A new random links thread to play in …
Remember that Benedict Cumberbatch soundalike name generator from a few years back? My favorite one that it spit out was: Benadryl Claritin…
@shahnm No Benny Cabbagepatch?
/image Emperor Kublai Kahn
/image Dirk Benedict
Oof, he didn’t age well
@heartny - That hairstyle sure didn’t.
/image eggs benedict
/image Benedict Arnold
@ybmuG That was my first thought too.
/image Arnold Schwartzenneger
/image Samantha Eggar
/image Edgar Winter
Another oof…
/image Wizards of Winter
/image Donna Summer
/image Summer Glau
@macromeh Also, I can kill you with my brain.
Vivaldi Four Seasons: Summer
/image Giuliani Four Seasons
/image The Four Tops
/image the Four Horsemen
“Conquest, War, Famine, and Death”
/image Bojack Horseman
/image Bo Jackson
/image Sheila Jackson Lee
/image Janet Jackson
/image Susan Sarandon
@werehatrack Ok … I’ll bite. What’s the connection to JJ?
@chienfou alliteration perhaps?
@chienfou @llangley My post is a hint …
@chienfou @Kyeh nice! Didn’t remember her character’s name in RHPS
Dr. Frank-N-Furter
Frank & Beans (or in this case, beans above the frank)
/image dark roasted coffee beans
Beanie Babies
/youtube muppet babies
/image The Child
The The.
/image The end?
In honor of our weather in Gulf Coast Texas today…
/image blue birds over the white cliffs of dover
/image The Birds
/image Alfred Batman
/image Justine Bateman
/image Ryan Reynolds
/image Burt Reynolds
/image Reynolds the best wrap around
Snidely Whiplash
@Kyeh clever!
@ybmuG Thanks! (I like the phrase )
@Kyeh When i think about it, i always think of /showme Snidely Whiplash wrapped in aluminum foil
@Kyeh Let me break out the spreadsheet and add a bonus point for that one.
/image Dominatrix with a whip
Devo - Whip It
(“Video disabled for playback on other websites” but worth watching on YouTube)
/image whippets
/image It
One of my favorite movies I can watch it over and over
/image tagalong cookie
/image Edd Byrnes
Eddie Murphy
/image the haunted mansion
Doom Buggy
/image Bugs Bunny
/image Jessica Rabbit
/giphy Wolf whistle
Couldn’t resist!
@llangley YES! I was going to too, if nobody else got to it first - glad you did!
/image Life Guard Whistle
/image Right Guard
/image Galaxy Quest
@heartny weeee need your help!
Ford Galaxie 500
/image Henry Ford
/image Ford Prefect and Arthur Dent
Harrison Ford
/image restaurant Ford’s Garage
Ford Timelord.
/image 1964 Ford Mustang
/youtube Mustang Sally
/image Sally Beauty
Beauty School Dropout.
/image Harry Styles Spray
/image Ocean Spray
/image Frank Sinatra
Fly Me To The Moon.
/image Moon Pie
/image Sheldon Cooper
@ybmuG Meemaw would be proud you remembered
/image big bang
/image Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
/youtube T. Rex - Bang A Gong (Get It On)
hey @mossygreen!
The Gong Show
/giphy show me the money!
/image Eddie Money
/showme one hundred billion dollars
/image Chamillionaire
/image belair fresh prince of
Prince & Lenny.
/image Lenny & Squiggy
Linny, Chuck, and Ming Ming too…
/image the wonderpets
/image Amazing Grace and Chuck
another favorite! I remember that it really moved me and I must find it and watch it again!
/image somewhere over the rainbow
/image Rainbow Cookies
@heartny those rainbow cookies make me think of /image King Cake
@heartny @OnionSoup I’m making one of those in a few days!
@heartny @OnionSoup Hawaiian cake
@ItalianScallion @OnionSoup This would probably good with pizza.
@heartny @OnionSoup /showme a dessert pizza with pineapple, coconut and maraschino cherries
@heartny @ItalianScallion
/showme a pizza topped with rainbow cookies, kings cake and Hawaiian cake
@mediocrebot A little light on the coconut. Not a very… awesome … pizza.
/image Italian wedding cookie cake
The one thing I really miss from working in the restaurant.
@ybmuG That’s a real thing?!
@Kyeh oh yes it is!
@ybmuG Yummmmm!
/image Devil’s food cake
Marie Antoinette
/giphy guillotine
/image red queen off with their heads
/image Cheshire cat
Cheshire Human (Human from Cheshire)
/showme Meh user Onion Soup
/image Wallace and Gromit
They live in Lancashire just north of Cheshire
/image grommet
Operation Grommet
Operation: Mindcrime
/image Operation Board Game
/image Operation Dumbo Drop
/youtube Drops of Jupiter
/image Jupiter Ascending
/image Ascension: the Deck Building Game
Building Steam With A Grain Of Salt.
/image steam engine
Steamboat Willie
Boxcar Willie
Gretsch G9210 Boxcar Square Neck Resonator Guitar.
My 1979 Guild F112SB 12-string acoustic guitar, built in Westerly, R.I.
Think…Where are you going?
The connection is that he plays a 12 string acoustic guitar.
The Thinking Cup, South End, Boston
/image cup of ramen
/youtube Tin Cup Chalice
Another fave. RIP Jimmy
Phoebe Buffay
Princess Consuela Banana-Hammock
/image banana for scale
Banana hammock
Banana Phone!!
/image Wonderama
Little Wonder.
Heteropoda davidbowie
/image spider gears
/image Disraeli Gears
Campagnolo Derailleurs
@Kyeh More accurately it is a full groupset and not just a derailleur.
@yakkoTDI Yes, but I wanted to make the connection clear. I figured you’d appreciate the reference! It’s a beautiful set, isn’t it?
bicycle kick
Gentullio “Tullio” Campagnolo
Sprocket - Fraggle Rock
Toad the Wet Sprocket
Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride
Jocelyn Wildenstein
Halle Berry as Catwoman
/image Chuck Berry
Raspberry Beret.
/image Machiavelli
/youtube Hollywood waltz
Christoph Waltz
/image Kristoff Bjorgman
Bjorn Borg
The Borg.
Khan Noonien Singh
And now … someone can start a new thread!
@Kyeh Done!
A new random links thread to play in …
Remember that Benedict Cumberbatch soundalike name generator from a few years back? My favorite one that it spit out was: Benadryl Claritin…
@shahnm No Benny Cabbagepatch?
/image Emperor Kublai Kahn

/image Dirk Benedict

Oof, he didn’t age well
@heartny - That hairstyle sure didn’t.
/image eggs benedict

/image Benedict Arnold

@ybmuG That was my first thought too.
/image Arnold Schwartzenneger

/image Samantha Eggar

/image Edgar Winter

Another oof…
/image Wizards of Winter

/image Donna Summer

/image Summer Glau

@macromeh Also, I can kill you with my brain.
Vivaldi Four Seasons: Summer
/image Giuliani Four Seasons


/image The Four Tops

/image the Four Horsemen

“Conquest, War, Famine, and Death”

/image Bojack Horseman

/image Bo Jackson

/image Sheila Jackson Lee

/image Janet Jackson

/image Susan Sarandon

Ok … I’ll bite. What’s the connection to JJ?
@chienfou alliteration perhaps?
@chienfou @llangley
My post is a hint …
@chienfou @Kyeh nice! Didn’t remember her character’s name in RHPS

Dr. Frank-N-Furter
Frank & Beans (or in this case, beans above the frank)
/image dark roasted coffee beans

Beanie Babies
/youtube muppet babies
/image The Child

The The.
/image The end?

In honor of our weather in Gulf Coast Texas today…
/image blue birds over the white cliffs of dover

/image The Birds

/image Alfred Batman

/image Justine Bateman

/image Ryan Reynolds

/image Burt Reynolds

/image Reynolds the best wrap around

Snidely Whiplash
@Kyeh clever!
@ybmuG Thanks!
(I like the phrase
@Kyeh When i think about it, i always think of
/showme Snidely Whiplash wrapped in aluminum foil
@Kyeh Let me break out the spreadsheet and add a bonus point for that one.
/image Dominatrix with a whip

Devo - Whip It
(“Video disabled for playback on other websites” but worth watching on YouTube)
/image whippets


/image It

One of my favorite movies

I can watch it over and over
/image tagalong cookie

/image Edd Byrnes

Eddie Murphy
/image the haunted mansion

Doom Buggy

/image Bugs Bunny

/image Jessica Rabbit

/giphy Wolf whistle


Couldn’t resist!

YES! I was going to too, if nobody else got to it first - glad you did!
/image Life Guard Whistle

/image Right Guard

/image Galaxy Quest

@heartny weeee need your help!
Ford Galaxie 500

/image Henry Ford

/image Ford Prefect and Arthur Dent

Harrison Ford
/image restaurant Ford’s Garage

Ford Timelord.
/image 1964 Ford Mustang

/youtube Mustang Sally
/image Sally Beauty

Beauty School Dropout.
/image Harry Styles Spray

/image Ocean Spray

/image Frank Sinatra

Fly Me To The Moon.
/image Moon Pie

/image Sheldon Cooper

@ybmuG Meemaw would be proud you remembered

/image big bang

/image Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

/youtube T. Rex - Bang A Gong (Get It On)
hey @mossygreen!
The Gong Show

/giphy show me the money!

/image Eddie Money

/showme one hundred billion dollars
/image Chamillionaire

/image belair fresh prince of

Prince & Lenny.
/image Lenny & Squiggy

Linny, Chuck, and Ming Ming too…
/image the wonderpets

/image Amazing Grace and Chuck

another favorite! I remember that it really moved me and I must find it and watch it again!
/image somewhere over the rainbow

/image Rainbow Cookies

@heartny those rainbow cookies make me think of

/image King Cake
@heartny @OnionSoup I’m making one of those in a few days!
@heartny @OnionSoup Hawaiian cake

@ItalianScallion @OnionSoup This would probably good with pizza.
@heartny @OnionSoup
/showme a dessert pizza with pineapple, coconut and maraschino cherries
@heartny @ItalianScallion
/showme a pizza topped with rainbow cookies, kings cake and Hawaiian cake
@mediocrebot A little light on the coconut. Not a very… awesome … pizza.
/image Italian wedding cookie cake

The one thing I really miss from working in the restaurant.
@ybmuG That’s a real thing?!
@Kyeh oh yes it is!
@ybmuG Yummmmm!
/image Devil’s food cake

Marie Antoinette

/giphy guillotine

/image red queen off with their heads

/image Cheshire cat

Cheshire Human (Human from Cheshire)
/showme Meh user Onion Soup
/image Wallace and Gromit

They live in Lancashire just north of Cheshire
/image grommet

Operation Grommet
Operation: Mindcrime
/image Operation Board Game

/image Operation Dumbo Drop

/youtube Drops of Jupiter
/image Jupiter Ascending

/image Ascension: the Deck Building Game

Building Steam With A Grain Of Salt.
/image steam engine

Steamboat Willie

Boxcar Willie

Gretsch G9210 Boxcar Square Neck Resonator Guitar.
My 1979 Guild F112SB 12-string acoustic guitar, built in Westerly, R.I.

Think…Where are you going?
The connection is that he plays a 12 string acoustic guitar.
The Thinking Cup, South End, Boston

/image cup of ramen

/youtube Tin Cup Chalice
Another fave.

RIP Jimmy
Phoebe Buffay
Princess Consuela Banana-Hammock

/image banana for scale

Banana hammock
Banana Phone!!
/image Wonderama

Little Wonder.
Heteropoda davidbowie

/image spider gears

/image Disraeli Gears

Campagnolo Derailleurs

@Kyeh More accurately it is a full groupset and not just a derailleur.
@yakkoTDI Yes, but I wanted to make the connection clear. I figured you’d appreciate the reference!
It’s a beautiful set, isn’t it?
bicycle kick

Gentullio “Tullio” Campagnolo

Sprocket - Fraggle Rock

Toad the Wet Sprocket
Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride

Jocelyn Wildenstein

Halle Berry as Catwoman

/image Chuck Berry

Raspberry Beret.
/image Machiavelli

/youtube Hollywood waltz
Christoph Waltz

/image Kristoff Bjorgman

Bjorn Borg
The Borg.
Khan Noonien Singh

And now … someone can start a new thread!
@Kyeh Done!