@bottleknight make a good waffle batter, cook it up in the perfect pancake. buy a whole frier chicken. butcher it down, saving the organs. brine the chicken (salt/sugar water). assemble your wet/dry fry station. don't just use flour. season it really well. i like paprika in my fried chicken batter. fry it up. serve on the waffles with butter and maple syrup. Nap.
@PurplePawprints Personally, I'd like an official Red Ryder carbine action, two hundred shot, range model air rifle. (And if that isn't an opening for the standard response, I give up.)
I personally consider "Blocks RFID signals" to be a wallet bug, not a feature. I like just swiping my wallet past the reader when I get on the bus without having to get my RFID-powered transit card out every time.
@The_Tim Some new drivers licenses, including mine, include an RFID chip with personally identifying information. I prefer to keep that blocked as much as possible.
@somf69 Mine probably would have if it wasn't for the fact I only have them out every 3-4 years for a minute. Of 2 bags those and the space gun is all that remains. The space gun makes about 20 sound effects. We use it to make the cats run from the door when we come in.
@heartny Ooh, I have a couple of sets that are sitting in their boxes. It just occurred to me that since I now own several usb battery packs I could use those lights anywhere!
Stop shaking my brain web designer of meh.com also this is one of the best items i have seen even though I am not in for one kudos for the chuckle GUYS Operators are standing by: 605-475-6962 Someone is really there!
I'm actually considering this. How good are those Perfect Pancake Pans? And do all of these items arrive in their original packaging or are they loose items in a box?
@WilhelmScreamer The wallets I am going to unload on my nephews at Xmas with cash in them. Going to give one pancake pan to wife to do whatever she does and other my dad. I got the package basically for the knife to put into my bad weather bag.
@kadagan I'll let you know when it gets here. It probably is shit and I'll just stick to my leatherman for most uses anyways. Oh god damnit why did I spend money on this?
@kadagan For a $10 pack that the knife is simply part of, no one should be expecting a everyday hunting knife by any means. That said it does have some useful things in the handle that would make it perfect it for short term/emergency use. In the event of a long term zombie invasion, use your cheap weapons to obtain much higher quality stuff.
@kadagan First of all, it says "As Seen on TV." haha. Second, after not seeing it in the specs here or a quick Google search, there is nothing about the steel used (all it says is material "metal.) That does not inspire confidence when a company does not list the blade material.
Very odd assortment of items; wonder what the dude was smoking at the time that created this package.
Perhaps it was extra strength Nyquil? I once tried that stuff then dreamed I ate a TV and my head was full of static afterwards. Regardless, Mega Mehs for me...
@Kyser_Soze Baah, hoisted by my own petard. I did imagine I ate a chocolate TV and then saw static after drinking Nyquil though; true story bro. However I didn’t encounter any "As Seen On TV” crap inside the chocolate TV thank The Sauce & Pasta. Perhaps your Nyquil vision was different?
@denboy And so it is written: the flying spaghetti monster swooped down and scooped up his matey George who was wondering wtf he was doing stuck on a roof. Ramen.
Found the exact knife on eBay, fifteen bucks with no side dressings.. Guess I'll get this one then store the excess for my relative sucker.. uh, I mean cousins for birthday presents. But first, what would you think if you received a pancake pan from a minor kin at Christmas? Should I sign it from Santa or on up to it myself?
Contentious-headstrong-viper....... which is what I'm going to KILL with my new survival knife. Where did I get it? Oh, I got it from what can only be called the GREATEST MEH EVER...
this doesn't even deserve "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum." but you can have it anyway
@R4nd0mH3r0 Wow, talk about a Meh way to start a relationship. Be prepared for plenty more Meh'ness in the future. Get a VMP membership if you haven't yet, and start buying way more crap than you need.
I Just Don't Know about this Meh.. I wonder about those pancakes, you know you can just pour batter on a griddle, and flip em, right? the 1st ones always suck for some reason, but the others are GREAT!!!
@cengland0 I watched the video without sound, and it makes me want one.. I was thinking I could cook two pancakes, an egg, and a sausage patty, and have a breakfast sandwich all at once!
Apparently there are more of those phone numbers: THE REJECTION HOTLINE: 605-475-6968 Automated Sobriety Test: 605-475-6958 Bad Breath Notification: 605-475-6959 Divorce Hotline: 605-475-6960 Hogwarts Admissions Office: 605-475-6961 How to Entertain An Idiot: 605-475-6962 Human Resources: 605-475-6963 It Could Always Suck More: 605-475-6964 Jury Duty Prank: 605-475-6965 Outsource Friendships to India: 605-475-6966 Psychiatric Hotline: 605-475-6967 Angry Santa: 605-475-6971 Sex Addiction Intervention: 605-475-6972 Stop Complaining (ICASM 2): 605-475-6973
I like the idea of today's items, but these items are too meh to be worth buying- I was just thinking yesterday that Meh wasn't taking enough opportunities to disappoint me, and now this shows up.
@JonT then you are now caught in a logical dilemma as success != mediocre . Perhaps you should strive not to succeed but only to moderately non-progress in mediocrity ?
@phatmass Is that a Texas thing? I lived most of my life as a northeastern Yank and never heard anyone call that second pic a turner, always a spatula. Have I really been living a lie?
@phatmass Both are spatulas, only of different styles. The first pictures is a bowl scraper, the second is a turner spatula. Both fit the definition of spatula. don't let the world tell you that they aren't.
@denboy You ALL have been living a lie. Don't believe me? Look on amazon or any chef supply site and try to purchase a "spatula"--and you'll be in the wrong section. You'll need to go to the "turner" section to get what you really want. Don't feel bad. I was fooled for most of my life as well.
First I laughed and thought "WTF i'll never buy this". I shouldn't have visited Meh again this morning because now I'm an unproud owner of this stuff, I ordered. Meh!
@PocketBrain great idea! After I looked again and saw how many different possible gifts were in the mix I jumped in. That pancake thing looked like a joke but the reviews are actually decent, and if my wife isn't doing the making, I can now make perfect pancakes myself! The wallets look like cardboard but that's cool for the price.
Offender of a stuffed wallet, I am. Maybe this wallet is actually not Meh? I am guessing disappointment awaits from the Meh Gods....... On the bright side at least I"ll only have 1 bulge going on now instead of 2, jk.
Yeah, this is the perfect "As Seen On TV" Bundle: if I consider the package logically, or if I even think critically about any--any--individual item, there's no good reason to waste even what little money it costs. And yet . . . there's a part of me that feels we must have it. Well played, meh, well played. But, ultimately, meh.
@editorkid I might have too, but I'm on a meh moratorium (on orders from the wife), at least until I get paid tomorrow. I just wanted to make it look like I have will power. I have none. Hence the moratorium.
@Moose griddle too hot, batter too loose. Your stupid round pancake pan can't fix that. Sure you'll end up with something round - but burnt and soggy in the middle. ....
@unixrab How about this use - camping. means you don't need a spatula, or a frying pan for breakfast. you can cook it all up in that one handy multi-tasker! (Assume that you wouldn't already have the larger pan utensils for other meals.) :D
On the topic of "As Seen On TV" I will totally buy the Cat's Meow if meh ever sells it. I have no desire to spend $20 on a toy my cat may or may not play with. But since meh has such deals I wouldn't be able to resist. Besides, have you seen the forums? Cat owners/fans in droves
@PocketBrain The Dakotans are a practical, no-nonsense people (that's my theory and/or stereotype at least). Despite its airs, this deal is all-nonsense.
One more question about Perfect Pancake pans: It says "nonstick". Does this mean teflon? I own birds and don't want to use something that might kill them.
@JT954 Mammal lungs just suck compared to bird and dinosaur lungs. For a given amount of oxygen gathering capacity, our lungs are huge and heavy. The smaller, more efficient bird lungs do have the disadvantage that they have a lot less surface area, and therefore a lot less tolerance for toxins. If someone succeeds at creating a Jurassic Park, then the dinosaurs would be as sensitive to air pollution as the proverbial canary in a coal mine. In case of dinosaur attack, just use a welding torch on a teflon coated pan. The dinosaurs will drop.
오늘 도착을 했는데.. 포장 열자 한숨과 함께 실망감이 온 집안에 가득했네요(4인가족 모두) 제품이 허접하기도하고 칼도 날이 제대로 서질 않아 어떤곳은 밋밋하기도 하고, 프라이팬은 코팅이 거칠거칠... 싼게 비지떡이구나를 절실히 느꼈구요, 싼게 비지떡이란걸 다시한번 절실히 느낄수 있게 해 준 MEH에 감사를 드립니다.
Yep, I think that last Korean message says it all. Google translate time:
I opened the package arrived today ... cut ( 04 is the group everyone ) also Schnauzer products and also flat knife blade is not properly seojil any place , and the rough -coated pans are filled with disappointment for the whole family with a sigh . . ssange That's a 'm desperate to get what you pay for I felt , Gave so desperately to feel once again rangeol ssange get what you pay for this Thank you for MEH.
Got mine today. My old wallet was falling apart, so I upgraded to the black Tyvek model. It is indeed signicantly thinner. I didn't test it to see how well it blocks RF.
Made some pancakes and they came out just fine. No complaints from the family. No one else wanted eggs. I made some for myself. Nice size and shape for sandwiches. Next time I will try mixing stuff into the eggs to make something vaguely like an omelet.
@hamjudo In my first pseudo-omelet experiment, I started with two eggs and about a quarter of a cup of other stuff. I foolishly tried to cook that amount of stuff in two pockets. Omelet overload. It tasted fine, but I had to clean the stove. So the rule is: if you add stuff to your eggs, use more pockets. I would guess that most of you are smart enough not to make that mistake.
I used my pancake maker today. It works great, but the plastic doesn't really block any heat on the handle, and I wouldn't be surprised to see it melt off. Will swing by Blood Bath & Beyond tomorrow to get some silicone handle covers. Other than that, I'm happy enough. I haven't checked out the wallets yet and I swear that knife is staring at me. Hopefully the Chicago cops will do a weapons trade-in soon and I can get something good for it.
I got some RF Id stickers, so I was finally able to test the wallet's RF blocking power. Myth confirmed, the wallets do block RF!
Well at least one type of RF, specifically a NFC tag. Here are the boring details for those who want to duplicate my test, or more usefully, test other types of RF devices, such as electronic payment devices, and fancy Id, such as "Enhanced Driver's License". The rest of you should stop reading now.
I warned you, no complaints about the length of the post.
I programmed them with an Android App called Tagstand Writer on my Nexus 5 phone. The range in air is rated at zero to 3 cm. I didn't get out a ruler, but that seems about right. As the sales page warns, the tags do not work on metal surfaces. So it shouldn't be surprising that the tags do not work on the outside of the wallets, or even a millimeter or two above the wallets (a stack of paper). They did work when they were about a centimeter away from the wallet (the thickness of an empty Epson type 69 ink cartridge). Most importantly, the NFC reader could not read the tags when they were inside the wallet.
Dura Wallet
Perfect Pancake Pan
Rocky Mountain Knife
Versatile tool set and durable construction
Super sharp survival blade and serrated spine
Emergency Preparedness Kit stored in the handle
Includes: Knife, sharpener, compass, fishing gear, flint, matches, whistle, & more
Operators are standing by: 605-475-6962
Condition - New
Warranty - 90 Day Meh
Ships Via - FedEx SmartPost
What’s in the Box!?
Dura Wallet
Perfect Pancake
Rocky Mountain Knife
Price Check
Dura Wallet - $10 on TV (Plus Processing and Handling)
Perfect Pancake - $19.95 on TV (Plus Processing and Handling)
Rocky Mountain Knife - $14.95 on TV (Plus Processing and Handling)
90 days
@mediocrebot um- gimme a few- i need at least 7 more drinks before this deal looks good.
Perfect Pancake on Amazon is $7.77 http://www.amazon.com/Perfect-Pancake-Pan-As-Seen/dp/B00AZW4WU2 $9.99 at Bed Bath and Beyond http://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/store/product/perfect-pancake-pan/1041214916 and $19.99 for 2 from the official As Seen on TV site http://www.asseenontv.com/perfect-pancake-pan-buy-1-get-1-free/detail.php?p=527672
OMG hilarious, had to share the laugh with a few friends, but I don't think anyone will buy it. Nice try.
I don't remember seeing these on T.V.
@rileyper you need to be awake at 4am
@rileyper You had to watch those obscure channels, and yes, late very late.
Insert my normal comments here.
@Outofmymind and LOL@ the phone number.
UGH. I'm in.
How do I make Chicken & Waffles with a pancake iron?
@bottleknight make a good waffle batter, cook it up in the perfect pancake. buy a whole frier chicken. butcher it down, saving the organs. brine the chicken (salt/sugar water). assemble your wet/dry fry station. don't just use flour. season it really well. i like paprika in my fried chicken batter. fry it up. serve on the waffles with butter and maple syrup. Nap.
@bottleknight use a blender to turn the chicken and can of broth into a poor able substance. Add seasoning and then fritter it.
@kylewood I'm scared of your cooking
@bottleknight My wife is too.
@kylewood One time I made fish soup in the blender using frozen fish sticks... It actually wasn't too bad, just kinda weird.
@ChadP mix the syrup with franks hot sauce and you've got the best 4 am snack to watch these infomercials
@kylewood I really love imagining this concoction as a poor, able substance
Gotta knife those pancakes
@yugrudfoo Yahhh!
Seriously, I just did my office Secret Santa Shopping
@somf69 I'd love to see their reaction when they open the knife package in the office. :-D
@alpine I'm hiding that in my desk drawer
@somf69 I was so MEH on this deal... until now.
i wouldn't get this crap even if you paid me, but i am all about seeing this kind of stuff on meh.
9/10 it's okay
edit: the write-up is absolutely hilarious. 4/10
able-parched-sugarplum In for three. Several somebodies will be getting pieces of this for Christmas.
@PurplePawprints Oh Joy! Uncle Ned will love it.
@PurplePawprints Remind me not to piss you off. I'm not scared of you using the knife, I'm simply afraid you'd gift it to me.
@kylewood Stop stalking me! I never told you about my Uncle Ned! You're creeping me out now.
@Cinoclav Hey now, knives make great gifts! Don't they? I mean, I figured it was better than guns, anyway.
@PurplePawprints Personally, I'd like an official Red Ryder carbine action, two hundred shot, range model air rifle. (And if that isn't an opening for the standard response, I give up.)
@Cinoclav You'll shoot your eye out, kid.
I personally consider "Blocks RFID signals" to be a wallet bug, not a feature. I like just swiping my wallet past the reader when I get on the bus without having to get my RFID-powered transit card out every time.
Ditto for the main office door. The convenience far outweighs the very, very, very slim risk of identity theft.
@cblack Same for me, don't even need to take the wallet out, just butt bump the reader
@The_Tim Some new drivers licenses, including mine, include an RFID chip with personally identifying information. I prefer to keep that blocked as much as possible.
@DJP519 I would just sleeve that with an RFID blocking sleeve than block the entire wallet
2x Dura Wallet
1x Perfect Pancake
1x Rocky Mountain Knife
Guessing that's supposed to be 2x perfect pancake?
@Kyle83 should say that now. you were too quick.
@ChadP Well, It would not be a TV purchase if we did not say "AND THAT'S NOT ALL! If you purchase now you get two, yes two......"
Man, I love stupid, stupid crap. But in for one, or three? Uch.
@mossygreen I update with: eccentric-applicable-knife.
@mossygreen So applicable!
@JonT And I only bought one, so it's grammatical as well! Spooky.
@mossygreen the order words system is one of my favorite things that I helped work on :)
@JonT It is a thing of beauty that I fully expect to be a joy forever.
Description here says one pancake thing but the picture and main page description says two. Which is it?
@cblack it's 2. updated for clarity. 1 unit is a 2 pack.
It's never taken me so long to figure out what's actually for sale here...
@Cirrius Just think of it as a bunch of stuff that Uncle Ezra might have purchased for you at 3:00AM.
The price check links are messed up.
@404 good now.
@404 May have been a conspiracy against our sale. Yah never know.
RFID blocking? So I have to take my card out of my wallet to use it? Seems like a lot of work.
Looks like random crap to me, without the flashing lights.
@heartny I actually still have my flashing usb wootoff lights from a 2008 bag. I am forbidden from using them from the wife but I do still have them.
@Outofmymind mine broke 2 weeks after I got them....
@somf69 Mine probably would have if it wasn't for the fact I only have them out every 3-4 years for a minute. Of 2 bags those and the space gun is all that remains. The space gun makes about 20 sound effects. We use it to make the cats run from the door when we come in.
@Outofmymind I have two sets of flashing usb wootoff lights, not sure what year. They are somewhere amongst the other random crap.
@heartny Ooh, I have a couple of sets that are sitting in their boxes. It just occurred to me that since I now own several usb battery packs I could use those lights anywhere!
@heartny You want lights? Here's your stinkin' lights!

@Outofmymind There must be an IFTTT script that would only turn them on when a bag's up on either site...
If this is for 2 perfect pancake pans I'm totally in.
@Cynamon it's 2.
@ChadP terrestrial-theatrical-crook
@Cynamon They are quite hefty.
Biggest meh ever.
I'm in but warning I have never been successful in using those pancake pans
Stop shaking my brain web designer of meh.com also this is one of the best items i have seen even though I am not in for one kudos for the chuckle GUYS Operators are standing by: 605-475-6962 Someone is really there!
@sp3ar I was totally entertained!
I want to buy this, I really do, but...meh!
@hih934 I agree, there is so much crap for so cheap, but it is just too crappy. I have found far better things in dumpsters.
@Thumperchick 짤줍짤줍
I don't understand how a paper wallet blocks RFID.
@lowlypeon It was made in China so it has a 50% lead content by default.
@lowlypeon it has a highly technical design feature inside. thin, paper-like metal. kitchen grade i think.
@lowlypeon It is HDPE, not paper, but to be fair HDPE won't block rfid either.
I'm actually considering this. How good are those Perfect Pancake Pans? And do all of these items arrive in their original packaging or are they loose items in a box?
@JT954 Original packaging, though only Knife is in retail packaging.
@JT954 The Pancake Pans are well built and solid. I smell grilled cheese. mmmmm
I want that knife but I really can not think of anyone to unload the other shit on
@WilhelmScreamer You'll use the pancake maker.
@WilhelmScreamer The wallets I am going to unload on my nephews at Xmas with cash in them. Going to give one pancake pan to wife to do whatever she does and other my dad. I got the package basically for the knife to put into my bad weather bag.
@Outofmymind solid.
@Outofmymind good plan
@WilhelmScreamer ebay?
@WilhelmScreamer is the knife actually decent? It seems like most of the "survival knives" I've ever seen are cheap made in China crap..
@kadagan I'll let you know when it gets here. It probably is shit and I'll just stick to my leatherman for most uses anyways. Oh god damnit why did I spend money on this?
@kadagan For a $10 pack that the knife is simply part of, no one should be expecting a everyday hunting knife by any means. That said it does have some useful things in the handle that would make it perfect it for short term/emergency use. In the event of a long term zombie invasion, use your cheap weapons to obtain much higher quality stuff.
@Outofmymind Or simply use the pancake pans. I'd imagine swinging those things would easily splatter some zombie brains.
@Outofmymind I'm tempted just for the wallets, but meh.
@kadagan ive never seen the knife in person, ive never handled it, but i can say with certainty it is NOT decent.
@jihiggs That's exactly what I was thinking.. haha
@kadagan First of all, it says "As Seen on TV." haha. Second, after not seeing it in the specs here or a quick Google search, there is nothing about the steel used (all it says is material "metal.) That does not inspire confidence when a company does not list the blade material.
Anyone call the phone number in the product specs yet?
@devyanks90 I did.
@devyanks90 woohoo! That was unexpected. After the second time through it gets really entertaining.
@devyanks90 I'm completely captivated.
@devyanks90 I was totally entertained!
Very odd assortment of items; wonder what the dude was smoking at the time that created this package.
Perhaps it was extra strength Nyquil? I once tried that stuff then dreamed I ate a TV and my head was full of static afterwards. Regardless, Mega Mehs for me...
@Guy767 You SMOKED extra strength Nyquil?
@Kyser_Soze sure- if it's "vintage", it's flamable as hell. the new stuff, not so much. and don't ask how i know this.
@Kyser_Soze who hasn't
@Kyser_Soze Baah, hoisted by my own petard. I did imagine I ate a chocolate TV and then saw static after drinking Nyquil though; true story bro. However I didn’t encounter any "As Seen On TV” crap inside the chocolate TV thank The Sauce & Pasta. Perhaps your Nyquil vision was different?
If only the wallets came made of that pink wrap instead of Tyvek®, the decision to buy or not to buy would be far easier.
@Alien Million dollar idea.
@Alien Sitting here trying to figure out if that would make it easier for you to buy it, or easier for you NOT to buy it.
2 wallets, 2 pancake pans, 1 knife to rule them all.
Bundled Overnight Commercials
I'm insanely happy to be ordering this. Pray for me?
@gertiestn prayer has been submitted to Flying Spaghetti Monster for you
@denboy As an ordained Pastafarian minister I say ramen to that.
@Cyd Always comforting to know I'm among fellow Al dente Noodle Brethren. May Sauce and Pasta be upon you.
@Guy767 once you're touched by the noodly appendage there's no going back
@denboy - I'm a Frisbeetarian. We believe that when you die your soul goes up to the roof and gets stuck. I guess that's where George Carlin is now.
@KDemo If I become one does that mean I get to hang with Carlin? If so I'm willing to consider a new path.
@denboy - One way to find out . . .
@denboy And so it is written: the flying spaghetti monster swooped down and scooped up his matey George who was wondering wtf he was doing stuck on a roof. Ramen.
So very tempting. Just not sure who I could unload this As Seen On TV junk pile on as Christmas gifts...hmmm
I'm honestly not sure why I just ordered 3....
@Tronne because you hate money and love garbage
한국분들은 도검법에 위배되므로 사실 수 없습니다... 날길이가 길어서 통관 안됩니다... 많이 아쉽네요.ㅎㅎ
@Choo 배대지에 하나만 빼달라고 해도 이득일듯.. 한데요?ㅋ
Found the exact knife on eBay, fifteen bucks with no side dressings.. Guess I'll get this one then store the excess for my relative sucker.. uh, I mean cousins for birthday presents. But first, what would you think if you received a pancake pan from a minor kin at Christmas? Should I sign it from Santa or on up to it myself?
Extra Syrup, Please! Meh!
@Stallion That is very messy to hold that way. Must eat quickly.
I can't believe I just bought one.
I bet you could use the pancake pans to make 4 small quesadillas at once.
@Wazanator Hey! I was just thinking of that.
Contentious-headstrong-viper....... which is what I'm going to KILL with my new survival knife. Where did I get it? Oh, I got it from what can only be called the GREATEST MEH EVER...
Velcro shoes are great, and my but I wish something happened when you pressed one. What happens if we call this number in a week or two?
My confirmation "number" is worth the price of this alone.
this doesn't even deserve "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum." but you can have it anyway
@unixrab I see what you did there. I love me some "Lorem ipsum."
I CAN'T MAKE MICKEY MOUSE PANCAKES WITH THAT! But if that giant rat comes close to me I can gut him with that knife...
Yup, just got suckered into my first meh.
@R4nd0mH3r0 Wow, talk about a Meh way to start a relationship. Be prepared for plenty more Meh'ness in the future. Get a VMP membership if you haven't yet, and start buying way more crap than you need.
I Just Don't Know about this Meh.. I wonder about those pancakes, you know you can just pour batter on a griddle, and flip em, right? the 1st ones always suck for some reason, but the others are GREAT!!!
OH Crap!! In for two anyway.. Damn You Meh..LOL
Video review of the Perfect Pancake product:
Jump to about 1:40 to skip the boring stuff.
@cengland0 I was totally against this until watching the video. Now I'm considering it.
@TBoneZeOriginal what the heck was he doing for the first 1:40 it looks like he didn't even flip it over till then
@chellemonkey I skipped to 1:40 as suggested, so I have no idea. :-P
@cengland0 I watched the video without sound, and it makes me want one.. I was thinking I could cook two pancakes, an egg, and a sausage patty, and have a breakfast sandwich all at once!
@chellemonkey He was only talking about audible dot com and a couple book reviews that he's "reading"
@TBoneZeOriginal I meh last nite drinking, ended up back here 'sober', watched video. raging rude hunchback. I'm smarter drunk.
@kadagan Maybe someday these will appear in our fukubukuros: http://www.hamiltonbeach.com/breakfast-breakfast-sandwich-maker-25475.html
Apparently there are more of those phone numbers:
Automated Sobriety Test: 605-475-6958
Bad Breath Notification: 605-475-6959
Divorce Hotline: 605-475-6960
Hogwarts Admissions Office: 605-475-6961
How to Entertain An Idiot: 605-475-6962
Human Resources: 605-475-6963
It Could Always Suck More: 605-475-6964
Jury Duty Prank: 605-475-6965
Outsource Friendships to India: 605-475-6966
Psychiatric Hotline: 605-475-6967
Angry Santa: 605-475-6971
Sex Addiction Intervention: 605-475-6972
Stop Complaining (ICASM 2): 605-475-6973
@cengland0 there is a rejection hotline in most area codes.
That knife does NOT HAVE A FULL TANG! IT'S NOT A FULL TANG!!!!!!!!!
@PocketBrain If it was there'd be no place to store the other useless crap that's sure to immediately break!
@Cinoclav Yeah, I know. But Pumpkin and Georgia Red are boring me; I'm starting a new thing.
I like the idea of today's items, but these items are too meh to be worth buying- I was just thinking yesterday that Meh wasn't taking enough opportunities to disappoint me, and now this shows up.
@dashcloud All aboard the disappointment train, seats are filling up fast.
@JonT I have abandoned all expectations for this site
@unixrab Then we have succeeded.
@JonT then you are now caught in a logical dilemma as success != mediocre . Perhaps you should strive not to succeed but only to moderately non-progress in mediocrity ?
@unixrab "Only a mediocre person is always at his best."
You can tell from the write up that y'all are from Texas because you call a "turner" a "spatula".
A spatula:

A turner:

@phatmass Is that a Texas thing? I lived most of my life as a northeastern Yank and never heard anyone call that second pic a turner, always a spatula. Have I really been living a lie?
@phatmass I grew up in NY and have never heard the latter called a "turner". Spatulas all the way down!
@phatmass Spatula. Turners are terrible at pancake flipping.
@phatmass Spatula is such an awesome word it should be expanded to mean even more things.
@phatmass Both are spatulas, only of different styles. The first pictures is a bowl scraper, the second is a turner spatula. Both fit the definition of spatula. don't let the world tell you that they aren't.
@phatmass Those ain't called "turners" in the midwest. On that you can trust me.
@denboy You ALL have been living a lie. Don't believe me? Look on amazon or any chef supply site and try to purchase a "spatula"--and you'll be in the wrong section. You'll need to go to the "turner" section to get what you really want. Don't feel bad. I was fooled for most of my life as well.
@phatmass Weird All says you are wrong:
@phatmass wrong
Oh my. This just took care of my gift for the annual white elephant gift swap.
What the hell did I just buy! Meh.
Damn you free shipping! Certainly didn't think I'd be buying two pancake irons when I woke up this morning
First I laughed and thought "WTF i'll never buy this". I shouldn't have visited Meh again this morning because now I'm an unproud owner of this stuff, I ordered. Meh!
@Stallion It's okay, I got two, for my "Bad Santa" bag.
@PocketBrain great idea! After I looked again and saw how many different possible gifts were in the mix I jumped in. That pancake thing looked like a joke but the reviews are actually decent, and if my wife isn't doing the making, I can now make perfect pancakes myself! The wallets look like cardboard but that's cool for the price.
@Stallion Yeah, just be careful how you grab the handle on the pancake maker.
That photo of the hands holding the pancakes is great.
Offender of a stuffed wallet, I am. Maybe this wallet is actually not Meh? I am guessing disappointment awaits from the Meh Gods....... On the bright side at least I"ll only have 1 bulge going on now instead of 2, jk.
But why do I need a pancake mold thingy? I can't ever imagine using it...
So you made a bag of crap, told people what is in it cancelling out the surprise and people still buy it. This IS an interesting experiment.
No, I'm not sharing my order "number"
But are we not talking about the photo of the hands holding the pancakes?!?
MEH! to the MAX! 😐
The knife is going to be my Meh Box Opener... but how will I open the box it comes in?
Does the knife come with the sharpener & flint? In the closeup pic of it, they're missing. Meh.dont see them here
@brianmc1975 yeah - maybe that green thing at other end of the whistle is it?
@snapster No. That green thing is what you rub against the flint to cause it to spark.
@brianmc1975 They are included. I just pulled them out. Magic Trackpad for scale.
@ChadP Awesome! Thanks, what a lovely Mehgic Trackpad you have.
@brianmc1975 Thanks. It almost lit on fire. Apparently I can't be trusted with flint.
@ChadP Now we need something for scale next to the Mehgic Trackpad.
Yeah, this is the perfect "As Seen On TV" Bundle: if I consider the package logically, or if I even think critically about any--any--individual item, there's no good reason to waste even what little money it costs. And yet . . . there's a part of me that feels we must have it. Well played, meh, well played. But, ultimately, meh.
Damn, you get me either way.
@joelmw That was exactly my thought process. But not only did I buy... I bought last night in case it sold out before I got up.
@editorkid I might have too, but I'm on a meh moratorium (on orders from the wife), at least until I get paid tomorrow. I just wanted to make it look like I have will power. I have none. Hence the moratorium.
Wow this might be the worst one ever.
I was completely against this until I thought of the idea of possibly making 4 round grilled cheese sandwiches at once. Now I'm on the fence....
@Bingo Ahhh, but with two of the grillers you can now make 8 round grilled cheese sandwiches at once!
Surely each of these completely unrelated items would be extremely useful to someone.
For me the, buying these would trigger some very disturbing commentary from my spouse. 'Not yet fully recovered from the last "why did you buy that?"
@RedOak Aaaannnnd, I'm back to lovin' the single life.
you just pour batter on to a hot griddle. why this? why?
That's why.
@unixrab That isn't at all how you make a Tyvek wallet.
@Moose griddle too hot, batter too loose. Your stupid round pancake pan can't fix that. Sure you'll end up with something round - but burnt and soggy in the middle. ....
@unixrab Nah, even with good batter and a cooler griddle, one can still screw it up.
@Moose c'mon...look at those pour marks... that's on purpose. round pancakes come from pouring in one non-moving stream! I call BS!
@unixrab Look at the pancake pro over here. Sorry I'm not Guy Fieri
@Moose yeah... this is advanced rocket sciency stuff right here:
@unixrab How about this use - camping. means you don't need a spatula, or a frying pan for breakfast. you can cook it all up in that one handy multi-tasker! (Assume that you wouldn't already have the larger pan utensils for other meals.) :D
I bought a bundle because I wanted to support "Bundle of Junk Thursdays". I hope @Snapster makes it a regular feature.
I will try a wallet and a frying pan. If they are as durable as I suspect they are, then I'll have replacements for when the first ones die.
On the topic of "As Seen On TV" I will totally buy the Cat's Meow if meh ever sells it. I have no desire to spend $20 on a toy my cat may or may not play with. But since meh has such deals I wouldn't be able to resist. Besides, have you seen the forums? Cat owners/fans in droves
No Georgia Red. . . for that alone, meh.
WHAT do the Dakotas have against MEH.COM? Seriously. Look at the map.
@PocketBrain The Dakotans are a practical, no-nonsense people (that's my theory and/or stereotype at least). Despite its airs, this deal is all-nonsense.
they're gone. thank Goodness! UP NEXT: MORE 11PM DISAPPOINTMENT!
One more question about Perfect Pancake pans: It says "nonstick". Does this mean teflon? I own birds and don't want to use something that might kill them.
@JT954 Are you feeding birds pancakes?
@Moose Nooo, silly. He's cooking his birds.
@Moose Some bird experts warn bird owners of the dangers of using Teflon. Apparently it can give off fumes that are toxic to birds.
I am referring to this: http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?c=15+1829&aid=2874
@JT954 Mammal lungs just suck compared to bird and dinosaur lungs. For a given amount of oxygen gathering capacity, our lungs are huge and heavy. The smaller, more efficient bird lungs do have the disadvantage that they have a lot less surface area, and therefore a lot less tolerance for toxins. If someone succeeds at creating a Jurassic Park, then the dinosaurs would be as sensitive to air pollution as the proverbial canary in a coal mine. In case of dinosaur attack, just use a welding torch on a teflon coated pan. The dinosaurs will drop.
@hamjudo "In case of dinosaur attack, just use a welding torch on a teflon coated pan. The dinosaurs will drop." I can't wait to try it!
nope- i tried getting drunk enuf to see this as a good idea, and ended up with alcohol poisoning.
@alacrity and it sold out while you were doing so
@readnj hush- i'm teaching my roomba to chase itt's tail...
@alacrity don't let your leak frog know it may get jealous
@readnj thats why they each get their own floor- the roomba hates stairs, but it's so cute when it tries.
Dang, I missed out on the pancake pans. Now what will I use to cook my breakfast octopus?
오늘 도착을 했는데.. 포장 열자 한숨과 함께 실망감이 온 집안에 가득했네요(4인가족 모두) 제품이 허접하기도하고 칼도 날이 제대로 서질 않아 어떤곳은 밋밋하기도 하고, 프라이팬은 코팅이 거칠거칠... 싼게 비지떡이구나를 절실히 느꼈구요,
싼게 비지떡이란걸 다시한번 절실히 느낄수 있게 해 준
MEH에 감사를 드립니다.
Yep, I think that last Korean message says it all. Google translate time:
I opened the package arrived today ... cut ( 04 is the group everyone ) also Schnauzer products and also flat knife blade is not properly seojil any place , and the rough -coated pans are filled with disappointment for the whole family with a sigh . . ssange That's a 'm desperate to get what you pay for I felt ,
Gave so desperately to feel once again rangeol ssange get what you pay for this
Thank you for MEH.
@Cinoclav "Gave so desperately to feel once again" man that's deep.
@Cinoclav Hmm... I don't see any equivalent Korean word for Schnauzer in the Korean post.
@Cinoclav 싼게 = very cheap (Not ssange)^^
No really what is this green thing for?
Got mine today. My old wallet was falling apart, so I upgraded to the black Tyvek model. It is indeed signicantly thinner. I didn't test it to see how well it blocks RF.
Made some pancakes and they came out just fine. No complaints from the family. No one else wanted eggs. I made some for myself. Nice size and shape for sandwiches. Next time I will try mixing stuff into the eggs to make something vaguely like an omelet.
I didn't bother with the knife.
@hamjudo In my first pseudo-omelet experiment, I started with two eggs and about a quarter of a cup of other stuff. I foolishly tried to cook that amount of stuff in two pockets. Omelet overload. It tasted fine, but I had to clean the stove. So the rule is: if you add stuff to your eggs, use more pockets. I would guess that most of you are smart enough not to make that mistake.
I used my pancake maker today. It works great, but the plastic doesn't really block any heat on the handle, and I wouldn't be surprised to see it melt off. Will swing by Blood Bath & Beyond tomorrow to get some silicone handle covers. Other than that, I'm happy enough. I haven't checked out the wallets yet and I swear that knife is staring at me. Hopefully the Chicago cops will do a weapons trade-in soon and I can get something good for it.
I got some RF Id stickers, so I was finally able to test the wallet's RF blocking power. Myth confirmed, the wallets do block RF!
Well at least one type of RF, specifically a NFC tag. Here are the boring details for those who want to duplicate my test, or more usefully, test other types of RF devices, such as electronic payment devices, and fancy Id, such as "Enhanced Driver's License". The rest of you should stop reading now.
I warned you, no complaints about the length of the post.
I ordered tags from this URL: http://www.tinydeal.com/3-pcs-round-nfc-smart-tags-stickers-for-all-nfc-cell-phones-p-130683.html ($1.75 for 3 tags, free very slow shipping.)
I programmed them with an Android App called Tagstand Writer on my Nexus 5 phone. The range in air is rated at zero to 3 cm. I didn't get out a ruler, but that seems about right. As the sales page warns, the tags do not work on metal surfaces. So it shouldn't be surprising that the tags do not work on the outside of the wallets, or even a millimeter or two above the wallets (a stack of paper). They did work when they were about a centimeter away from the wallet (the thickness of an empty Epson type 69 ink cartridge). Most importantly, the NFC reader could not read the tags when they were inside the wallet.
@hamjudo My wallet died of old age a few months ago. I took it apart. There was a thin layer of aluminum foil folded inside the Tyvec.
I bet when the wallet was new, that was one piece of aluminum foil. Zoom in to see that the foil has turned into flakes.
I switched to the second wallet.