Beer Fuku 2: The UX

marklog went on a bit of a rant said

The best way to ruin a great thing is to attempt duplication.
-Anyone who has seen Caddyshack II.

And yet, we’re going to try! Again, congratulations on those who participated in BF1. By all accounts, it went pretty darned well. Lots of beer shipped across the country, and although one lime-a-rita snuck into a box, zero douchebaggery! This little exchange is based first and foremost on the community, and for that we thank @hollboll, @moose, @mehcus, @jont (RIP), @dave and others for allowing us this little space on the whole wide intarwebs.
This time, it’s about the unboxing experience. Same rules as last time:

• Ship beers your recipient cannot buy locally ( can help)
• Wrap your bottles, wrap your bottles, wrap your bottles!
• Stick to the posted timelines.
Here’s where it gets tricky:
The person who ships the most creative, off the wall, out of the box box will get a bonus box from yours truly.

What does this mean!? It means two things. First and foremost, if you simply want to ship beer and get beer, go for it. Your lack of creativity won’t be held against you. For those that are into this sort of thing, it’s time to go all out. This doesn’t mean shipping more beer, or rare beers (though I suppose those things wouldn’t hurt). This is about the unboxing experience. Artists, engineers, hobbyists, other folks who have too much time on your hands, let’s see what you can come up with.
Here’s the catch.
For any of us to know what in the heck the sender sent, the receiver has to post about it! Everyone should be posting their spoils in the forum, but for those who received a box where someone went above and beyond, especially so! Do your duty and help out the person who sent you an out of this world box.
Emails will be going out shortly with matchups. Like last time, it won’t be pairings, just straight up randomization likely with some geographic tweaking from me.
Wall of text concluded. Have fun out there.