…I tried to figure out a way to imply that I didn’t even watch the video too and I couldn’t work it into the joke well, but I still desperately wanted the recognition and social acceptance for the joke so I explained it here. I am awesome at parties.
If someone doesn’t care enough to write their thoughts correctly, then why should I bother to take what they have to say seriously?
The burden of work in communication is on the writer, not the reader.
The reader can make no conclusion other than what is written is exactly as the writer intended it to be.
Pointing that out in the faux-rooms is merely done so out of a deep sense of helping our fellow Mehtizens achieve the greatness in writing to which they are destined, and have clearly demonstrate they repeatedly struggle with.
The alternatives are to conclude the writer is either intentionally ignorant, or a condescending ass who doesn’t care the reader will rightfully think of them as a sloppy, low-information writer.
I choose the helping our fellow mehmbers theory.
So let your Lexical Good Samaritan flag fly, Mehtizens!
You are corect, Irk.
@sammydog01 I believe you meant to say “korect”.
…I tried to figure out a way to imply that I didn’t even watch the video too and I couldn’t work it into the joke well, but I still desperately wanted the recognition and social acceptance for the joke so I explained it here. I am awesome at parties.
@zinimusprime I like you. Stop by more often.
An extension of this is the “well, you’ve clearly misspelled this word, anything else in invalid. I have won the argument.”
@Targaryen I’m sorry, I stopped reading as soon as I noticed you wrote “in” instead of “is”.
This was the video in which we learned to correctly pronounce @thumperchick! Yay!

Or was that part of the joke?
i really hate people who dont use proper spelling or grammer, there so stupid
Oh, Irk… you’re just flamebaiting us grammar Nazis now!
@ultimatebob I agree!
Let the Mehster debating ensue henceforth with all due alacrity and aplomb.
@mike808 @ultimatebob How do you feel about emojis instead? Like this?

@sammydog01 @ultimatebob
Not a problem if you’re using it correctly. You are, since I see what you did there.
Example of not using an emoji correctly:
If someone doesn’t care enough to write their thoughts correctly, then why should I bother to take what they have to say seriously?
The burden of work in communication is on the writer, not the reader.
The reader can make no conclusion other than what is written is exactly as the writer intended it to be.
Pointing that out in the faux-rooms is merely done so out of a deep sense of helping our fellow Mehtizens achieve the greatness in writing to which they are destined, and have clearly demonstrate they repeatedly struggle with.
The alternatives are to conclude the writer is either intentionally ignorant, or a condescending ass who doesn’t care the reader will rightfully think of them as a sloppy, low-information writer.
I choose the helping our fellow mehmbers theory.
So let your Lexical Good Samaritan flag fly, Mehtizens!
I wish I knew a way to identify lib arts majors without speaking to them. Oh, maybe…