substitute the © for the period, or just eliminate it.
Most of my complaints are about the commerce part - I really end up only coming here for the content and the forum. But, if that’s ok with you, it’s ok with me.
I do have one content related complaint:
Needs more @matthew.
Whatever you gotta do to get more content out of him - pamper him, pay him more, give him an unlimited expense account at Bass Pro Shops, send him on all-expenses-paid trips to produce a video series, “World’s Greatest Fishing Holes and Sock Puppets” - whatever he wants, give it to him.
If I gotta buy something without a coupon and pay for shipping to contribute to the revenue required, I can do that.
@DennisG2014 while I wholeheartedly agree with you on the MOAR @MATTHEW! section of your complaint, because I need all the sweet sweet new content from this man’s brilliant brainlobes, I have to point out that on your shipping complaint, there’s a very easy solution: meh-mbership. Pay $4.99 for all the free shipping you can handle for a whole month!

Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about. (We miss you @mathew.)
@curtise Well, I’ve placed 6 orders in 5 years (exactly, to the day), so if I paid $4.99 for a month of free shipping before my next order, it’d likely save me a penny.
Anyway, like I said, I come here more for the amusing content and the lovely community than the commerce, so it’s all good.
@Barney I mean, really - that complaint and the one about the Meh. shirt are the only ones that I expect to be taken to heart.

The others are just me being a cheapskate, which I think also makes me the target demographic of the site.
people don’t say “fuck” enough and my fuck count is suffering. there’s 6000+ words in this thread, and only 5 fucks (not counting the 3 fucks in this post). only 5. that’s only .08%. barely even drunk.
please fix this. i would be forever greatful. yes, full of great.
@carl669 so, now you’re just an ungreatful fuck?
@llangley exactly. not full of great.
People are fuckers.
@carl669 fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
You are fucking welcome
@tinamarie1974 why, thank you! but i shouldn’t have to remind them to say fuck. it should be natural. like putting sriracha on pizza.
@carl669 well, you know whose fault it is @Cinoclav
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about. (Oh, fuck it, I don’t care.)
@Barney yes you do.
@carl669 @tinamarie1974 Fuck that.
@carl669 Yeah, I do.
@carl669 Fuck. This is somewhat my fault, I have not been here to support your cause. I am back and I will make this right.
Sneak peeks of new features
Sometimes, before we roll out new site features, we try them out on our guinea pi- er, VMP friends first.
Exclusive VMP merch
We like to make things with our logo on it and only let VMPs buy it. It’s just a weird thing we’re into.
Everyone likes a good surprise. Not everyone likes a mediocre surprise though. Don’t get your hopes up too high.
Fucking fucks
Edited to add more fucks
@lilsrm123 i appreciate the fucks.
@lilsrm123 please. moar fucking meh socks. miss those. more keychain usb dongly. thank you. fuck.
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about. (And I edited two more fucks in your comment.)
@Barney I like the improvements! I also keep everything caps so it looks more threatening and shows that I am fuming with anger with my complaints. Will need to work on my fucks given.
@connorbush Yesss the meh socks!! Fuck those little usb dongly things, completely useless! Like, what the fuck!?
@lilsrm123 You’re doing real good with your fucks!
@Barney @lilsrm123 TWSS?
I’d love to see more clothing and shoes offered…
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about. (You are so sweet.)
No matter how much money you make, or how many toothbrushes you sell, you still are loosely affiliated with Steve Harvey. That is a most unforgivable transgression.
Yes! That is what I wanted to complain about.
Years ago during a Matt AMA, which I can’t locate now, I posted a picture of my original Woot! Launch T-shirt and suggested – well well well… look at what I just ordered now:
A shirt!
Two things:
Let me stalk down Matt’s reddit account!
@JimMe Don’t forget to sue all those fuckers on AMZN that are selling things with the word “meh” on them.
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about. (I want a piece of the action, too.)
I’m very upset about the calendar problem. Where is it? Why doesn’t it show me calendar type stuff? How am I supposed to see all the stupid Meh faces I didn’t click?
Did I do that right @amehzinggrace ?
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about. Again.
@Barney @RedHot I’m so glad I’m slowly starting the calendar revolution…we should totally have momentum in 3-7 years…
@Barney I’m slowly starting to sense a pattern here.
@blaineg is it that @Barney loves purple?
@blaineg @Ignorant You made me giggle.
More cowbell.
/giphy cowbell

Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about!
You still haven’t shipped my bandanna (or goat trophy).
Yes! This is what @Barney wanted to complain about!
@therealjrn @thismyusername
I did?
Oh, yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.
I haven’t read thru all of these, but I am sure this has been brought up.
Shirt colors. The same fucking colors every fucking time.

Imagine thinking outside the box and making a series of meh shirts in yellow, orange, and PURPLE! It’s ok - it’s not like cats and dogs living together. Throw a little fucking color and sunshine into our lives
@carl669, @barney how did I do?
@mfladd and what about offering a Beefy-T option now and again? right? they might even get some people buying their shirts because for the nostalgia of a real tee shirt
@mfladd @thismyusername or again a scoop or v neck for the womens t-shirts…maybe a thinner burn out material…
@thismyusername @tinamarie1974 The meh T-Shirt Revolution is on!
@mfladd @thismyusername eh I have been bitching for MONTHS and they are not listening!
@mfladd @thismyusername @tinamarie1974
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.
@mfladd @thismyusername @tinamarie1974
Pull over sweatshirts. The nice heavyweight ones preferred. Dark colors. And purple.
@Barney @mfladd @thismyusername Barney, you are reading my mind. I really do not like crew neck and if you have the boobs to pull it off…
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.
Yes! This is what I wanted to complain about.
@Barney well now that you are reading my mind, don’t tell all my secrets!!


Pictures you can hear.
The real prize here was getting to complain. I feel like everyone was well-rewarded.
@ChadP We complain every day with no reward. (See?!)

/giphy boooooo!
@ChadP In that case, I have enrolled you into our rewards program and daily digest. You’re welcome!