Usernames will be drawn and distributed by me. no whining or trading. keep it secret until the reveal. Only I, the shipper, and the folks who hacked Ashley Madison will know who gets whom until the reveal. Use or equivalent tool to determine whether the beer you would like to send is available in the receiver's area. Do not send beer that is available to that person- this is about trying new things. Beer does NOT necessarily have to be from the sender's hometown, but unless it's a super rare crazy limited find, MUST NOT be available in the receiver's region. That being said, I encourage showcasing your local area whenever possible. If your location sucks (I'm looking at you, Mississippi),call an audible.
Fill out the google docs form, and email me and only me your address. to do this you're going to have to give up some privacy. sorry. only me and the person shipping you beer will have your address.
What a receiver should expect:
- beer that is not available in their area
- beer that is well packaged
- 4-6 tall cans or 6-8 bottles, minimum
(cans preferred)
what a receiver should not expect:
- Beer that is so limited that sender has to stand in ridiculous lines, follow distribution trucks, or scratch off proprietary lottery tickets to acquire a rare bottle. DONT GET PISSED IF YOU DONT GET A WHITE WHALE. It is the sender's discretion if they want to send you their bottle of 2012 Dark Lord, but by God do not expect anything other than beer that you don't have access to in a style that you don't hate.
what a sender should expect:
- Take pride in curating your craft beer fuku. Have some ego! Do some research! Ask your friends! This is not the time to send the last beer in the craft sampler pack that's been sitting in the back of your fridge for six months because no one wants it. Take pride in your box. You are sending your username along with this box, and results will be posted. You will be judged. Don't be a dick.
- Cost: Figure $2.50 a bottle/can, multiplied by the quantities listed above. We have all had shitty expensive beer and fantastic cheap beer. This is just a guideline. No one will be judged for being cheap if the beer is good!
- If you are doing this for free beer, you're a dick. Don't be a dick. Your meh reputation (such as it is) is at stake. The list of usernames participating will be made public, and the folks who don't reciprocate will be made public. That being said, don't participate if you can't afford to participate. With anything like this, there will be the inevitable douchebag. Don't let it be you.
- Timelines are undetermined but will be reasonable. Try not to miss them. If you don't think you're going to make your timelines, communicate, communicate, communicate. I will pass messages back and forth regarding shipping issues, timeline concerns, etc, from shipper and receiver to try to keep this anonymous and fun.
subscribe to the thread! stay involved! post your fuku unboxening/drinkening
- Finally, no bitching at me. I'm not getting paid for this, so save it.
- 91 comments, 517 replies
- Comment
So much for the Shock Top I was going to send. I am in. I will send you my address on Slack.
@mfladd send it to my email listed on the google sheet so I can keep it all straight plz
@marklog ok, didn't read everything yet above - skimmed as usual.
@mfladd damned goats.

@metaphore, @heartbleed, @cbilyak, @phatmass, @abrakke, @thumperchick, @humper, @bingo, @mfladd, @shells, @sohmageek, @brhfl, @hallmike, @connorbush, @hollboll, @evbarnstormer, @becca, you have been tagged.
@marklog tag. we are it.
@marklog I'm not a big beer fan. If you end up doing a cider version let me know. Perhaps @jont might be interested. :)
@hollboll holly I bet if you entered the person who got your draw could work that out. In fact, it wouldn't be difficult for me to align you with someone from one of the many states known for their ciders. All you would have to do it cultivate a beer box to go out.
@marklog alright, I'm in.
@marklog I think I shall participate. It should be fun
@marklog so you're saying not heady topper as it sometimes takes me a month to get it and wait in lines. ;) I guess i'll have to stalk another brewery to get stuff. Or if I get @HollBoll I may have to try to get cider in cans. I think most of it is in bottles though. Also if I cannot find cans it's usually in bombers or growler size. So asking you beer master. If we are sending bombers are we still looking at 6-8 bottles? Cause 6-8 bottles at $15 each is way more than I'd like to send.
Looks like your aiming for a $15-30 box of booze to send out. More if we want to but...
@sohmageek yeah good point. i wasn't thinking bombers, but let's say that a bomber equals two bottles. I'm pretty sure I can blow someone's mind and palatte for under $25.
@marklog I'd love to find $5 bombers. They are usually $12-$15/ bottle up here. My 1 liter growler fills are usually $11 plus deposit ($5)
@marklog going to sign up now...and until just a few weeks ago I did have some Dark Lord. Live about 10 minutes away from 3 Floyds brewery!
@marklog as long as there are lessons on proper packing methods. I already have pre-anxiety about it. :-)
@shells lots of links will be provided, have no fear. :)
@marklog :-))
@sohmageek by all means if you get my name you are more than welcome to send some of that awesome east coast IPA. Ha. But yes not expected. Luck of the draw. Some areas are just blessed with better beer
@shells it's not as difficult as you think. Ziplock bags, bubble wrap and newspaper is about all you need.
@marklog Can you give an estimate for the cost of shipping that volume of beer? I live in Richmond, Va- we have a ton of craft breweries and it's craft beer month, but I'm afraid the shipping cost will be over the top. @Hollboll we have a very cool cider place too.
@sammydog01 I've shipped from VT to TX and from VT to Mi, Both times it was about $15 or so to ship 4-16 cans using FedEx.
@sohmageek That's cheaper than I thought.
@sammydog01 I did box in a box and they were all cans. So I think I did a decent job of dunnage. But I wish there had been a little more room for dunnage in some of the boxes. It also cost me $15 to ship the fuko boxes so...
@sohmageek Same experience here. We can send 4-6 to FL for about $15. 8 + for a bit over $20.
If my other half gets you for the exchange, we should just meet up at a brewery.
@marklog Thanks for the tag. I'm not the beer drinker in our house, but you also tagged my other half. If you can't reach @humper, tagging me will get his attention in a pinch.
@Thumperchick asked and answered
@Thumperchick that would be cool. Your side or mine? I have a funny beer bus story :) lol
@hollboll We have a ton of cider-makers in MA!
@sohmageek we'll work it out.
@marklog is this open to other participants or just the people you tagged? If so, I would love to join.
@stardate820926 anyone! tagged folks participated in the original thread topic.
So if you don't drink beer and want to join in, is there a way to determine good cheap beer from expensive crappy beer?? If I join in, it will be re-gifted to an experienced beer drinker :) but I don't have the acumen to make sure the receiver ends up with good beer...
@mikibell Please don't get my name, please don't get my name :)

@mikibell I'm in the same boat, but I'll be relying on some co-worker's opinions for what to send. :)
@mikibell I am available to help anyone curate their box. Also, craft beer stores get off on this sort of thing, I bet they will help too.
@mikibell I'm sort of in the same boat too. I drink beer but I'm not really a beer nerd/snob. I do have several very limited regional beers in mind already though.
@mfladd ha.. I think my dad would LOVE to try different types of beer..but he doesnt do swaps ;) I would do my best for any recipient!
@mikibell I know you would. But I wouldn't be the goat unless I had a little fun with you.
@mikibell can be used to check if a beer is any good, but will lack for reviews for a lot of beers with limited distribution.
@Mikibell @metaphore It also tends to favor IPA (in vermont definitely favoring IPA...) Out of the top 100 beers in Vermont I see 3 or so breweries... Alchemist, Hill Farmstead, Lawson's Finest (and most of them are the IPA versions) I've been to the old Alchemist, the new cannery. I have avoided Hill like the Plague... (2 hour waits are normal) And Lawson's only gives tours if you pester him, and then sometimes he gets pissed... But I'd love to go to lawson's.
is the current passport... I had all but 3 filled 2 years ago... Then a brewery closed for the season... never to open again. :( new card had 5 new breweries...
Maybe next year I can plan some trips and get it done in a few weeks/months. But... it's a big challenge...
Back to the point. Some of the "rate beer" seems to be geared toward certain styles. I for one feel like it's hard to find anything but IPA in Vermont that's local, and good.
@sohmageek @Mikibell I've also noticed a bias toward higher ABVs. People love getting drunk. Hell, love getting drunk too, but that doesn't make for a good beer. Generally speaking though, BA makes a good compass. In my beer club at work, the general consensus is a hard no to anything <85, do more reading on anything <90. Notable exceptions are flavored beers, where often people just don't get on with the flavor. Common sense should kick in if you don't like grapefruit and are rating such a Radler, but I digress…
@brhfl I just keep trying to find more beers to add to untapped. But I've forgotten to log about the past 3 months. So my boss thinks that I end up drinking a bit at work when I enter 30 or so beers at work ;)
@sohmageek Every now and again I feel like I should be on untappd. Maybe we need a thread for this…
@sohmageek While it does tend to favor IPAs and Imperials it still gives a decent idea if a beer is good or not and can help you narrow down your selection of similar beers. For example, I looked at Hill Farmstead, since you listed them, and while all their beers look like they're very good, if I wanted to pick a farmhouse ale, I can see that Ann quite a bit better than Edith.
@brhfl done
@mfladd so... toilet paper as dunnage if someone gets @JonT or @Moose... or should they use Paper towels? ;)
@mfladd and the beauty of that is... you probably won't be goat anymore to take the blame for it.. ;) I wonder who gets the next month...
@sohmageek too early for a public nomination but i'm crafting my speech now.
@marklog @sohmageek
should be interesting. Just get this fucking goat off my back!
also: toilet paper dunnage.
@marklog @Mfladd ... I have a feeling the whole toilet paper thing will come back around and bite me in... sooner or later...
@sohmageek be careful what you ask for. You haven't seen my inbox.
@mfladd it's only your own fault. What did you do to get he goat anyway???
@sohmageek Nothing good. But I guess protested too much not to be goat :(
@sohmageek i see goatdom in your future.

I'm in. I'll fill out the doc on Monday
Beer Bump

Hmm, beer I can't find by me. Count me in! I already have lots of ideas going through my head. I might need to know if my person is vegan, yes for a possible beer choice I know weird.
Ok @marklog how the heck do I edit sheet on iPhone. It drops me to download the app but then I can only see my docs. Not that doc?
Attention Beercrastinators (/glare @hollboll), Sign ups to end on Wednesday 8/26. If things go as planned, by the end of the week I shall have received everyone's addresses via email (mine is listed on the Google Sheet), and will be able to randomize and distribute receivers.
@Marklog So... what's the estimated "Send it or you're a deadbeat" day? I'm thinking I may be able to get some Heady... :) I'll try. I close on Wednesday, so we'll see... May have to wait till next week...
@sohmageek that would be better. It will talk me some time to scour some of the breweries if people want really unique stuff.
@mfladd I need some time. I need to make a few trips. I picked up something. But it depends on where it's going.
@marklog I have something in the back of my fridge that no one would complain about ;)
@sohmageek I also want to be able to email the person to get a better idea of their likes and dislikes. This should be done right. I also cannot get @bhrfl - we have access to a lot of the same beers.
@marklog @sohmageek @mfladd — agreed. I have a lot of stuff around that would make for a good shipment, but once I get a sense of who I'm shipping out to, I have a feeling I'll want to go grab a few specifics, which could take a little bit of doing.
@marklog dang it! I missed this thread since I've been mostly away from meh.. and now I check it out and get excited, then find out I'm a day late.. :(
@bhrfl last night I was enjoying a Tall Tales Red Headed Step Child beer - it was soooo good!
@mfladd Isn't it?! I kind of forget that they're local, since if I see one of their beers, it's usually that one, and it just feels like such a safe, accessible flagship…
Accidentally found this on tap at a local bar tonight. Anyone in Michigan(I know I saw a few on the list) I would highly recommend trying it if you run across it. It's from Perrin and not usually bottled.
Brewed with 12 different types ofhops: wet hops (personally grown and picked by our brewer Bill VanEenenaam), whole leaf hops and pellet hops. We mash-hopped, first wort hopped,kettle-hopped, Whirlpool-hopped, a HopBack was used, and finally dry-hopped; totaling over 4 pounds of hops per barrel, and using hops from Michigan,elsewhere in the United States, England, Germany and New Zealand. Purposefully brewed under the August Super moon, unfiltered and untamed using twice theamount of grapefruit (equal to over 15,000 of the fruit itself!), showcasing that beers can be intense in flavor, yet refined and balanced in intensity.
@zdunklee I have had this, it's very good. Perrin does a great job.
@marklog I'm looking forward to their canning line being up and running. I think they said cans will start shipping out mid September, not sure what they are going to release but it'll be nice to find it in stores more often.
As mentioned previously, cutoff for inclusion is 3:38PM EST. Wednesday evening, I will (mostly) randomize and send out details on who you are shipping to. KEEP THIS QUIET! Boxes are to be dropped off at FedEx/UPS no later than September 4th. This gives you plenty of time putting a box together . If you have a specific item that you would like to include but the timeframe prohibits inclusion, communicate with me privately and I will adjust the expectation of your receiver, or save that bottle for the inevitable beer fuku 2!
@marklog Okay. I signed up. :)
@hollboll If you send me a Cider I will lop off you head!
@mfladd Cider exclusively? You got it.
@hollboll If I get you I have a perfect idea or what to send you... :) I may have to send 1 Heady topper cause why not? Worst comes to worst, you could always use it for favors from @JonT.
@hollboll guess who is going to miss this?? @JonT... I think :)
@mfladd so if I get you I know where to do some shopping... A special Hopped cider? And you'll only have you to blame.
@sohmageek yay! fingers crossed
FYI, I just packed up about 15lbs of beer (all glass unfortunately) and the fedex bill to go to VT was $12.50. So, not too bad! Make sure to do it online and not one of those pack and ship places, it's WAY cheaper.
@marklog did you use one of those boxes that were posted before - too lazy to look.
@mfladd no, i haven't ordered those yet. Beer shipping post to follow shortly.
@marklog @somhageek
Hope you enjoy the pkg. If you ever want to send a pkg my way more of the good Michigan stuff will find it way to VT for you. Would love to try some Lawson's. Shoot me an email if you want.
@abrakke Lawson's the only one I can sometimes get (more often in the winter) is sip of sunshine. Which is their version of heady topper basically. It's a citrus dipa.
@sohmageek cool. After this thing winds down I will shoot you an email.
@abrakke sounds good. I'll check with one of my buddies that seems to be able to get rarer beers more often. I know there is a collaboration between otter creek and Lawson's double dose ipa. There was a big post about it coming back. I think they are brewing it now
@marklog OK... Now I have another Question for you... Crowler how many cans does that count for? I'm thinking 2-2.5 depending on the cost... (Crowler is more like $15 I think, for a 32 oz growler in a can...)
@sohmageek that sounds about right...
@ all playing along, Who has crawlers available in their areas?
@sohmageek we have some in metro Detroit. They are starting to get a little more common. Most in michigan are on the west side.
@sohmageek most that I have seen depend on the beer going in the growler for cost. Got some at Perrin and they were $5.50 each. Some of the higher abv beers were around $10.
@sohmageek I have yet to see a crowler in the wild, which gives me the sads.
@sohmageek they are correct a nearly every place on the west side of Michigan has them at this point. Except the big two of founders and bells.
@zdunklee awesome! We have a growler filling station which the state of Vermont by law requires you to buy their shitty ass growlers to fill there (only plus side is they swap them out and sanitize them) they are getting a crowler station soon. Which will make me happier. But I don't know how often I will go as the prices are really high. 1/2 size growler fill cost me $5 deposit + $15 fill. I hear they are trying to brew one beer to get reclassified as an onsite brewing/fill station which would get rid of the ridiculous law of only their growlers, no prefilling, and something else I can't remember.
@sohmageek apparently we do have some here?
@sohmageek recently found them at a new brewery in Cape Cod -- Devil's Purse, for anyone interested.
I either still need shipping information from the below users or it got lost in the sea of gmail:
Final request!
@marklog Done! I must have not hit Get Mail yesterday - and when I did all hell broke loose in my inbox. God Damn, Goating!
@marklog I replied to your email. Mine probably got lost in a sea of email the first time.
@marklog Done. Sorry for flaking on you.
@glindagw Thanks, witch!
No more entries! I'm collecting the final addresses now.
MediocRandomization and shipping/preference info shall be sent this evening.
- Cans over bottles if possible. They ship safer and lighter.
- dunnage dunnage dunnage!
- take LOTS of pictures when you are unboxing. you will be expected to post a glorious 'i got my box' post.
- register yourself on Untappd, share your username, and rate the beer!
@marklog I am so excited.
@abrakke In the immortal words of Homer J. Simpson: "MMMMM Beer"
@marklog I'll certainly ship my stuff out on time, but I won't be around 11/11-14, could I possibly add a friendly suggestion that my Beer Claus delay shipping a few days past the 4th?
I forgot the most important rule:
@marklog then just make sure I don't have @brhfl and we are good.
@mfladd, the randomizer says that you are sending to everyone. sorry.
@marklog as long as @hollboll is the only one sending cider to @mfladd we are all good!
If I get @mfladd, I'm just sending @marklog a bunch of PBRs instead.
@brhfl Deal, if I get you I am sending him Milwaukees Best (do those still exist?)
@marklog So I had this long post about Vermont stats... and how if there is ever another Vermonter doing this you shouldn't pair us up... Needless to say I think there are very few Vermont things that go elsewhere... (Magic Hat, UFO/Harpoon, Woodchuck--Occasionally Lawson's But it's so rare I could send it anyway) But... Needless to say, Carrolton MEH's HQ as reference, if you multiply the population by 5. It's more than the whole state of Vermont. Also Size wise Vermont can fit into Texas 27.9 times... :) Does that give you a clue how much of a drop in the bucket we are. I guess that's why we're always #1 in breweries per Capita... 30+ breweries... 626,562 population... The City of Detroit has more population that our whole state.
@sohmageek my intention was to spread folks out pretty far so it wouldn't be that difficult to find something to send. That being said, someone from Kalamazoo could get someone from Sacramento and MUST STILL CHECK TO SEE IF BELL'S GOES OUT THERE BECAUSE THEY DO.
Everyone who got their address to me on time should have their recipient's details waiting for you in your inbox. I had planned on needing to rig a few due to location, beer preference, etc, but I only had to move ONE pairing around due to location (too many Michigan folks). The MediocRandomizer worked very well.
Now it's time to get those boxes together. DON'T PROCRASTICATE! Post in this thread if you're going to be out of town, have special circumstances that you didn't mention in your email to me (those were all passed along). Now, it's time for me to scour the forums for all the clues I can find about MY recipient! Good luck! The clock is ticking!
@marklog I got nuthin.
@mfladd check your gmail, goat.
@marklog I'm going to need a week or two to gather.. If you got me... (I don't know if Marklog was telling people who got who...) Expect it to be later than normal... I'm sorry. You aren't going to be that hard to find stuff for but it's getting to the locations, Unless I do all from one place, which is always a possibility.
@marklog I didn't give my gmail you crafty bastard! I got it.
One of our local breweries sells Liberty Bottle Works Water Bottles as a smaller alternative to a growler. Has anyone tried this for their beer? If it works these would be a good way to get some local brews shipped (I'll save in shipping but I'll have to up my game with the package only going one state away).
@glindagw I LOVE Liberty bottle works waterbottles for Growler fills. Magic hat offers it locally and I've left the bottle (not recommended) in a cheap lunch bag in my car for 4 hours in 90 degree temps, and it was still ice cold when I got out of work and arrived at home to drink it. Shipping it however I don't know. They seem to stay sealed well, but I tried soda in it and it was too carbonated. (there is a local rootbeer that is OUT OF THIS WORLD delicious... until he started canning, it was impossible to get any way other than kegs.) So Maybe not nitro beers?
@sohmageek Awesome, thank you! Now I can really mix it up (the box, not some sort of bizarre beer combination).
@glindagw I have a coworker who does this (the bizarre beer combination, that is). Some of us have learned that if there's a fancy growler at an office party, it is inevitably full of all the swill he had hanging around in his basement.
@glindagw for shipping purposes if you use a growler/howler or some other refillable bottle, tape the cap. I have heard tape it in an x across the top and then around the cap. And always ziploc beer before wrapping. Just in case the worst happens.
@glindagw thinking of mix ups. I get this if I make it from cans or from the brewery but they won't do a growler premixed. Ufo/harpoon have a few fruit beers and a cider (really good with a slight hit of pumpkin) it's called fruit salad. Each person makes it a bit different. And depending on which leviathan IPA they have on tap they add a hit of that. I've even added strawberry whale cake from Burlington beer company. It's fruity but it really tastes like the dole mixed fruit cups.
@sohmageek I was picturing my little brother using a bit from every tap at the soda fountain when we were kids. I do enjoy an occasional Poor Man's Black Velvet (Guinness & Cider) during the summer. ESB & Coffee Stout mixed is my favorite beer mixture. Are the fruity mixes as sweet as they sound?
@abrakke Thank you! I knew to wrap the bottles but taping the lids makes so much sense & I didn't even consider it.
@glindagw @sohmageek Good mixer: wait until Founders Rübæus is off-season and on sale. Buy it and some Oskar Blues Ten Fidy. Mix & let yourself melt away…
@brhfl I just sent @sohmageek a bottle of Rübæus- hopefully he can find some Fidy.
@marklog I had 10 fidy a while ago
@marklog I did find some fidy. But it was too late. That bottle was amazing! Best of the bunch!
Just an FYI, if anyone here has something extra good they want to trade outside of the fuku, I have an extra bottle of Perrin No Rules that I'm pretty sure I'm not going to open. It's a 15% Vietnamese Porter if anyone is interested in a trade shoot me an email. Figured I would offer it here first before I go to a few beer groups I am in. It is a bomber and pretty rare (and expensive) so keep that in mind. If you need my email it's in the doc at the top.
Here's the untapped link if you need to see more:
@zdunklee is it something you can only get at the brewery? From this year? I would say I would like it but being as we are both from Michigan not sure I have anything you can't get. If you still have it after a while let me know. But don't hold it for me.
@abrakke It's limited distribution. I know their 12oz bottles at the brewery only sold out in a day and they were going for $7.50 per bottle. The place I got it from they sold me two because I'm a regular, but they are the biggest beer store in Grand Rapids and they only got two cases of the bombers. I'm thinking of trying to get some Pilny the Elder or Younger out of it, been hearing it's possible.
I'd honestly have to look to see if any offer was worth it depending on what it is. I thought about throwing it in my fuku, but it would put me way higher than what I was thinking and I don't honestly think it's as good as several I have in mind at this point.
@zdunklee that sounds interesting. Not sure how I'd be with the coconut however. I'm not a big coconut fan.
@sohmageek it's coconut sugar, it has a sweeter taste but I didn't notice any actual flavor of coconut in it. I too hate coconut a lot and have had to reordera few beers at a bar because of it.
@zdunklee I am in a Facebook group "beer trading without the BS". Noticed someone offering Pliney the other day. Might try there.
@zdunklee Any interest in my sending you something(s) from Three Floyds for the Perrin?
@zdunklee Or 18th Street? Or really anything from NW Indiana or Chicago?
@cbilyak Hmm, I've had Zombie Dust already, but have heard a lot of good things about Three Floyds. What kind of choices do you have at 18th street? Both of those interest me.
@cbilyak I do see some stuff that's for sale on Three Floyds website that I would be interested in. Shoot me an email with this name @hotmail and we can find something that works I'm sure.
@zdunklee Drank the Perrin today - it was good at first, definitely can taste the bourbon but the more I drank it the sweeter it felt...hubby ended up drinking more of the bottle than I did although I did enjoy what I drank. That is one for a snifter size serving for me.
@cbilyak Yea, I like it but it knocks me down pretty quick due to the heavy alcohol content and the sweetness is almost too much for me. I did stumble upon a third bottle of it tho, so I bought it.
This is the video that I started using when getting into shipping beer:
For you folks who like text and pictures that don't move:
There is nothing more tragic than wasting your time, effort, and money by skimping out and hoping for the best when shipping. Use these strategies and make sure that we don't experience a catastrophe.
@marklog so just a heads up... The wife is taunting me.
for those not in the know, this is NOT from this beer fuku. @sohmageek and I worked out a private trade where he sent me some amazing shit and I tried my best.
@sohmageek tell her to put it in the fridge!
@marklog I can't wait to try it. I also picked up some Lawson's today. Pics to come later. :) but needless to say. I'm excited about this weekend!
@sohmageek Lawson's huh? How is hill farmstead?cant wait to hear how you like the box
@marklog, just to be clear on if I am comparing my state to the state of my recipient anything in the middle is distributed in both and the left hand side is the stuff I get that they don't have access to?
Also if that's the case I'm about to blow someones mind. Lots of top notch stuff that doesn't match up!
@zdunklee yes, what you said. it's not 100%, but it will get you started. If you're anal like me, start on and end on the brewery's website.
@marklog Yea that's what I will end up doing. Most of the ones I see that are near me not on that list I already know don't have distro in the area for sure. There's a few that don't even make the list that just hit my area in cans as well (very local just never canned before).
Damn that was easy.
I took their database, exported it to excel, filtered it to come up with the list. Not a whole lot harder, but wish I noticed it was available on their site earlier.
@marklog Ok, one of my breweries doesn't have distribution in my recipients state (extremely surprised), but has distribution in the bordering state. Not sure if I should include it or not. If they have not had it, it is a must. One of those situations where I wish I could ask.
@mfladd if its not in their state then I would say include it. You can't bank on them having had it. And if it's that good then they will enjoy it again.
@abrakke Thanks, I just needed confirmation to what I was already thinking. Plus, I can also blame you if they are not happy ;)
@mfladd i think you know who you need to blame.

I hope he knows what he is in for. The game has changed.
@mfladd I'm jealous of whoever @sohmageek got in the beer fuku. Mainly because if it sucks it'll be real easy to blame the goat.
@zdunklee Don't think like that. You can blame him for everything! And I plan to take out my month of GOAT hell on him at every opportunity.
@mfladd I agree, if any beer arrives in poor condition it will clearly be @sohmageek's fault. Unless someone were real crafty and sent theirs out so that it would be there before August 31st. But no one would ever do that would they?!?!
@zdunklee Nope. Blame will be placed on delivery date. So say I.
@mfladd that's what I mean. A lot of possible one state over people in this thing. I can potentially ship mine tomorrow and I know for a fact it will make it to my person by Monday. But that's only because I have shipped stuff to that area before from my location.
@zdunklee I have a feeling the person I'm sending drinks wants to blame me for a lot of things...
@zdunklee Don't do it...wait. Sohma deserves what he is going to get. I am tired.
@mfladd I'm trying to keep you going... :) I just dished out a good deal of blame... It's almost all out now...
@marklog p.s. (off topic) we are down 2 votes on the caption thread. Frickin carl669. I think we should get all the votes from the captions under us before it was closed.
@mfladd I'm going to blame you for a lot of things still... There are a few days left... like... there was only 1 more 4 pack of Lawson's Sip of Sunshine I blame you for there not being 2 that I wanted.
@sohmageek accepted. Great score. I wish I had drank them.
@sohmageek those need to get in my belly.
Have to make a few purchases this weekend, but I already started
reservinghiding stuff last night. Getting exciting!@brhfl hey just had my first Union Duckpin. I like it!
@mfladd Nice! Not sure how into tart beers you are (the very thought seems to horrify many, I on the other hand am hosting a small Belgian sour tasting this weekend…), but Union's Old Pro Gose was the first gose I had, and now that I've played the field a bit, I still find it pretty phenomenal. And, this year they started canning it! Highly recommend if you're into that sort of thing, informally put it up against the Anderson Valley 'Kimmie, Yink, and Holy Gose' a while back and thought the Union crushed it pretty hard.
@brhfl OH! I didn't know you guys liked Gose... There is an amazing Gose I'll send it next time. :)
@sohmageek @brhfl i like gose. I like THAT gose. Im at a bar that serves that gose right now :)
@marklog which one. I don't think lost nation serves more than Vermont. Possibly occasional keg is sent out. But not much I think...
@sohmageek @marklog I feel like gose really blew up this year — which is awesome. Aforementioned Union Old Pro in cans for the first time, Sixpoint Jammer, Victory Kirsch Gose, Perennial Suburban Beverage, Evil Twin Mission Gose (this one is amazing)…
(Oh, and this terrible article.)
@brhfl Saw the Old Pro in cans today and was told it was very good - haven't tried it yet. Still working on my Duckpin's ;)
@sohmageek see Lost Nation Gose a fair amount around the Boston area. Still NE though.
@becca may I ask what area from MA you are from?
@mfladd I'm in Boston. Used to live on the Cambridge / Somerville line, now I'm in Dorchester
@becca I only ask because I was born in Newburyport. Went to college in Worcester. Pats fan?
@mfladd ah. Actually I'm hated by many for being a Steelers fan. Just never liked the Pats. Die-hard Bruins / Sox fan, and I root for the C's but NBA is kinda boring.
@becca are you born and raised in MA and a Steelers fan? Noooooooooooooo!
Ok, great Bruins vid for you.
@mfladd I am! As a kid I wanted to marry Curtis Martin, but the times do change.
I guess if you're going to spend time in Worcester you might as well be in college. How was that?
@becca Worcester is a pit. I went to college later in life so didn't have the college "experience". As a kid you wanted to marry CM? Ok, I am old. Thanks :)
@mfladd haha sorry! I have my share of feeling old too. Like how the hell is Reggie Bush 30? Pretty sure he was at USC yesterday.
And I'm finished shopping. That was really easy based on what they don't have access to. I may still look a little this weekend to make sure I don't see anything else, but it was rather easy considering two great beer stores are within 2 miles of each other near me.
There was one I really wanted to send but it only comes in bombers and is $18, so sorry to my person but no Right Brain Mangalitsa Pig Porter for you.
@zdunklee you're finished? c' you are making me feel lazy!
@mfladd considering both the stores I went to have singles of everything available in my area between them it really didn't take much. Plus what else would we expect from you? You won't be done until at least August 31st.
@zdunklee Dang, yo! Mine should be easy as well, and I anticipate finishing this weekend. Maybe I get a hellishly overpriced can or two at the train station tomorrow to simplify matters. The regional differences (and getting paired with someone who isn't particularly picky) definitely help.
@brhfl I am still debating going to a local place that only sells bottles at the brewery. They are insanely cheap (think $4-8 a bomber) and have some really good beers. I'm just not sure I want to deal with shipping that big of a bottle.
@mfladd I am done too
@zdunklee Well, at the very least you should reward your successful shopping efforts with a cheap-ass bomber for yourself!
@abrakke just rub it in why don't you!
@zdunklee that is a deal like none I've ever heard of
@becca yea I didn't realize they sold them that cheap either until last week. I usually just get stuff that's on tap since they have 32 of their own beers on tap at any given time. However with several I really like this discovery is awesome!
One week to go! Unless special arrangements have been made, boxes should be on trucks no later than one week from today.
@marklog you are a harsh taskmaster

@marklog Good luck with that!
Super stoked, have done my research and am going out tomorrow to do the purchasing...Really hoping my recipient will be happy!!
@cbilyak I envy your geographic location.
@marklog I second that. You can make someone a happy person from your location.
@marklog did any of this make it to the east side of the state?
Hmm that's a really small image, here's the link just in case.
@zdunklee yes. Saw some the other day.
@zdunklee pretty sure I have had it before. Can't remember if it was better than Atwater. Almost grabbed it yesterday but had too many other things in my hand.
@abrakke I'd recommend picking it up if you like porters it's pretty high up there on my list. Plus they had a mobile canning company come and do it so once it's gone it's gone until they decide to do more. It's in Kalamazoo and is overshadowed by Arcadia and Bell's down there.
Pretty surprising blind tasting results:
@becca Interesting! Surprised to see Clown Shoes on there, while I haven't had that one, I thought in general they were fairly middling. Though I do like their brown ale (Brown Angel? Too lazy to Google). Also surprised about Lagunitas Sucks. I thought it lived up to its name. Maybe expectation bias…
@brhfl I enjoy Lagunitas Sucks, Racer 15, and Panzer Wolf but would never have put them above Heady and Pliny. Makes me want to set up a blind tasting. And try that Clown Shoes.
@becca Obviously not on this scale, but I do blind tastings among friends pretty much once per season… While inevitably there are some predictable patterns in the results, I'm still pretty much always surprised.
As far as order goes on that list, I don't have too many thoughts once you're in such high end territory (plus some are too obscure for me to have had), but aside from the obvious Lawson's, Pliny, and Heady, I'll say I was not surprised to see Firestone Walker in there - they just seem to know how to make variations on a really solid IPA - and the 90 Minute, which despite having been around forever continues to impress me.
@brhfl I made a Wookey Jack clone and from those that have had the original apparently I nailed it.
@brhfl what are your thoughts about Heavy Seas Cross Bones Session IPA?
@becca Interesting, I certainly wouldn't put Devil Dancer anywhere near my top Michigan IPA's. Although they don't have Bell's Hopslam on the list at all and that's a clear winner over any of the others from Michigan on that list IMO. I honestly think there's at least 5-10 that I have had better than devil dancer tho.
@zdunklee Hopslam has a narrow release window — the writers made a point of saying "[…] you will no doubt notice plenty of well-known, world-class beers that are missing. And there are a dozen reasons why this could be. Here’s the least likely reason: We “forgot” about it, or weren’t aware of it. Here’s the most likely reason: There isn’t a fresh batch of it out there right now." I'm guessing this explains Hopslam.
@mfladd I haven't had that one. I've only recently given Heavy Seas another shot after some really disgusting Loose Cannons I had, which I now attribute to a coincidental series of flukes — it's a pretty fine IPA. But, that said, part of my mind still doesn't jump on Heavy Seas, so I tend to be late to the party with their stuff. Maybe I'll pick one up when I'm completing my Beer Claus package this weekend.
@brhfl I realize that, but there are several I would consider better that didn't even get tested and I know they were out when they did that test. Both Perrin and Short's have several IPA's that I would assume would beat Devil Dancer in a blind test. Among other breweries.
One thing Founder's is not really known for are IPA's. Most of their top stuff is Stouts, even on Untapped the top beers they have until you click more includes only one IPA/APA and it's not devil dancer. Just an odd choice.
@becca I'll say I can definitely Speak to Lawson's Sip of Sunshine being better than Alchemist Heady Topper. Other than that, I think Alchemist Focal Banger being better than heady. I think that Fiddle Head Mastermind fits somewhere between Focal Banger and Sip, but closer to sip... And today I had the best IPA I've had to date... Lawson's Super Session #2.
TL;dr version
Sohma's Rate of ipa/Dipa
1) Lawson's Super Session #2 -- (session IPA)
2) Alchemist Focal Banger - (IPA)
3) Fiddleheads Mastermind (DIPA)
4) Alchemist Heady topper (DIPA)
5) Fiddleheads Double Fiddle (DIPA)
@sohmageek Hmm now I want to see what my top 5 Michigan Based IPA's look like compared to @marklog and @abrakke.
This was a harder list than I thought to try and make... although my #1 was super easy and by far the best IPA I've ever had. I can get crowler's of it currently FYI.
@zdunklee Fair point. I'll just go back to my observation that every time I've taken part in a blind tasting, I've been pretty shocked by the results. That said, now I want a Founders Centennial.
@brhfl I kinda feel the same way. Picked up a six tonight and was kinda like meh. - I can't send one of those. So I just had to drink them..Oh well.
@brhfl Do you guys get Founders by you. I know they have a big footprint and I'm pretty sure it'll be nationwide within 2 years but I don't feel like looking it up.
@zdunklee Yeah, I know I get it in DC and VA, I'm not certain about MD (or at least my distribution area), but I feel like that might mean 'no' to MD since I associate it with shopping in the District.
@brhfl @zdunklee I will double check this weekend but I could swear at one of my really good stores in MD that I saw Founders. Map site shows only limited distribution. But I don't think there was much as far as variety available.
Nevermind, I just called the store. They are not carrying it on the shelves, but will occasionally get kegs for the Growler bar.
@mfladd Hah! I'll be interested to see what you've sent off. We don't necessarily have obvious picks from our region.
Not local, but my go-to session IPAs this year were FW Easy Jack, Stone Go-to IPA, and Evil Twin Bikini Beer. Guess I should've given Flying Dog's Easy IPA another shot, but I tried it last year and was not impressed.
@brhfl I could not believe Flying Dog had distribution in my recipients state, but Dogfish doesn't! Leaves me with many possibilities though.
@mfladd Yeah, I was pretty surprised to see just how far FD is distributed. I think the Brewhouse Rarities and possibly the single-hop IPAs are safe, though.
@sohmageek I screwed it up. 2.5 sip of sunshine Lawson's
OK... so I'm almost done... I'm going to throw in one of my favorites that may or may not be available at their location. It's an extra... so I'm not that upset about it. I've acquired 3 of them already. I may have to try to find a good ale to send. 1 more trip should just about finish it up. I'm sending some of my favorite stuff out.
May I suggest next time we do this... a bit of a bigger minimum? It's going to be about $13-$15 to ship 4 all the way up to 12 cans, So if I'm sending beers... and getting beers, I'd rather send 12 and get 12... If the shipping is the same price. I mean I'd be ok with 8 cans. (I prefer 4 packs as most of the good stuff is sold in 4 packs here. There are times when I can get triple bag, but I don't find them good locally, but there are better beers out there.)
OR do something like 4 Bomber sized beers?
@sohmageek Well it says 4-6. I'm actually shipping 7 myself (one is a surprise extra as well for me, but might actually be available in their area). I aimed a little high though because there's so much good I can send.
I would probably just double up a few if we were doing 12ish, but that would also depend on the recipients preferences of beer. I may start throwing stuff I know is worth it in my cellar for the next one as well.
@zdunklee I'd love doubles with things... If it's a great beer and I only got one sometimes I'd be sad... But then again with only a few it's easy to not double up. My issue is I'd love to send 2-3 of each if it's something they like... as a 4 pack is usually $15... I can't really find $2.50 good beers.
@sohmageek I am sending 8 bottles, of which 2 includes doubles but the rest are all singles, however, 3 of those are oversized bottles. The shipping is fairly hefty for 14.5 lbs of beer, but I am very hopeful that my recipient will be pleased and make the money and the effort worth it. Dropping off at UPS in the morning, estimated delivery of Wed-Thu...hope my recipient enjoys!
@sohmageek I agree. I think i am sending 8-9 12 oz and a bomber. But I like to overachieve. And this stems from trades....always send extras.
I'm really looking forward to this... Mostly as I'm drinking down things, but Also I've run out of beer (other than stuff I'm saving) Why can't there be a good cheap beer locally... :(
@sohmageek because you have all the good expensive beer...jerk!
@zdunklee but I'd love to get something good for cheap. Makes me think of investing into getting a keggerator. It's amazing what you can find in kegs :)
And even magic hat isn't that cheap. I think it's the same price as long trail or ottercreek.
@sohmageek craigslist can be a good source for cheap kegerators depending on your area. i picked up a commercial kegerator, co2 tank w/ regulator, sankey coupler and two cornelius kegs for $150.
I am going wrap the shit out of some beers.
@marklog my Amazon order of 150 ft arrives Tuesday. Alonf with my packing tape and fragile stickers.
@marklog boxed up and ready to go! I blame @mfladd for the last piece being out of season missed by 2 weeks (or so) and sold out now :(
Maybe next year?
@zdunklee thanks for the suggestion. I also used amazon to send me everything I need.
Hit a snag today, couldn't find the last piece that I thought would be so simple… Still time to figure something else out, but regardless… damn you, @mfladd!
@brhfl I know, I know. I take full responsibility and promise that you will figure it out. :)
@mfladd another 2days of it. Or maybe more :)
@mfladd. damn you again! My son has kept us up from 3-now. (The wife had it worse. I guess he was up from 1-2 then woke back up at 3.... Why is this relevant? Cause beer is on my mind. What ones to send that is :)
@sohmageek I would accept responsibility, but I am waiting for tomorrow so it will be all your fault. SHIT! - too late. It's all my fault.
Damn. doesn't matter. 31 days in Aug. Shit again!
@mfladd you think that is bad...image when you receive my beer fuko of schlitz, bud, pabst and coors! Only the best of the best for you, goat...
I'm shipped! My recipient will see their box on Tuesday. Can't. Wait.
I will probably ship tomorrow to be honest. Sorry peeps.
Me too most likely. I've got everything I need to ship, I just ran out of time yesterday to get it all packed and ready to drop off on my lunch break.
The label is printed... I'll drop it at fedex on my way to pick up my son! I can't wait to see the reveal thread... Should arrive by Thursday, But knowing who's getting it we won't see it till Monday or something... There are such procrastinators at this site... :)
Package is not ready to go yet. I have received all supplies for shipping. And all beer shopping has been completed.
@bhrfl - I found a place that sells baltimore/delmarva mix and match six packs for $9.99. They had everything!!!!! Flying Dog, Dogfish, Tall Tales, Evo, 3rd Wave - which is brand new out of Delmar, Delaware, Old Dominion out of Dover. Even some of the hard to find ones. I was in craft heaven!
there might be one more I have to get and try. It is not local, but does not have distribution to my recipients state. The woman at the store said they had sold 35 cases in a week! And this is not your typical beer store where you would expect that volume.
@brhfl sorry, I pinged you wrong yesterday.
@mfladd Nice! I'll have to keep my eyes open for 3rd Wave, haven't caught wind of that one yet… Old Dominion used to be out of VA, and ran a few bars in the area as well - I think when they merged with Fordham, the bars were sold off separately, and the one I used to go to in DC suddenly shut down last year after (apparently) owing months worth of rent. Shame, because it had shockingly good sushi! Anyway, not sure where I'm going with that, except I miss my beers & sushi. OD beer is still solid, though, love their oaked stout.

Old Dominion
@mfladd Sorry if I was confusing - I know they're still making beer, but the DMV-area brewhouses are all shut down (except maybe Hyattsville?) My fave:

They make good soda too!
3rd Wave 'Beach Juice' sounds interestingly refreshing, super low ABV so you don't die in the hot sun, I guess…
@brhfl You weren't confusing. I just love the DD label. I will look for the Stout.
Mine was sent today. ETA: Thursday.
I shipped this weekend and my recipient is scheduled to receive the beer on Wednesday. Sent it UPS. Then sending package #2 for a trade and cannot get to UPS so scheduled a pick-up, they wanted another $10 for pick-up even though the driver goes down this street. Screw that, went the FedEx route as I have a FedEx by my office but thought it was more $$...NOT, FedEx was less than UPS even without the pick-up fee. Guess I will be using FedEx more in the future. Lesson learned.
@cbilyak I highly recommend printing the label from home and dropping it off. One less truck, and I'm pretty sure it's cheaper to do it that way.
@marklog I know, it was just more convenient to have him pick it up when he has done so in the past without an additional fee. All is well that ends well, FedEx came through.
How're folks who are shipping FedEx handling the recipient phone number requirement?
@brhfl I've supplied my own... but I guess that should be part of the exchange if there are any issues with the package. Also I've used FedEx as they are pretty good up here dealing with the packages. If you sign up for a personal account I've been told Estimate the box weight, if it's off they'll adjust it. (I've had them ship a few things I said were 14 lbs but were actually 15 lbs, and they never adjusted it. Could be same price also. I didn't purposefully say the wrong weight, I had 3 boxes with same detentions, similar weights, I just put the weight I could remember on all of them.
@brhfl I just use my own phone number. @sohmageek I agree. We will add that to the list next time.
@sohmageek @marklog Thanks, that's what I was planning to do but figured I'd ask. I usually use UPS because it's right next to my office, but I can't easily haul this box into work, so this time it's FedEx because there's a 24 hr location nearish my home. So assuming my car starts, I'll be dropping off tonight!
@brhfl And, just to close this loop… mine is in FedEx's hands… or pallet jacks… or whatever… now!
Packages will begin arriving today (or sooner).
Your job as a recipient:
@marklog except for the recipient of a goat package. But I promise them it will be worth the wait.
@mfladd If they all arrived on the same it it would be less fun.
By less fun I mean that giving you shit on how long your package takes is going to be fun. Better make it worth it :)
@marklog It will be.
@marklog Erm, I definitely haven't shipped mine yet. Sorry about that recipient. It'll be going out hopefully tomorrow if I get everything done in time.
@hollboll due date is Friday. No worries.
@hollboll Don't be a Deadbeat! :) Just blame it on the goat... @mfladd will take it... OR if you wish... Blame it on the SLACKER, that's right... I'm calling you out @JonT. I sent you beer in the past... Now where are my prizes? ;)
Take your time FYI
UPS just changed the delivery date for my recipient from Wednesday to Thursday - sorry dude.
Ok, so my BEER FUKU has been sent out. FedEx 2 Day, so it should be there no later than Friday. Has anyone else participating sent an email to their Secret Santa person containing the tracking number? I feel like I should, as it is always fun to track a package that will eventually be in your possession.
@mcvick you COULD do that, but you would then ruin the surprise when the box is opened!
I say that, however I forgot to put any indication in the box that I sent that it was me. Stupid old goat.
@marklog Yeah, I forgot to include anything identifying that it was me. If you receive a box full of Louisiana/Mississippi's meh-iest ales and lagers that excludes Abita, then you will know IT WAS ME.
@mcvick ha perfect. I think how this will go is someone will post, possibly guess, etc, and the sender can reveal themselves.
@marklog I left something very incriminating as to who it was from. But meh. Anywho. Is the a possibility of sending marklog the day my box would be arriving to make sure my wife works from home that day? I really don't want it to ride around in a truck an extra day :(. I don't want to know who t is yet!!! And @marklog send it my way. Just the date :) and perhaps if it's ups/fedex... (Different times they show up to make sure we are home)
@sohmageek i'm happy to pass along info such as that.
Just to make sure we're all on the same page... Revealathon goes here.
Well...well crap. I wish I'd seen this, because my region, having little else to recommend it besides a deep commitment to education and civil liberties, has thrown itself wholeheartedly into brewing.
If it comes up again, I may even send some mead. That's right, we ran out of normal things to brew, abnormal things to brew, and ways of mixing our brewing and distilling to create Frankensteinian deliciousness in your mouth, and now we have a meadery.
@brainmist we will get you in next time.
@brainmist I love mead. :) a lot of the vineyards here do it. :)
FYI - Staples won't ship any alcoholic beverages. grrr Off to FedEx this afternoon.
@smyle you told them? disguise...disguise...disguise.
@smyle neither will fedex if you tell them it's alcohol. Try "lava lamp", "marinade", or "yeast sample".
@marklog christmas ornaments.
Should we ask for adult signature required, or avoid due to raising eyebrows?
@becca AVOID at all costs! Or really just to make things easier, especially if they need to leave at the door with the person not home.
@mfladd Comments said it was legal - why would I disguise if it's legal? It's not a UPS policy, it's a Staples policy. I'll go with the "christmas ornaments" - that sounds plausible.
Time for a check in! How is shipping going? Have you found that last bottle? Did something special just land on your porch? Let us know what's up with you. (Also, you might want to subscribe to this thread).
@marklog all beers have been purchased. Just need to figure out packaging and shipping all of them.
@marklog one more bottle today. have started packing all the others.
@marklog Dropped off last night around 9, so it should be shipping today. Didn't find everything I was hoping too, think the beer-seasonal shift threw me off, but I'm happy with what I put in. There isn't really a 'Heady Topper of the DMV,' so to speak, but I think I pulled together a box showcasing some of our better and more interesting brews.
(Read as: someone's box of Natty Boh should be arriving in a couple of days)
@marklog Package has left the Memphis FedEx location. Hoping it will arrive at its destination tomorrow.
@marklog I'll probably be the dbag who ships on friday. Excuses, excuse, excuse.
@connorbush no, I will be with you.
@connorbush @mfladd phew, glad I'm not the only one! :)
@marklog Package en route...if UPS does not delay again, someone in the Eastern half of the country will be receiving their beer tomorrow.
@marklog Purchased, packaged, should be sent today.
@marklog My goal was NOT to be the D-bag or Dick in this Fuku!
@marklog also purchased, packaged and ready to ship but after seeing the first reveal I feel like my recipient may be disappointed :(
@stardate820926 as long as you stick with the posted minimums you should be fine. I'm an overachiever and couldn't decide. Plus I'm buying future favor with @cbilyak
@stardate820926 Oh you must be talking about Texas beer :)~
@marklog As of 1:05pm EST it has been dropped off and scanned in at the FedEx location. 14.2 LBs of goodness should be delivered to its final location by Friday.
@marklog I'll be shipping tomorrow, getting last ones today :-)
@marklog Beer is bought. Packaging will be tonight and shipping out tomorrow.
@marklog Finally my Liberty Bottles have been delivered & washed. Off to christen with last couple of beers. Shipping this evening or tomorrow morning.
@marklog I already claimed the favors by hooking @cbilyak up with a no rules shipment (once my packing material arrives anyway, stupid UPS I think is messing with both our shipments in the same area of the country)
@marklog mine was shipped out today Fedex ground (or whatever, I don't don't use Fedex much but their open hours didn't directly correlate to when I'm at work so...).
I hope my recipient is happy. I had a harder time than expected finding tall cans without loading the box full of the same brewery but I went over the minimum and included a fairly rare one that is no longer in production that I hope makes up for my lack of beer IQ.
@marklog packing and shipping Thursday
@marklog It's shipped, stupid Labor Day holiday means it will get to my recipient Tuesday instead of Monday.
Damn. Kind of upset I missed this as I definitely would have been interested in signing, but can't afford to at this point. If you continue to do these, I'll definitely take part in a future one. I might even decide to send some Dark Lord unless people really want some of 3 Floyds delicious infected bottles, lol. (Totally kidding, I sell those back to the brewpub to help fund my future purchases)
@wilstev no worries, we'll bring you in next time. @cbilyak lives over there too.
Dear Peeps whom have shipped: What kind of packing supplies are you using to protect the glass bottles?!
@connorbush double walled cardboard boxes, bubble wrap, plastic bags, bubble wrap, packing peanuts, and bubble wrap. Scroll up for the shipping post.
@connorbush I did electrical tape around the caps and bubble wrap around the bottle. Dunnage top and bottom. I also went to a local beverage store and they gave me a very inconspicuous brown wine box that has the separators in it. My person better be impressed (at least with the packaging)
@connorbush Everything in individual freezer bags and bubble wrap, whole bundle in two trash bags (one up, one down), smothered in more bubble wrap. Fill gaps with air bags or wads of bubbles.
@connorbush Bubble wrap and Wine, really
@connorbush Electrical tape around caps. Individual Ziplocks. A box & shaped dividers left over from a wine shipment. A bit of packing paper to fill in gaps with smaller bottles.
Brief threadjack for Michiganians: is Bell's Best Brown out yet? We just started getting Bell's in my part of MD earlier this year (yay, no more carrying back from DC!), and I'm hoping that includes Best Brown. Wondering how long it'll take to trickle over…
@brhfl "Michigander" but you are forgiven haha. I haven't seen it yet but the local beer store said yesterday it should be soon.
@evbarnstormer Whatever I guessed was bound to be wrong, so I picked the one I liked the sound of most ;) Thanks for the response!

@marklog I'm so dissapointed I didn't make the drive to get Funvitational tickets now. Look at this list!
@brhfl On the Bell's facebook page it started shipping Monday along with Hell Hath No Fury(first time it's been bottled in about 5 years) and their 30th anniversary APA.
@zdunklee Thanks!
@brhfl if you are getting Bells you should get Best Brown. It's a staple for them and if you get distro it should be there. If not let me know and I can ship you some for something I can't get.
@abrakke yea same for me @brhfl. I have no issue shipping out stuff for a trade at any time if I have access to it.
@abrakke @zdunklee Thanks guys, I assume it'll land locally since Oberon did, but even if it doesn't, I can pick it up in DC and carry it around for a few miles like I've traditionally done with Bell's. Prefer not to though!
(This sort of thing is why I still think we need a
@brhfl @marklog I wish I could find some more of that Rubaeus. That was freaking amazing! I'd love to try it with fidy now... and now that I know where I can find fidy with some reliability. I think I need to get a wine chiller or something to start storing beers... can anyone give any advice for that? I have a wootstout that I'd love to keep for a few months to see how it tastes 6 months or so down the road... or keep it for a special occasion.
@sohmageek In my experience a storage room in a basement works great for storing most types of beer, they typically stay pretty cool. Although there are some that you'd probably want to keep refrigerated.
@sohmageek I've always done what @zdunklee suggested, but I'm sure not all basements are quite stable enough. I love these for wine storage, and they hold bombers/750s nicely as well… wish they'd make one sized for a sixer!
@brhfl just use that in the fridge? I'm thinking free up the fridge space :) that it still a keggerator. :)
@sohmageek is that hinting at something with the Ruebas!!! Pretty sure it is still available here but will more than likely fade out as fall comes. We can always get more and ship at a later time.
@sohmageek @abrakke and I will dig some Rubaeus up. I'm still waiting for feedback on some of the other bottles!
@marklog I can get rubaeus pretty much year round from Founders. It's pretty rare that they don't have it in their store.
@zdunklee That's awesome... @Marklog @abrakke
@sohmageek Yea, I don't often buy it because it is also an on tap year round beer at the brewery. One of the several that people always want when they go. Right now they have it on nitro.
@zdunklee I feel like nitro is kind of overused, but… I'd hit Rubaeus on nitro, absolutely.
@brhfl I just scored one of your earlier recommendations with the other two as well.

@zdunklee Mmm, solid haul! 10/120 isn't bad, often worse than that around here…
@brhfl yea the beer group I'm part of out here has found it selling for $15+ at a few locations. Taking advantage for sure.
@sohmageek Your first day as goat and you are already causing my amazon packing shipment to be delayed! Stop it I want to send out my beer!
@zdunklee I'm sorry let me wave my magic wand... nope... I guess it's broken... and so were the images I posted.
@sohmageek I blame you for having a broken magic wand. What kind of goat are you?
@zdunklee the kind that takes the blame but has no way of fixing things. I only try to take your minds off of it.
UPS has my recipient's package noted as out for delivery...yippee!!
@cbilyak sweet! Did you have any beer last night...? :)
@marklog Wish me luck... I'm trying to get some Lawson's in a few minutes. :) Also it looks like what I think is my UPS delivery from IL, is out for delivery, and my box for someone is out for delivery also.

@marklog Got 2 6 Packs... It's expensive... $21 for 12 beers... I wouldn't mind if it was the large but these are normal sized cans...
@sohmageek you just let me know how much of it you can part with and what you want for it. I'm leaving for lunch shortly and beginning my Rubaeus hunt :)
edit: also, let me know if you're just bragging and have no intention of sharing which I totally respect also.
@marklog I could share a 6 pack of the Lawson's session #2.
@marklog while you are out Dogfish Head 120 is hitting shelves out here today. I'm headed to my local place around 3pm because they are always unboxing their new stuff about that time.
@marklog How about any good ipas you have there, anything that you think is similar to heady, Focal, or Lawson's session #2? (I realize you haven't had it yet)
@sohmageek yes. for sure. get ready. :)
@marklog I had the Poet Oatmeal Stout...and was so tired that as I was finishing it off I was then nodding off. I admit I have had that one before and love it...nice and smooth with a strong finish. It was my dinner! Yummy!
@zdunklee Curious what you guys pay for 120… relatively close to the source, I try to avoid paying more than 9/single, is it worse out there?
@cbilyak yeah that's why there are so many. there were a few bottles that i wasn't sure that you had. they were available in your area but sort of limited. certainly the 2014 dragon's milk... and the poet.
@brhfl I'm about to find out. It's coming off the truck right now. I just scored a bba arrogant bastard as well.
@zdunklee @brhfl i'm going to check on my way home, the place I stopped by at lunch didn't have anything.
@marklog @brhfl let me know, it was at every store I stopped in at today. I can easily pick up as many as needed.
Cost $10 for the 120.
@marklog we will see about that - will be close to that timeline though.
@mfladd it's a fake timeline for those that need timelines. of course, packages must go out, even if they are late.
@marklog * it may be better to not go out if they are getting Bud lite... :(
@sohmageek I f they do get Bud Lite you know who they will blame :)
@mfladd ok... Goat or not... I can take a lot of crap... but that... that's just unamehrican...
Mine just said Delivered.... I Can't wait! :)
@sohmageek awesome, maybe it can get chilled for a this-evening tasting!
@marklog IT's the one I sent... You'd have to check with my recipient... my incoming box won't arrive for another 2-4 hours.
@marklog Mine shipped today! It's mostly cans, so that should lessen the chance of breakage. :)
@hollboll awesome. I believe yours has landed, somewhere in Mediocreville.
@sohmageek I Want to KNOW!!!! Did my recipient get it?!?! :) I'll probably have to wait till Monday... Wait... Monday is a holiday...
@marklog Just checked the warehouse, didn't see it. :(
@hollboll Don't you know you have to check 3 times... I wouldn't be surprised to see that @JonT found your package and it was 3/4 gone by the time you got to it.
@marklog Mine is shipped. Says 2 days, so that could be Saturday or Tuesday.
@sohmageek I see the package was finally delivered...hope you are happy with the contents!
@cbilyak Yes I just got done unboxing... I guess I should have taken pictures before I pulled everything out... how it was wrapped ETC. It was perfect. I can't wait to try it out. I think you went above and beyond. Thank you!
This is not fuku related other than it happened out of this thread. Here is what I just got in my afternoon mail from @cbilyak :
@zdunklee I can take the blame for that one... :)
@zdunklee Glad to see it all arrived in tact! Threw in the Jinx Proof just because I had it in my fridge already when we started talking...glad I had the Middle Finger in my fridge too because when I went to get more, they were out so you get it before I do...have not tried that one yet but I can go try it at their pub even if they do not have it as carry-out.
@zdunklee I will also take the blame for this! Both love and jealousy are squirting out of me.
@zdunklee I am jealous of that pic!!!!
@zdunklee And in exchange for the above I received this.
Going to be a nice weekend.
@cbilyak Now that you have it I can tell you that the neapolitan milk stout is my favorite milk stout ever. It was just released on Tuesday as well, so it's super fresh.
@marklog don't click the link, you'll see at least two of a beer you sent. Oh and @cbilyak did you happen to notice what box I shipped that in. Look what it contained at one point on the bottom of it.
@zdunklee ha, too late! all that does is validate my selection.
@marklog it is my opinion that you can never go wrong with Right Brain. They don't really make a bad beer. Also try the Hawk Owl mixed with CEO Stout. It's an amazing combo.
@zdunklee drinking the Neapolitan stout right now...very good, I think it is up there with the CEO stout at the top of my list at the moment.
@cbilyak I figured if you liked stouts you would enjoy that one. I came out the day before I got my shipping stuff from amazon. So I guess the delay was just because of that ;)
Just want to note that I'm sad that I wasn't able to get in on this. I didn't even get to council @hollbol to ensure that what she's sending is a legit representation of good local beer.
It also makes me happy to hear all of this beer nerd speak because it's all just slightly above my head. I'm definitely an enthusiast but I haven't graduated to the next level of waiting for releases of rare beers or anything.
@JonT There's always round 2... :)
@JonT make up for not being engaged enough with the community while on vacation by talking @shawn into!
@JonT Whenever I want good beer... really good beer... I have to wait for it.. There are a few that I can find out when it comes out... and they'll have enough for a day, so I don't have to wait a while for it... but It'll last a day... then it's gone!
@sohmageek I have such a hard time drinking rare / hard-to-find IPAs when I get them because I wanna save nice things. Gotta drink fresh!
@becca I know... I'm saving a few bottles of w00t stout cause I love it and I'm sure it would be good aged... I mean they aged 25% of the beer in the bottle by a year... I can just imagine what it would be like in a year... not that I'll keep it that long. But yes... gotta drink fresh
@sohmageek Dang, everyone keeps talking about w00t stout (or maybe it's just you, repeatedly, not sure)… feel like I should grab some while the gettin's good.
@brhfl everyone in my area is looking for it. Apparently it is good.
@JonT I will attest that the current batch of w00t stout is good. I came across it at Costco and snagged two bottles. Drank one with friends, saved one for later. I now wish I had purchased more.
@brhfl IF you can... get it... I have purchased 3 myself... and a co-worker got me one... it was like $12 I think per bottle, but well worth it... I think I've said something about it a few times... it's just that good... and it's like 12 or 13% so that helps. :)
@mcvick I wish I had not left the other 3 bottles there the day I could have got 6... but I thought it would be a bit much to spend that much on beer... especially with a little boy's birthday coming up.
@sohmageek @mcvick @zdunklee Guess I know what I'm doing this weekend!
@sohmageek I think Costco was selling for under $10 here in Louisiana, and it could have been the first time it was released in this market. I initially bought one w00t stout and one of the HiFi/LoFi. Regretted spending money HiFi/LoFi. When I went back to look for more w00t Stout the supply was down to three bottles, so I only bought one more.
@mcvick Is it bad when you regret saving some for others??? )
@brhfl Trying to get some W00t stout?
@sohmageek Yeah I've been seeing it around quite a bit, so if I'm out I may try to acquire one or two…
@brhfl or a dozen ;)
@sohmageek I have two. Two weeks ago my store had 18 or so last time j was in 2 left.
@abrakke I have 2 left... I really want some now... :)
@sohmageek Regret? Nah.
Jealous? Slightly.
Space? Nope.
Happy that I got to try it? You betcha.
@mcvick I've generally been… interested? by the stochasticity beers, even if a lot of them leave me meh. Was HiFi/LoFi sour? Doesn't sound like it but their description confuses me a little.
@brhfl ditto
@brhfl Not sour at all. More... astringent.
@mcvick weird. pass!
@sohmageek @mcvick Achievement unlocked, w00tstout purchased! 2 bottles at $9 inc. tax each.
@brhfl NICE! That is an amazing price (according to what I paid.) I'm used to it being more in Vermont now... If I moved out of state and beer was less than $12/4 pack... I'd be shocked. Although not all of it is $12/4 pack, and 12 is usually the cheaper stuff.
I went to get the last bottle today - sold out in two places. I will not give up until I get this last bottle.
Step one complete. I bought some beers. Step two, in progress--I have a box.
Did someone say something about w00tstout? My local place has cases of it.
Oh, and once I opened my eyes I found Rubaeus.
The third bottle is 5yr old homemade bacon bourbon.
@marklog meat liquor!
@marklog W00tStout... I love it... but I'm going to not worry about it for now... :) I've got to curb my spending. :(
@brhfl Deal for Annapolis Craft Beer Fest
@mfladd Fancy, thanks for the heads-up!
Whoo, my recipient's beer has been

@brhfl star star star star
@brhfl calling home to ask the wife to put the entire box in my kegerator, unopened. Yes, it will fit.
@marklog Excellent! I need to buy boxes for next time, I think used a much larger/more awkward box than necessary.
@brhfl i'm thinking about periscoping the tasting with some buddies.. thoughts?
@marklog I would hit it up, seeing as I forgot to wake up this morning and didn't go to work, I'm available to watch people drink beer all day! Anyway, it could make for a decent tasting, I think… While there are no 'white whales,' I picked a variety of styles, and two of the breweries weren't even listed on Seekabrew, so it's likely pretty unfamiliar.
Also, in case it got lost in all the bubbles, there are some notes in the package.
@brhfl 'all the bubbles'.... dude.
OK, still need checkins from a few. Have you received your box? Have you mailed your box?
Tagging everyone- if you've already communicated/posted photos, ignore plz.
@marklog package shipped out yesterday, expected delivery is Satruday but probably Tuesday. No package received.
@marklog My Fuku has been delivered. I am patiently waiting for my beer X-Mas.
@Humper I have confirmation that yours is en route.
@mcvick i have confirmation that yours is en route as well.
@marklog Package is shipped, expected delivery Saturday. I have not received mine, Tuesday perhaps.
@marklog Thanks for the information. I am REALLY hoping that my box will not sit in a warehouse until Tuesday. It is unbearably hot and humid down here.
@marklog The package I sent shows it was delivered yesterday. The one I am receiving is scheduled to arrive tomorrow.
@marklog Guess I'm curious about the status of mine; I requested to ship it out late, I think that was before realizing we're not dealing with the Pony Express anymore… and I'm not sure if that message made it through… either way is okay, so long as it hopefully doesn't land 11/11-14.
@brhfl don't step on it when you get home.
@marklog this was why i was fated to not wake up this morning!

(unboxening to come…)
@marklog Everything is packed (and full). Just need to get it out. Have not received yet.
@mfladd Still so curious to find out what you're sending out…
@brhfl oh god. I am not even sure now. But email me at and we shall talk about what we sent.
@mfladd @brhfl what is going on here.
@marklog Ummmm. Nothing? Oh Shit! we were caught.
@marklog Package shipped expected to arrive Tuesday 9/8. Have not rec'd anything yet.
@marklog really sorry. Ended up out of town unexpectedly due to a death. Got back last night. Went out this afternoon to a bunch of local breweries and put together a selection that I think will make my recepient happy and it will go out probably Tuesday since I think everything is closed Monday. Again my apologies but hopefully this box will partly make up for the delay.
@Bingo I'm sorry for your loss.
@marklog Oh and my box was here waiting for me when I got home last night and is absolutely badass. Thank you to whomever that was*
@mfladd Seriously Mehgoat... You're begging to be goat again! ;)
@Bingo I'm sorry for your loss. I'm sure whoever it is is understanding.
@Bingo post your spoils! WE. DEMAND. PICTURES.
@marklog Ha. Fair enough. I will do so this evening
@marklog just shipped today...Labor Day shenanigans started earlier than expected and took me away from the casa. @shells expect a good weekend of drinking ahead
Delivery completed! Apparently my lack of perfect wrapping was overcome by sheer good fortune.

@smyle Don't be sure yet...maybe they just thought you shipped a very wet box for some odd reason.
For @sohmageek primarily, but many of you will appreciate how weighted this is...
@marklog "the last several beers distributed to the NE region that I drank"
@marklog lol, two maine beers and Dinner isn't one of them? What a joke. Not to mention supplication and not Pliny. Does this person understand that Pliny has been the best beer in America for 7 years, according to zymurgy readers, like the ones that actually know about beer?
Not saying those are all decent beers tho, just not all worthy of a best list. Wait was there anything but IPA's on that list?
@zdunklee Goose Island Bourbon County Stout made it on. So… that's… something.
@marklog OK... I disagree on a few... Peeper ale was disgusting... I had it on draft from one of the fancier restaurants here. It wasn't that it was bad actually... but it's way overhyped... I'd rather a switchback ale. Gose Lost Nation is good... Want some next time I send beer?
@zdunklee Lost nation Gose was on it too. I'll admit Vermont is overrun with IPA's. They have had a lot of issues with hops recently actually. We're over populated with Breweries... Every year it seems 4-6 breweries are opening and 3-7 are closing. So it stays about the same or adds one this year, loses one next year. It seems that just about every "good" IPA in Vermont is mainly citra hops. I've gotten to the point that I can tell when that hop is used without needing to be told.
@sohmageek So, I lived in Vermont from 2001 to 2006. When I was there, the big players were Magic Hat, Long Trail, Harpoon (technically) and Otter Creek. Smaller guys were Shed, Alchemist, and McNeil's (besides smaller craft places like American Flatbread, VPB, Rock Art, Trout River, and the like). Last time I was up that way I visited Hill Farmstead and have become aware of Lawsons and Fiddlehead. What are some of the new ones that have opened up, and which ones have closed down?
I am aware that Shed closed down and some production shifted over to Otter Creek. I wouldn't be surprised if Trout River folded. Oh, and I do not count 3 Needs in the mix.
@mcvick I remember hearing that McNeil's is changing something, perhaps it was brewing offsite. something like that now. American Flatbread brewery part is now called Zero Gravity, They're doing good, they actually opened a 2nd location outside of American flatbread. Trout river is gone. a few places that have opened and closed since were Grateful hands brewing in cabot VT. Infinity opened 2 years ago and was sold recently to new owners it was closed for a few months.
New list of breweries in Vermont on the passport... With my comments after dashes
The Alchemist
Backacre Beermakers
Bent Hill Brewery- new since I looked last year
Bobcat Cafe and Brewery
Burlington Beer Company-- technically in Williston, awesome beer- open for 2 years
Covered Bridge Craft Brewery
Crop Bistro and Brewery
Drop-In Brewing Company
Fiddlehead Brewing Company
First Republic Brewing Company- new since I looked last year
Foley Brothers Brewing
Four Quarters Brewing
14th Star Brewing
Frost Beer Works-new since I looked last year
Harpoon Brewery
Hermit Thrush Brewery- new since I looked last year
Hill Farmstead Brewery
Hop'n Moose Brewing Co.- new since I looked last year
J'Ville Brewery- new since I looked last year
Kingdom Brewing
Lawsons Finest
Long Trail Brewing
Lost Nation Brewing
Madison Brewing- not Ashley... couldn't resist.
Magic Hat Brewing Company
McNeills Pub and Brewery
Northshire Brewery
Norwich Inn
Otter Creek Brewing
Prohibition Pig- This is out of the old Alchemist location, after the flood from Hurricane Irene, Alchemist closed for a while till they could move the location. Pro Pig purchased the old Alchemist spot and started brewing. The old alchemist was under water in the flood.
Queen City Brewing Company
Rock Art Brewery
Simple Roots Brewing- new last year
Stone Corral Brewery- new since I looked last
Switchback Brewing-Amazing out of burlington. I tend to forget about them when people ask what's good in the area as this is everywhere up here. It's gotten to the point where there are just so many other good beers that I forget about this. They recently (3 years ago) started selling in bottles, prior it was only in kegs/restaurants.
Trapp Family Lodge
Vermont Pub and Brewery
Whetstone Station
Zero Gravity Craft Brewery
2 years ago I went on a quest to hit all of the breweries... I got all but 4. Now when I look at which ones I'd have to hit to complete it.... I'd need to hit 15, 3 of the 4 are still around, 1 closed that I didn't get to and another 12 opened. The passport removed the 3 that don't do tours, and added 6 "spots" since I started this... so 6 of the ones I went to are no longer around.
I also know of 1 other place that is going through the permit process right now to try to brew on site (mostly so they can fill other growlers) Growler Garage. (that's what one of the employees told me, that they were trying to...
@mcvick Oh and I hear that 3 needs may be starting to brew onsite again. Possibly only limited to selling in the bar. Apparently selling others beer and being a "club" is more profitable than selling their own beer. is where you can see the different breweries and the passport program which is awesome!
@sohmageek I totally forgot about Switchback! I haven't been able to try their new ones, but if they are anything like the original Ale then they must be good.
@mcvick Some are some aren't. Switchback is very balanced. The head brewmaster keeps trying to classify it but it doesn't fall into a classification so it's listed as "unfiltered ale" a lot of vermont beers are unfiltered. The other brews classify into a category, Stout, or Lager... etc so some are great others are meh... I really like a few others I really don't. Also Lemon in Switchback is pretty good.
@mcvick, slight adjustment. your box was going to be dropped off today. if you like, the sender can drop it off today, or wait until tuesday. your call.
(I got a tracking number and assumed it was dropped off, but it was just a printed label)
@marklog Tuesday would be ideal.
@mcvick you got it.
We REALLY need to do a second one of these. So many other beers I want to send. I only focused on California beers; however, my person does not get ANY Oregon beers--Ninkasi is the best.
@connorbush dont you worry your pretty little head.
@connorbush I've heard awesome things about Ninkasi including they might expand their distro soon
@connorbush if only we had a dedicated beer forum at, say, to discuss all these matters!
@brhfl I second the, it would be huge fast once it was figured out.
@zdunklee The only thing I worry if it went to it would be too big... and may lose some of this close knit community. I think I need to go do my goatly duties I'm shirking by talking beer. :)
@marklog I am tattling on myself. I will be mailing on Tuesday (post holiday) Mis-Judged the hours of my nearest post-office. Box is packed and ready.... just not able to ship out till Tuesday.
@connorbush thanks for holding yourself accountable. I suggest shipping me beer as punishment.
@connorbush I wouldn't use the post office if I were you. That's illegal, UPS and FedEx is just frowned upon.
@marklog mailed out yesterday. Not received as of yet
My recipient got their delivery this morning! I hope they enjoy it!!!!
@Humper Mine was just delivered as well! Hope my recipient loves the beer choices I made!
@zdunklee +100 :)
Question: I know this has been talked about and I am lazy this weekend. Is it actually cheaper shipping from fedex and ups with an online label rather than taking it in (and I am not talking about the UPS Store - ripoff)? Also when using fedex are you using ground or air - air is down the road, ground is 30 min from me. Just wondering - my box is HEAVY!!!!!!!! I probably went overboard.
@mfladd Supposedly there is a 8% discount by doing the label yourself from a fedex account. I've never tested the store price though to be sure. Air will be way more pricey than ground. Mine was like $15 at 12lbs to ship ground.
@mfladd also any officemax is a fedex drop off site usually.
@zdunklee thanks for the reminder I have a staples/fedex center nearby! :)
oh lord, just weighed it at 17lbs.
@mfladd yeah mine was a hefty 18.7. But I think I over packed and all bottles so that upped the weight a little
@mfladd and it was $14 to ship
@abrakke thanks, mine are mostly bottles with a couple cans with bubble wrap galore. I am sending thirteen total. Did you do yours online?
@mfladd no at the store. I thinks it's a nominal differerance for something small like these boxes.
@mfladd I erroneously dropped a home delivery ground shipment at the wrong drop-off and it delayed delivery by one day but they still processed it. Perhaps your air drop-off will get it to the ground location for you.
@mfladd — New to me:

@brhfl yup. saw that at the mix and match store. Haven't tried it yet. They had a lot of the tall tales there. I have still been enjoying the Old Dominion Double D Pale Ale. Let me know what you think of your new find.
I also just had this for the first time (since I love grapefruit). Would have been much better if I was drinking it in the heat of summer.

@mfladd Agreed, that's a great summer beer. Think I like the idea of a grapefruit blonde better than most of the grapefruit IPAs where the grapefruit and hops tend to fight for attention.
@brhfl I've been hitting Stiegle Raddler I wish there were more blondes up here. I love Blonde beer... It's a perfect summer beer, then Stouts in the winter. :)
@brhfl I tried to pick up the Bonnie & Clyde today at two different places. They told me sold out and they can't get there hands on it. So today I thought I would go with this Tall Tales. (1st time)

I like the hints of fruit upfront with some spice at the end.
@sohmageek Yeah I'm a fan of blondes in the summer… much like brown ales, I feel like they don't get much love because they're fairly simple and there's only so far to take them. Vs. crazy hop combos in IPAs, interesting malt profiles on stouts, etc.
@mfladd Sounds good, and nice color! I only grabbed a single of the Bonnie and Clyde myself, so I hope I don't like it too much!
@brhfl Yeah.. one of my favorite summer I call porch beers is a patersbier. I've had 2 and I love them... Not something I'd drink all the time however, mostly just when it's hot to have a nice cool drink!
@mfladd B&C is not bad! The primary hop, I guess, is Australian Galaxy. It's a rather confusing flavor profile at first, then finishes like Citra. It's a bit darker than many IPAs, and has the sort of caramel-like richness I expect out of a slightly darker IPA, then the hops just flood the mouth. Think it's good for transitioning into autumn…
@brhfl Good to hear you liked it. Grab what you can now. Someone at one store told me they won't see it again until next year. Don't know how true that is.
Late-shippers, please post your statuses.
@marklog late?
@mfladd sorry. Please post a more detailed that simply 'late' status.
@marklog autolate? ;) actually, going out today.
@marklog my recipient's box should arrive tomorrow
@marklog shipped today from FEDEX. was quoted 5 days for delivery to east coast.
@connorbush nice, thanks!
@marklog On the vehicle for delivery!
The only one that I don't have a shipping status from is @escowhat. Paging @escowhat....
If someone in the thread knows @escowhat please let @escowhat know that we're looking for @escowhat.
@evbarnstormer right meow.
@marklog i shipped myself with the box of beer. Been in transit.
@escowhat uhh I was super paranoid about this when my tracking # didn't update for 12 hours with a destination
@evbarnstormer you were paranoid about shipping me with your box?
@escowhat haha I read that wrong, I thought I shipped myself...the box of beer
@mcvick, yours is arriving Thursday.
@marklog Thanks for the heads up. I am giddy with antici....................................................................................................pation.
Hopefully it will pair well with the Steelers/Pats game.
@mcvick Only if you are a Pats fan ;)
@mfladd Funny enough, although I grew up in New Hampshire I was brought up a Packers fan by my dad (a Yooper). I lucked out, because I could have ended up a Lions fan like some of my relatives.
@mcvick ouch.
@mcvick completely understand, btw way I lived in WI for years and still love the packers. We live in MD now, and I have brainwashed my kids as much as possible to love the pats - my dtr is diehard, my son still talks some raven stuff which breaks my heart. I still outfit them totally in boston gear.
@mcvick I say, I say, I say...I resemble that remark!
@marklog What is the status on my loot? Wait, don't tell me, I am too giddy,
@connorbush yours should be landing today.
@marklog Well, my comments must have angered the delivery Gods. No Fuku Box for the game tonight. Let this be a lesson to all that taunt and tempt.
@mcvick @sohmageek is sorry that fedex sucked for you.
@mcvick yours is on the truck for delivery!
@Mrmark yours shipped yesterday.
@Bingo Sweet. Thanks for the update.
I got overly excited yesterday when my wife said there was a large box that was delivered.
Totally forgot I ordered a golf club.
Somewhat sort of mildly related to the beer fuku....
A box showed up at my door today. @cbilyak, it turns out, is a beer angel! I'm speechless.

This is, as far as I can tell, nearly every beer that Three Floyds has in (extremely limited) distribution. Thank you @cbilyak! Though it's going to take some thought, I'm going to have to figure out a way to repay you.
@marklog those are sweeet!
@marklog holy porch bomb
@marklog LOVE the snake on the railing on the stairs.
I wanted to give props to @marklog for putting this together. Overall I think it went really well and unlike other fukus there was nothing in mine that I won't use. Looking forward to doing it again. Thanks ML!
@hallmike I just realized I missed an opportunity to send a ceramic seahorse with my beer
@hallmike totally agreed! Awesome job on this @marklog, you really didn't screw the pooch this time.
@hallmike @jont thanks! It's been fun, especially because we have been thus far douchebag free /knockwood.
For all of those reading, I did not actually have sex with a dog.
@marklog that's not what the dog said when we gave it the doll.
@marklog don't worry - what happens in Mexico, stays in Mexico.

@marklog buhlilililuh
@evbarnstormer This marks the first time that I opted for the nonanimated gif when presented with the option.
@mcvick you are delivered!

Major props to @zdunklee for telling me about and then facilitating getting me tickets to the Bell's Funvitational. By far the best beer festival I've been to- and I've been to a few. My untappd thanks you.
@marklog Now I'm even more jealous that I couldn't make it down there! I keep seeing all these fun photos and a lot including Larry Bell. Wish I could have joined the party!
@connorbush, @serenityx, @becca, please post status ASAP on your shipments!
Sorry if you posted it somewhere else, I'm need to consolidate. I have some ideas how to make this part a little easier for BF2.
@marklog I shhipped from fedex last week. You responded about how it was a bummer that I had an east coast person. I still need to type my review. Maybe tonight.
@marklog Status: shipped. Expected arrival: Thursday or Friday
@connorbush yep I remember all of that. Thanks!
@becca Thanks becca!
OK, the only box that has no status is the one being shipped by @serenityx. @serenityx, are you out there? If anyone knows @serenityx, please follow up with @serenityx to make sure that she's still alive, as at this point that would be the only excuse for not getting back with me.

@marklog If you need someone to step up and fulfill this order I can send a package to her recipient, just need details of address and preferences/aversions. Need them ASAP as I am out of town as of Saturday morning for a week long business trip.
@cbilyak thanks very much for the offer! I'm really hoping we don't have to take drastic measures. I think @nodnetni is related to @serenityx. Need a response asap from either one.
@marklog my beautiful box of fuku (13 deep)? It was delivered. @serenityx where are you??????????
@sohmageek I got my hands on some more Zombie Dust...should I send to you or to your buddy? Email me at with the address where I should ship.
@cbilyak I see you're leaving for a week. IT's ok to wait until you're back! I'm still trying to acquire some good local imperial stouts that aren't too sweet... I may have to send some blind as I haven't tried too many recently... Plus, until recently I've been trying stouts but have stayed away from the imperials...
@sohmageek don't kill yourself over imperials...stouts and porters are fine to be in the mix!!
@sohmageek Hi there - I did not get to it today, so sorry! I will send out next Friday as that is the first day I will be back home.
Incredible idea
Just sayin'
My recipient's package is on a vehicle for delivery today. Keep your eyes peeled! I'll update when delivered.
The eagle has landed.
@becca i just heard from your recipient. He was, to understate, excited.
@marklog @becca fact! I'll post pics soon!
Can't believe I missed this. How do I play next time? I think I'll enjoy curating a set as much as getting one.
@becca your box has been delivered POST POST POST!
For those of you subscribed to this thread or interested, you lucky ones get a sneak peek into the glorious path toward BF2. All BF1 users will need to re-fill this out, but not for BF3 or future BFs. Don't worry, it's just a form that auto-fills out a spreadsheet in my Google Sheets.
@marklog I'm going to bow out for the future ones. It was fun, but getting everything out in the desired time frames could be tricky. I've sent the link to some beer-nerd friends of mine, though.
@humper ^ read this
@smyle thanks @smyle. Make sure, though, to keep this with current meh users. The power behind the success of this is with the community. The reason why people send beer to others is for two main reasons: One, people are generally trusting. Two, people are less inclined to screw someone with the thread of the entire community hearing about it. Those not invested in the community will not have that same incentive.
I'm not saying this to insinuate that your friends are douchebags- I'm confident that they are not. Just understand that it's a slippery slope.
@marklog curious about the coast question... What are you planning?
@marklog thread = threat. bah.
@becca region helps me make sure post assignment that we aren't too close or too far.
@marklog but I want west coast beers!
@becca noted :)
@marklog One option might be to offer a binary 'I am willing to ship beer coast-to-coast' and factor that into the pairing?
@brhfl @marklog I support this. If you're willing to ship anywhere, your random field expands.
But I also support whatever makes this less of an organizational nightmare for you
@becca look for a change to the google form. I think we can work this out.
@marklog Should those of us who submitted resubmit then?
DAMMIT! I logged in here to say that although I have always loved craft beer this damn FUKU has me addicted...only to see the F-ing link to FUKU 2...which I completed. Maybe should run back out to Three Floyds like I did at lunch as they just released some seasonal beers I needed to have.
@sohmageek I am getting your buddy's Zombie Dust out this afternoon, with ground shipping UPS indicates a delivery of Wednesday.
@cbilyak thanks. I have to say I'm sorry about the delay in getting your box together. The original guy that wanted it told me mid week "nah I just got heady" I wanted to thump him. But I did have someone else looking for some. And now I'm intrigued also. We are all having a hard time finding good stouts/imperial stouts that are local and not sweet. The really good ones are only on draft. Most of the others are sweet or good but not what I would consider exceptional, I'd think most of the others like that are about the same. Milk stouts and oatmeal stouts. I did find out that there is a really good imperial stout releasing next month that regardless of what I send this time when I get my first bottle (see if I can get it due to limited distribution and it's a brewery that really likes to fuck people over and tell them 3 days after how quickly it sold, but not where to find it.) it will head your way. Lots of chocolate and maple stouts are to be found. Still hunting :). (I had a baby all week and didn't go out at all this weekend is a beer bus and I'm hoping I see something good :) )
@sohmageek no worries, you do not have to send anything my way. Just enjoy the Zombie yourself and whoever you want to share it with.
@cbilyak absolutely not! I am just having a bit of a hard time sourcing. Vermont has some great stouts. But most are sweet :( it's my favorite type of beer :) I've had 3 beer people looking and the same thing came up. I'm thinking that like last time on the beer bus we will stop outside of where we normally stopped and other kinds will be there.
@cbilyak touchdown! One 6 pack of dust. And a cooler as dunnage???? I hope the selections I found will suit you. I guessed at some and am hoping they aren't too sweet.
One brewery laughed at me when I asked for an imperial stout that wasn't sweet. I wasn't happy.
@sohmageek Well, I have a few too many coolers and what better way to dispose of them than with a beer shipment as dunnage? If you won't use it, donate it somewhere or toss it. Enjoy the Dust!! Three Floyds has been releasing more beers to go lately, I really need a part time job if I am going to keep this up. Plus I want to keep getting extras to have on hand for Fuku 2! They did just yesterday release more Dust too...but I passed, for now.
@cbilyak yeah I have a box almost ready for you and a box almost ready for @marklog to send out... I need to unbox what I packed up and tape the bottle tops up... I hope what I picked is good, let me know what you think. One of them is from a brewery that usually has good stuff... This must have been a limited run or aged or just the store was being greedy as I don't usually see their bombers going for more than $10.
@cbilyak I'm so sorry it too me so long, but I'm dropping it into Fedex today. Email me ( if you'd like the tracking number.
@sohmageek @cbilyak Ok... sorry I printed label, but didn't get to drop it off cause I Remembered I wanted to double check the packaging (I think it's fine but I want to verify, maybe box in box it...)
@sohmageek Got it - I think ultra-super-duper-crazy-safe packaging can apply to your skills! They all look great, looking forward to indulging...methinks I will break into them starting tomorrow night!
@cbilyak awesome. Sorry for the repeated delays. I felt like I was turning into @JonT. ;) let me know what you thought of them. I think I can get most of them again. :)
@bhrfl Last night had this and loved it. With this and Double D I am loving Old Dominion Brewery