@sammydog01 I won’t disappoint, or go waaa, don’t worry
But Irk just socially spanked you, and then just sprinkled in the Bills fan diss as a dessert topping.
Does this sound more like me now?
The best insults are the ones subtle enough to escape the attention of the insultee until some time later (after the insulter is safely somewhere else) and then: What? What?
Apparently I need help with my social skills.
@sammydog01 I think you just got told by Irk.
@sammydog01 - Star is not inferring that I agree with your statement. Star is congratulations for Irking Irk.
@sammydog01 I hope you weren’t talking about me not being from NE, since I was born, raised, and went to college in MA.
Damn, Irk even got in a Bills shot at the end.
@mfladd No, you fight back with a sense of humor. Please don’t go all “Waa, everyone hates the Pats” on me. I would be disappointed.
@KDemo I don’t take life advice from a football-hating troll. I’ll be back with the smack next season.
@sammydog01 I won’t disappoint, or go waaa, don’t worry

But Irk just socially spanked you, and then just sprinkled in the Bills fan diss as a dessert topping.
Does this sound more like me now?
@mfladd Totally.
@sammydog01 Go Bills!!!
@CaptAmehrican Yay! I hope they have a quarterback next year.
@matthew I think “disingenuous shock” might be my new favorite phrase. Good show!
Fuckin Troll who cares what Irk spews. Damn shit velour mofo.
That’s damn shit FELT mofo, thank you
Nice ending insult Irk. Although judging by the question, @sammydog01 probably doesn’t care.

@denboy Wait, someone insulted my team?

/giphy temper tantrum

/giphy breaking glasses

/giphy sobbing
@denboy Did I do it right?
@sammydog01 Well done sir

@denboy Cared enough to call it out, so yeah. That.
The best insults are the ones subtle enough to escape the attention of the insultee until some time later (after the insulter is safely somewhere else) and then:
What? What?
Damn. I just noticed.
You asshole!
Is Irk getting sassier with every new video?
Is that even possible?
Just testing.
/giphy "cute dog"