Sugar Babies.
One or two of them will stick in your teeth and last a good portion of the film.
The whole bag or box would be good for a double feature.
/image sugar babies candy
Back when I bought more snacks because the quality was better: Nachos with jalapenos.
Now I only buy snacks when going to Tampa Theatre to help support the theatre. Best options are Reese’s Pieces or orange frosted oatmeal cookies from a local bakery.
@PooltoyWolf I know two people whose friendship actually ended due to the debate whether Sno-Caps and chocolate nonpareils are the same thing. One was a Sno-Cap fanatic that claimed they were far superior with little similarity. The breaking point was when the other pointed out that Sno-Caps actually say “nonpareils” on the packaging.
@DrWorm@PooltoyWolf Haha, may as well have argued whether Coke is a cola or not just because its better than [insert random store brand cola flavor here], when it has/had cola in the name.
One of my craziest experiences was when I smuggled in vodka ok in a ziplock bag and homemade marijuana infused rice crispy treats. I guess I should of tested the potency of the treats first. The movie I was watching was Kill Bill vol.1. I made it to the part when they are telling Lucy Liu’s background story and it cuts to anime-style cartoons. I literally thought I was hallucinating and got up, walked home and left my car at the theater because I knew I had to be way too messed up to be driving… Crazy night
Went to see Animal House in a theater during college. The noise from the beers being opened was almost deafening! A few minutes later the place was filled with pot smoke.
@katbyter order a soda at the movie theater and drink anywhere from 1/4 to 1/2 of it and pour the vodka into the remaining soda. Viola: movie theater cocktail
(It was actually slated to close 2+ years ago, but the pandemic placed the redevelopment on hold. Sad, but I really can’t fault the property owner either as they’re making more on the property sale than they have been operating for decades.)
@narfcake I wasn’t aware that Houston had a drive-in movie anymore, but apparently there is one, just a little ways east of downtown. The price is kind of steep, though. 33 bucks for a car load. One screen, not a terribly large lot, and occasionally they have pricey special-order-only-in-advance snackage at significant extra cost. Up in Ennis, about 35 mi south of Dallas, they still have a six screen drive-in right next to i-45.
I worked in a movie theater way too long to ever think popcorn is a good choice.
@kjady Years ago we left a theater by the back door, and there was a dirty, filthy 55 gallon drum labeled “Butter Flavored Popcorn Topping”.
I haven’t had theater popcorn since.
@blaineg Yeah… That and the smaller oil bucket that feeds the machine. Absolutely horrifying.
Smuggled candy
@TheGreatNico Exactly. It always tastes better that way.
@brennyn @TheGreatNico My grandma used to carry one of those giant purses and would have multiple brown paper bags of popcorn, drinks and candy, haha.
@brennyn @FireMrshlBill @TheGreatNico SWMBO has a massive purse for theater smuggling.
I’m not clear on the details, but a friend claims they smuggled in a pizza.
Sugar Babies.
One or two of them will stick in your teeth and last a good portion of the film.
The whole bag or box would be good for a double feature.
/image sugar babies candy
What kind of monster answers anything other than popcorn?!?
Don’t answer that. I shudder to even think of such a thing…
/giphy popcorn
@macromeh @shahnm RedHots are good.
@shahnm See above.
and you can use them as a straw for your drink!
@stolicat Best with Dr Pepper.
Back when I bought more snacks because the quality was better: Nachos with jalapenos.
Now I only buy snacks when going to Tampa Theatre to help support the theatre. Best options are Reese’s Pieces or orange frosted oatmeal cookies from a local bakery.
Twizzlers and Nonpareils
Raisinets. Whatever happened to them?
Junior Mints
Sno-Caps is probably the candy you’re looking for with the fourth answer. Heh
@PooltoyWolf I know two people whose friendship actually ended due to the debate whether Sno-Caps and chocolate nonpareils are the same thing. One was a Sno-Cap fanatic that claimed they were far superior with little similarity. The breaking point was when the other pointed out that Sno-Caps actually say “nonpareils” on the packaging.
@DrWorm @PooltoyWolf Haha, may as well have argued whether Coke is a cola or not just because its better than [insert random store brand cola flavor here], when it has/had cola in the name.
@DrWorm @PooltoyWolf Never heard of Sno-Caps. A regional thing?
@blaineg @DrWorm As far as I am aware, they are available throughout the US. We get our boxes at Dollar Tree locations, usually.
@DrWorm @PooltoyWolf They look plenty familiar and I’ve had them before, but the name isn’t familiar for some reason.
One of my craziest experiences was when I smuggled in vodka ok in a ziplock bag and homemade marijuana infused rice crispy treats. I guess I should of tested the potency of the treats first. The movie I was watching was Kill Bill vol.1. I made it to the part when they are telling Lucy Liu’s background story and it cuts to anime-style cartoons. I literally thought I was hallucinating and got up, walked home and left my car at the theater because I knew I had to be way too messed up to be driving… Crazy night
@sicc574 Ah…good times.
@sicc574 ok I’ll bite — how do you drink vodka out of a ziplock bag?
/giphy vodka spill
@katbyter @sicc574 With a straw? (Just guessing - no first-hand experience.)
@macromeh @sicc574 I’m just picturing myself opening a plastic bag full of liquid. I don’t see that going my way.
@katbyter @macromeh @sicc574
Went to see Animal House in a theater during college. The noise from the beers being opened was almost deafening! A few minutes later the place was filled with pot smoke.
@chienfou @katbyter @macromeh @sicc574
/youtube animal house fat drunk and stupid
@katbyter @macromeh @pmarin @sicc574
That. Exactly!
@katbyter order a soda at the movie theater and drink anywhere from 1/4 to 1/2 of it and pour the vodka into the remaining soda. Viola: movie theater cocktail
Junior Mints and Milk Duds!
@edsa Junior Caramels are a good alternative to those who find Milk Duds a bit too sticky.
My local drive-in just had its last run this past weekend.
(It was actually slated to close 2+ years ago, but the pandemic placed the redevelopment on hold. Sad, but I really can’t fault the property owner either as they’re making more on the property sale than they have been operating for decades.)
@narfcake We lost one of ours in 2021.
But we still have one left.
I wish we still had a drive in that was close to here, I haven’t been since I’ve been a little kid
@yakkoTDI I’m 2 miles away from where Fun-lan was. It had gotten pretty run down but I’m still sad to see it gone
@narfcake I wasn’t aware that Houston had a drive-in movie anymore, but apparently there is one, just a little ways east of downtown. The price is kind of steep, though. 33 bucks for a car load. One screen, not a terribly large lot, and occasionally they have pricey special-order-only-in-advance snackage at significant extra cost. Up in Ennis, about 35 mi south of Dallas, they still have a six screen drive-in right next to i-45.
Popcorn is THE classic. Sour patch kids are the best though. Did cookie dough bites for a bit,but have switched to the sour patch.
Bon bons (the old ones, current ones are Meh!).
DiL likes Sour Patch Kids