Attack of the desk vacuums...Galmaegi strikes!


About a month ago, shortly after Fukubukuro 7, it began. Slowly but surely, my meager mailbox continued to fill with random white envelope-bags from Meh. No notes, just desk vacuums...tons of fucking desk vacuums. @Chaoscatapult quickly became frustrated as she assumed that I purchased these and broke up the shipping over 20 shipments. Yet...they just kept coming. About one every day or so for about a month. The packages stopped arriving and my FedEx Delivery Manager does not show any additional on the horizon.

Within my Fukubukuro 7 post, @galmaegi commented that she was at least in part if not entirely responsible for this epic onslaught of color mushrooms and ladybugs.

Just wanted to stop by and express my genuine appreciation for everything that Meh does to mess with us!

Oh...and @galmaegi. Revenge will be sweet!

Edit: I nearly forgot! My goal you ask?! Break these fuckers down and remove the small motors. Take said motors and find a way to create a drone since meh refuses to put up any additional medium/large sized quadcopters/drones. Im waiting.