4I have to hand it to my dear friend @matthew I have the song stuck in my head... and I've recently started liking Avacados... So... Meh... Other than my failed attempt at guacamole for meh... How do you use Avacados... What is your best recipe for them? And please don't say:
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There is a Mexican restaurant around here that has a fried avocado that's really good and negates any health aspect of avocado. Halve an avocado, remove peel and pit and probably some of the meat from the pit area. Stuff the pit/meat hole with fajita chicken, steak, or shrimp and cheese. Stick it back together, bread it, fry it, serve on some salad.
I cut them in half and eat them with a spoon.
@sammydog01 this
@RedHot - Cut them in half, take out the seed and put in a little bit of Italian dressing or Ranch and its the bee's knees.
@sammydog01 My wife's favorite is doing that, but with soy sauce (very common in Japan). It's surprisingly amazing!
@sammydog01 I usually sprinkle some salt on it, but plain is good too
@sammydog01 French or Catalina dressing with that half avacado.
@nishthenarwhal +1 for dash of salt. Nothing more required.
@ruouttaurmind Can't have salt... Dr's orders :(
I have never tasted an avocado. There is something about the smell and texture that turn me off. I have lived in Southern California my whole life, and it is hard to dislike Avocados here. Whenever I tell people, it is almost as if I have personally offended them.
@conandlibrarian Since avocados have such good fats, I tried repeatedly to eat them. No deal. Avocado in any form has a sour/bitter unpleasant "base note" that I find nauseating. I learned that it is probably genetic. See: The Genetics of Taste
@conandlibrarian They probably see you as a sort of avocado virgin. Not a good image.
@rockblossom See... I used to hate them... But now I love them... it's like a switch went off...
@sohmageek Well that, or someone has been messing with your DNA.
@rockblossom ya know... I have been getting drastically less sleep than I did 2 years ago... I wonder what changed... :P
@sohmageek Apropos of nothing in particular, have you ever had dreams of waking up in a spaceship with a probe up your nose? Just sayin'.
@rockblossom @sohmageek
@FroodyFrog A relative of yours? Perhaps we should not trust these people:

Because .. what are they really up to?
Othe than doing what @sammydog01 and eating it straight up I slice them up and put them on sandwiches. The wife puts them in smoothies daily. I have also made deviled eggs using them instead of mayo and done the same with tuna salad (awesome btw). We make and consume large amounts of guacamole weekly. In fact, guacamole is the only real reason I have a garden.
We've done other more complicated things as well but these are all easy ways to use and taste them.
@RedHot Hmm. I have some fresh crabmeat (not Krab) that was destined for baked crab cakes tonight, but I have this avocado and a few fresh tomatoes, so may experiment. Lots of fresh herbs here; what do you recommend?
@OldCatLady I bet crab cakes would be amazing with a bit of avocado mixed in, it's also a good binder. try it out! A lot of people try cut it into chunks and mix it in but I would try to blend it smooth and use it as the primary binder. I'm going to have to try this myself.
@RedHot See I used to have anaphylactic reactions to eggs and egg products. Which made Mayo not one of the flavors I like the taste of... I can now tolerate it, if I Can't taste it. Also straight up eggs are a no-no for me. I've outgrown my allergies... I can say it was the BEST part of Puberty!
@RedHot I just added one to my sandwich, it's awesome! Thank you!
I'll spread it on bread in lieu of butter. Or, thick slices in a sandwich in lieu of cheese. Speaking of sandwiches, PB&A. Chunks go in a salad or wrap. Mix in with a tofu crumble/scramble for creaminess. Mix in with a baked or double-baked potato for creaminess. Thicken a smoothie. Fry or bake a quail egg in the pithole.
@brhfl Note that the big green Floridian ones have more water (less fat) (less flavor) than the little dark bumpy Californian (Hass). They hold up better for salads, frying (if that's a thing you want to do), but generally speaking the bumpy kind are more useful.
@brhfl so if you were doing a Cheese and butter sandwich, would you spread some avocado, then have avocado slices... and would you be able to tell the difference between the sliced and the spread bits...
@brhfl also, you're saying that the Drought has produced better Avacados... Maybe I just need to move to the West coast... Meh are you hiring anything that I can fit into my skill set and salary requirements? ;)
@sohmageek I think you actually probably would – once you start spreading it it really kind of mushes in… but I think I'd want more than just a 'two consistencies of avocado' sandwich, my point was more just that it's a nice general purpose fatty/creamy substitute.
@sohmageek who eats a cheese and butter sandwhich?
EDIT: wait...grilled cheese....which is awesome with avocado!
@sohmageek @brhfl @RedHot Bagel, toasted, with butter, covered with avocado slices (slightly mashed). Add a bit of sharp-ish cheddar cheese (just a bit melty). Heaven!
@brhfl avocados do not taste like cheese
That just means you've been eating badly flavored cheese your whole life.
@katylava Oh, I know. With so many cheeses out there, even cheese doesn't taste like cheese! They don't melt like (melty) cheese either. But avocados are fatty, creamy, and have enough bite to their texture (depending on ripeness and variety, I suppose) that they can fulfill the same general role as cheese in many a sandwich, so long as one is open to some creative substitution.
@brhfl having eaten both avocados and cheese in my life, and having a strong and distinct preference for cheese (cheese is awesome, avocados are... useful), the concept that you could substitute avocados for cheese is unimaginable to me.
@katylava Fair enough. I would say 'avocados awesome, cheese… interesting'. Agree to disagree!
@katylava so an avacado and Cheese sandwich? Which begs the question... Which cheeses pair best with Avacado. I know you like cheese... I too like cheeses... Except I'm a little shy to try ones with mold in them... Brie is amazing! however, Blue and gorg... are ones I stay away from.
@sohmageek You didn't ask me, but I'll volunteer a very sharp cheddar - textural and taste…ural contrast makes it a brilliant match in my mind, great on a toasty bagel.
It's a-VACA-dos.
I enjoyed the continuous use of that joke.
@FroodyFrog But now you can't see the word without hearing that way, can you?
How did you know? :O
Guacamole on a burger or chicken sandwich (usually as one of many ingredients, not just by itself) is always good, and fresh guac with chips is tasy.
@dashcloud New burger place is serving one with cheese, jalapeños, grilled onions & guacamole. Delicious!
I completely forgot, I've made a very decent chocolate mousse with avocados as the base. It was delicious.
@djslack Heresy! Everyone knows that the only correct way to make chocolate mousse is with silken tofu and semisweet chocolate.
@OldCatLady Recipe please?
I know it's not tofu but I believe this is the recipe I used for avocado mousse. I do know I used agave nectar.
@djslack I love avocado's but, pulease keep tofu away from them. I've did the tofu thing back in the 90's and nothing made it palatable. BTW once avocado's are sliced they oxidise quickly, if you're not going to use it right away use lemon juice on the unused portion.
@growyoungagain Leaving the pit in also helps w/ oxidization.
@brhfl I see this was mentioned & debunked further down… I guess it's always 'worked for me' in the sense that if the flat cut area oxidizes, it takes no time to cut off that thin layer, vs. scraping funky bits out of the pithole.
@sammydog01 Tofu chocolate mousse- the basic recipe is here. Drain the package of tofu first. I use a mixture of almond milk and brandy, and I put them plus the chocolate chips into a glass measuring cup in the microwave. Cook just until the chips are soft, then take them out and stir until melted. Scrape into a bowl with the tofu, blend using immersion blender. (I've never done the sieve thing.) Chill. Eat within 3 days or it will separate. Whipped cream elevates it to the gods. http://www.marthastewart.com/314844/tofu-chocolate-mousse
@OldCatLady I will buy tofu and chocolate tonight. We'll see if it fools children.
@brhfl But the air will still oxidise the exposed fruit.
@growyoungagain Right, but as I stated - the exposed part is flat and a thin layer sliced off in a second. The pithole is trickier and therefore more important to keep free of air (with the perfect plug - the pit).
We make an Chocolate Avocado smoothie that is healthy and good. I even made a chocolate avocado banana pudding the other day. It didn't suck! Took a sec to get used to the flavor but it was creamy and I liked it. I'm in the same boat as you, just recently started eating them.
I'm trying new recipes that I've pinned and I'll update as I try them.
Why Avocados Shouldn't Exist
I like them mashed on sprouted wheat toast with a little lime juice, salt, and pepper. They are also great on a BLT - BLAT!!
If you want it to stay fresh, leave the pit in the guacamole.
@noparallel Old wives tale. It's not the pit which keeps it fresh. You have to keep the air away from the cut flesh so it doesn't oxidize.
Storing Avocados
@LaVikinga true story. We use these to keep the other half fresh. They work great.
@RedHot I just ordered one. Thanks!
@RedHot Well, great! Now I've found ANOTHER thing I didn't know I needed. ;)
@LaVikinga @sammydog01 Just don't put them in the dishwasher. They'll warp and the fit won't be snug.
Slice up, add salt and pepper. Eat.
Cut into small chunks to add to tuna salad.
Fuck up and wait one hour too long to eat them and throw away the mushy brown mess of regret.
Marmite (vegemite) and avocado sandwich. I just finished one a few moments ago. If you're into that sort of thing.