New two people who were supposed to be in that building that day. One called in ‘sick’ because her husband wanted to go Christmas shopping. The other for an equally odd reason, didn’t go.
Too many beautiful people lost to senseless violence every year.
Too many beautiful people lost to senseless violence every year.
And not one damned Republican in Washington willing to do anything about it. They all filled their campaign coffers to the brim with NRA-laundered Russian money.
@RiotDemon Yep. I don’t know how a mass shooting under the Obama administration made it all the Republican’s fault, but there it is. I was just trying to help. I think @mike808 is steady campaigning for January Goat.
@phendrick@RiotDemon@therealjrn yes, I thought we’d see cool Christmas card pics. Not the same old tired fucking bullshit, blames and excuses. Don’t get me wrong, I’m firmly planted on a side, I just don’t feel this thread is the place to debate our sad state of country.
I guess it is Boxing Day in some places, so…get the gloves out??
Well this thread didn’t go at all right. I hate when politics gets into Meh threads. Don’t get me wrong. I’ll talk politics all day. It’s just that there are places for that sort of thing, and Meh is a place that seems better without the politics. I LOVE being able to just banter and be fun and snarky among a bunch of cool people, without politics polarizing everybody all the time. That’s what Meh is best at. This thread is apparently done.
San Bernardino, 2015 at a real Christmas Party
Never Forget
Love and light, prayers for you @Cerridwyn
New two people who were supposed to be in that building that day. One called in ‘sick’ because her husband wanted to go Christmas shopping. The other for an equally odd reason, didn’t go.
Too many beautiful people lost to senseless violence every year.
And not one damned Republican in Washington willing to do anything about it. They all filled their campaign coffers to the brim with NRA-laundered Russian money.
Elections matter.
@Cerridwyn @mike808
Thought Trump was a damned Republican?
Trump administration officially bans bump stocks
You sound quite impartial and well-reasoned, so I should listen to you.
In other news, I’ll send you a free smoke detector after your house burns to the ground. Because I really do care.
Thoughts and prayers.
@mike808 No love & light? Pfft.
We need to ban credit cards immediately.
@therealjrn this was supposed to be a fun thread.
@RiotDemon Yep. I don’t know how a mass shooting under the Obama administration made it all the Republican’s fault, but there it is. I was just trying to help. I think @mike808 is steady campaigning for January Goat.
@therealjrn Interesting read; thanks for the link.
@phendrick @RiotDemon @therealjrn yes, I thought we’d see cool Christmas card pics. Not the same old tired fucking bullshit, blames and excuses. Don’t get me wrong, I’m firmly planted on a side, I just don’t feel this thread is the place to debate our sad state of country.
I guess it is Boxing Day in some places, so…get the gloves out??
Well this thread didn’t go at all right. I hate when politics gets into Meh threads. Don’t get me wrong. I’ll talk politics all day. It’s just that there are places for that sort of thing, and Meh is a place that seems better without the politics. I LOVE being able to just banter and be fun and snarky among a bunch of cool people, without politics polarizing everybody all the time. That’s what Meh is best at. This thread is apparently done.
@shahnm - Don’t let a little unexpected craziness drive you out of a perfectly good thread! After all, freelance craziness is why we’re all here!

Since the thread is already fucked up, here’s a pic of my birthday cards…my family knows me so well.
There was No collusion whatsoever

Dogs unfuck everything! Happy birthday, @llangley !