so far I agree... they have the last kindle paperwhite on sale, but I was sorta hoping they would have the new paperwhite onsale, they build those 2nd gens ones too well for me to pay much to upgrade.
Fire Stick for $24 ain't bad. But for the most part it's like some weird ass garage sale with a bunch of random crap you'd never buy. Oh, and I got a 5lb bag of gummy worms for $11. Not even sure if that's a good deal of not, but who can resist gummy worms?
@SteveOOO $24 isn't so bad, but I got mine on a lightening deal a few months ago for $19. On a couple of other items I've been watching price fluctuations, today's deal is still higher than the lowest price they have had in the past.
5 lbs of gummy worms. I hope you got a good deal on fiber supplements to go with it.
@rockblossom Dammit, now I feel like I've been ripped off. Hell I don't even need it (fire stick). My kids will eat all those gummy worms, I give them two days max.
@rockblossom If they are the right brand, based on some hilarious reviews that went around some time ago, they'll act as their own far too perfect laxative.
@SteveOOO I grabbed my first one from amazon for $19 then my 2nd one for $24 at launch at best buy, they are usually 39. They do work well as streamers if that is any consolation ;)
OHMAHGERD HOW DO I FIND THE SPECIAL PRIME DAY DEALS?? oh...wait...these are them? So, just normal deals but a crap ton more of them to wade through to find the good ones. Ok, then.
HOWEVER, the 15% off warehouse deals is pretty stellar if you're willing to play the "what condition is the item actually in and is it even the right item" lottery. Which I am, ugh.
Why am I even talking about this here? Sometimes this place is like that person whose ex moved on already only they won't stop talking about the ex instead of moving on themselves.
@derpandabar we are all about a deal, we don't care if it's the exes store or our current sig others' store, as long as it's a deal we talk about it (good and bad) ;)
@gglockner Came here to say that. PrimeDay is very seriously meh, but without the sense of irony. This was hyped all to heck, and there isn't much there there.
@DrunkCat I just want to know where all the good deals are. What's up with all this useless crap? Walmart is just as bad. I don't need a 4gb wii sd card.
Has anyone found anything good? I feel like there might be some good deals in there but it's a lot of work to find them. It's like shopping at Filene's Basement.
I don't hate it but it's not exactly what I was expecting.
@christinerenee I agree. We haven't found anything really irresistible. I looked up one of their items listed as upcoming and saw that it was already a pretty low price, so my husband set an alarm and woke up when it was supposed to be selling. It was the same price. And the searching is ridiculous.
@christinerenee I'm on the waitlist for a FireTV stick. I've got one as a Kodi player for my kids in the toy room and it works awesome. Hoping for another one to keep in my backpack for hotels.
Also on the waitlist for the Echo and I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY. I can not articulate what I'd do with this thing or why I want it. I'm hoping I don't score one.
@mikey I kinda want an Echo too., and I too have no idea why. I signed up for the waiting list to get invited to buy one a few months ago, but then when they said I could buy it I chickened out.
@JonT 50 Shades of Badly Written Disappointment About Abuse Thinly Veiled as Consensual. /rant about both the prime day AND the shitty movie in the screenshot!
@Bdorsino@JonT I get up on Black Friday pretty much just because it's a unique opportunity to be with my kid. It's good people watching too; most are surprisingly nice (unlike the hysterical, judgey things that people say who are too damned lazy to get up early). We do buy some things too, but for me that's secondary. Tertiary even.
Almost bought the KitchenAid mixer for $175. Passed. I did just get a 12' trampoline for $209. Not an amazing deal, but still a good deal if one is specifically looking for a trampoline.
The announced 'enter to win if you play any Prime music' contest is not working for me. I have a ton of Prime music, but when I try to play any of the Prime playlists, or stations, or even a song, I get 'not available, try again later'. Does anyone else have a problem with this?
@Deelron Aaannnd... apparently I'm the last person on Earth to discover that my Kindle will not allow the Amazon Music app to be installed. It is 'not compatible with your device'. Fine. My phone now has the Prime app and streams just fine. I need a new Android tablet. I SAID I NEED A NEW ANDROID TABLET!
@Starblind $00.99 melon baller at 10% off. Not even a good %10 like if someone was all, hey @connorbush , do you want you car payment to be 10% off?" These deals are pidly.
It looks like all the good deals are posted to twitter. ... Otherwise amazon looks more like the current incarnation of
Came here (which seems to have a certain level of irony, after thinking about it) to make sure I wasn't the only one underwhelmed by "Prime Day". Also to say basically what @smartr just said -- it's like sifting through the Woot! Plus deals, except worse.
@mfladd it's the first one, I can remember how much of a cluster fuck the woot off was way back. A lot of times, shit was sold that they never had. Theyll do their ohshit reports and make it better next time.
Certainly not overwhelming by any means I have picked up a couple good deals. But I agree it seems like someone just started randomly picking items numbers and saying put this, this, this, and that on sale too so it looks like there are more things on the list. Too much sifting through the random to find to the few actual good deals.
Is it too much to ask for them to take down shit that's sold out. Jesus, it would be so much easier to navigate this huge pile of yard sale garbage. Every time I see something I like its gone.
@SteveOOO I am communicating with Amazon customer service because the " Bluetooth Speaker - Waloo Portable LED Light Show Bluetooth Speaker" says only 25% claimed yet deal over and it was only up for 10 seconds....
@connorbush response from amazon "Karthik: I checked the listing and verified the item sold and shipped by Amazon went out of stock and we removed the listing. Currently it's offered by Waloo Products, a seller on our website."
@Deelron confirmed. 4 available. Three purchased by non prime members. Only prime can claim deal so only one claim made. Hence the sell out with three deal claims remaining. Very misleading.
I like that you can browse items for sale in advance. That's the only thing I like, though. Watching for a treadmill - the only one so far was manual. Nothing else has sparked my interest.
@KDemo I hate this, mainly because it is inconsistent. I swear different stuff shows up randomly when it wasn't there before. For example, I will look through the items and notice there is nothing I want for two more hours... Then, when I come back in two hours, I notice crap that I missed because it wasn't in the timeline when I originally looked. So wack.
@OldCatLady i only saw one. 3 day in LA w/ airfare and $300 cash ( oh and some lame movie tickets) That $300 will buy maybe one dinner for 2 in LA. Maybe. So of course I entered.
@ceagee The other one is the Prime music: any Prime member who plays any song in Prime music today is automatically entered in the $100K sweepstakes. The catch is that my Chrome browser kept getting told 'try again later' when I tried to play Pink, or Meghan Trainor, or Pitbull or any of the 'Prime music' on the carousel. So I tried on my Kindle Fire -gee, sorry, that's not supported. So I finally got it to play on my Android app on my phone, and vowed to get a new Android tablet SOON. But not from AMZN.
Overall - I'm completely underwhelmed. Amazon needs to step it up. MANY of their "Prime Day" sale prices are higher than Jet's everyday selling price. Jet is tracking electronics (the only category I have direct knowledge they are actively keeping up with as it is the most popular category for Amazon's "sale") and they're at 167 products sold by Amazon today (Prime Day SALE price) that you'd have saved money on if you had purchased from Jet any day prior.
And I am NOT a Jet fan - at all - their selection is limited and I question their business model - but dayam.
@thismyusername In college there was always plain vanilla ice cream in the dining halls. So we'd dress it up. Peanut butter and......... Captain Crunch. Pretty darned good. (well at the time anyways) Looks like someone took that old what can we find edible in the dining hall idea and ran w. it ! Well except no PB, so hmmm not sure about these.
Woot just congratulated Amazon on creating a new way to shop. ... Wootoff? Really? Congratulating yourself for taking credit for someone else's creativity? Wow.
@sp3ar well I grabbed a device for 139 that is normally 179...but overall I will confess the prices were not that great of a discount... to be fair they did say "more deals" than black friday, not "better deals" ;)
This appears more of a test for their black friday systems (exactly the same way they do the winter holiday sales as well) more than a massive inventory clear.
All I really wanted from Prime Day was a new TV. TVs go on sale all the time during the Christmas season as well as around Super Bowl Sunday, so why couldn't Amazon manage to give an actual deal on one now?
@lljk I noticed that THIS is gonna be coming up in about 50 minutes...not sure what the sale price is gonna be but I wouldn't be surprised if it was in the $150 range.
The best deal I found was for a TI-84 plus graphing calculator for $99.99, almost went for it, but passed this time. You know your sale is lame if the best part of it is a freaking calculator.
Lazily browsing through the next up deals I found this one earlier. I think discounted vibrators are way more exciting than the shit they were selling.
@KDemo The warehouse offerings were sad. I remember seeing a used waffle iron that they were selling for something like two bucks less than a new one elsewhere, according to the Google. I managed to resist the bargain.
@brhfl I always wonder when I see things like that why someone can't just actually remove the item, instead of ineffectively labeling it with "remove".
I worked two jobs and played in a musical today so I didn't have much time for shopping. I kept an eye on The Wirecutter's Amazon Prime page and bought a sous vide cooker I've had my eye on. Normally $200, I got it for $140 plus I had $40 in points so it cost me only $100.
@brhfl Now that is friggin awesome. My favorite part was when I was joking around with my wife about the granny panty deal and it linked to some plus size women's pajamas. Then I started clicking random links and half the time it wouldn't be the correct item.
I'm sure a lot of folks are wondering how Amazon did with Prime Day. Let's look it up on Google News... Huh, I guess it was a big flop and their stock tanked. Oh well. Wait, what's this other headline right under that one? Oh, actually maybe it was a big success and great for their stock! Let's look at the stock chart! Hmm. I highlighted Prime Day in green. As you can see, almost totally flat.
@Starblind And thanks to the power of Wikipedia what they say is now considered fact! Yay allowing the fourth estate as a valid source for an encyclopedic entry.
@Lotsofgoats psh california, its in PDT for all the poor amholes that have to work in seattle all night.
@HELLOALICE wait what does that translate in to real time?
@HELLOALICE seems fair, to partially make up for the recent fuku at midnight EDT
Good thing my free 30 day trial is still in effect. I guess. maybe. whatever. meh.
They can start without me. I won't even stay up that late for Santa Claus.
Fucking pacific time zone.... Who am I kidding, I have terrible insomnia so I'll probably be up anyway.
I have to be on the road tomorrow - But I am!
after all this (tv) promotion it better not suck.
im not a prime member but i dont see jack shite worth buying...........
@sp3ar can you see into the future?
@thismyusername Bracoo Breathable Abdominal Binder and Maternity Back Support thats a great deal for you my friend its coming up soon.........
@sp3ar Pretty sure those aren't the "Prime Day" deals. Those are just the regular daily deals, I think.
@PurplePawprints 63% off
Not ready. Not gonna spend my whole day shopping.
I tried to stay up until 3am for it. Browsing through the deals, I'm so glad I didn't make it past 10:10pm.
@mikey Look at this deal?
so far I agree... they have the last kindle paperwhite on sale, but I was sorta hoping they would have the new paperwhite onsale, they build those 2nd gens ones too well for me to pay much to upgrade.
Well, that was a waste of time. Off to Walmart, I guess.
Fire Stick for $24 ain't bad. But for the most part it's like some weird ass garage sale with a bunch of random crap you'd never buy. Oh, and I got a 5lb bag of gummy worms for $11. Not even sure if that's a good deal of not, but who can resist gummy worms?
@SteveOOO Not gummy birds, probably.
@SteveOOO $24 isn't so bad, but I got mine on a lightening deal a few months ago for $19. On a couple of other items I've been watching price fluctuations, today's deal is still higher than the lowest price they have had in the past.
5 lbs of gummy worms. I hope you got a good deal on fiber supplements to go with it.
@rockblossom Dammit, now I feel like I've been ripped off. Hell I don't even need it (fire stick). My kids will eat all those gummy worms, I give them two days max.
@rockblossom If they are the right brand, based on some hilarious reviews that went around some time ago, they'll act as their own far too perfect laxative.
@SteveOOO I grabbed my first one from amazon for $19 then my 2nd one for $24 at launch at best buy, they are usually 39. They do work well as streamers if that is any consolation ;)
@thismyusername Well, streamers are rather appropriate for a 20th birthday.

OHMAHGERD HOW DO I FIND THE SPECIAL PRIME DAY DEALS?? oh...wait...these are them? So, just normal deals but a crap ton more of them to wade through to find the good ones. Ok, then.
HOWEVER, the 15% off warehouse deals is pretty stellar if you're willing to play the "what condition is the item actually in and is it even the right item" lottery. Which I am, ugh.
Why am I even talking about this here? Sometimes this place is like that person whose ex moved on already only they won't stop talking about the ex instead of moving on themselves.
@derpandabar we are all about a deal, we don't care if it's the exes store or our current sig others' store, as long as it's a deal we talk about it (good and bad) ;)
Prime Day is even more meh than meh. Any moment now, Prime Day will be showing a wide selection of speaker docks...
@gglockner They did have a Kershaw knife earlier.
@SteveOOO Really? Clayton Kershaw has a knife?!?
@gglockner He calls it his curve ball.
@gglockner Came here to say that. PrimeDay is very seriously meh, but without the sense of irony. This was hyped all to heck, and there isn't much there there.
@gglockner is that Ari Grande's backup singer boy toy?
Amazon Prime Day is doing it wrong. 200+ pages of deals is just too many to sift through.
@DrunkCat I just want to know where all the good deals are. What's up with all this useless crap? Walmart is just as bad. I don't need a 4gb wii sd card.
@DrunkCat They should just make a prime week with one really inexpensive item per day that is rather blase.
Has anyone found anything good? I feel like there might be some good deals in there but it's a lot of work to find them. It's like shopping at Filene's Basement.
I don't hate it but it's not exactly what I was expecting.
@christinerenee I agree. We haven't found anything really irresistible. I looked up one of their items listed as upcoming and saw that it was already a pretty low price, so my husband set an alarm and woke up when it was supposed to be selling. It was the same price. And the searching is ridiculous.
@christinerenee I agree.. and I am confused about this waitlist crap, and I don't care enough to figure it out -- that is sad :(
@christinerenee I'm on the waitlist for a FireTV stick. I've got one as a Kodi player for my kids in the toy room and it works awesome. Hoping for another one to keep in my backpack for hotels.
Also on the waitlist for the Echo and I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY. I can not articulate what I'd do with this thing or why I want it. I'm hoping I don't score one.
@christinerenee Wait a minute...

@mikey I kinda want an Echo too., and I too have no idea why. I signed up for the waiting list to get invited to buy one a few months ago, but then when they said I could buy it I chickened out.
@christinerenee Yeah, here's me eating those words:
@christinerenee Me too!
This is one of those cases where expectations are super important and setting the proper ones even more so.
Don't claim that you're going to have "better than Black Friday" deals and then offer this:

@JonT agree. too much stuff going on and 90% of it is shit.
It's not stopping me from staring, though.
@JonT 50 Shades of Badly Written Disappointment About Abuse Thinly Veiled as Consensual. /rant about both the prime day AND the shitty movie in the screenshot!
@JonT because i wait up on black friday to get myself an automatic jar opener...
@Bdorsino Seriously, where are the automatic jar closers??
@JonT That's it, exactly. If they would have said it's a giant clearance sale then I would have been a lot happier.
oh no. @JonT and I agree...
@unixrab Good to see you again, buddy <3
@Bdorsino @JonT I get up on Black Friday pretty much just because it's a unique opportunity to be with my kid. It's good people watching too; most are surprisingly nice (unlike the hysterical, judgey things that people say who are too damned lazy to get up early). We do buy some things too, but for me that's secondary. Tertiary even.
@JonT they didn't say better, they said more.
Almost bought the KitchenAid mixer for $175. Passed. I did just get a 12' trampoline for $209. Not an amazing deal, but still a good deal if one is specifically looking for a trampoline.
@phatmass And not have to stuff it in your car and lug it home.
The announced 'enter to win if you play any Prime music' contest is not working for me. I have a ton of Prime music, but when I try to play any of the Prime playlists, or stations, or even a song, I get 'not available, try again later'. Does anyone else have a problem with this?
@OldCatLady Yes, although my mobile device app worked just fine.
@Deelron Aaannnd... apparently I'm the last person on Earth to discover that my Kindle will not allow the Amazon Music app to be installed. It is 'not compatible with your device'. Fine. My phone now has the Prime app and streams just fine. I need a new Android tablet. I SAID I NEED A NEW ANDROID TABLET!
Any one else notice the large quantities of speaker docks and Moscow mule mugs?
@caddylikescake where?? I love speaker docks!! :)
@sohmageek Said no one ever... untll you came along. =)
@SColburn check my history man. I order them all the time. :) I love the 2 for speaker dock days!
@sohmageek So that's where they all go... =)
@caddylikescake I grinned and thought that as soon as I saw the multiple Mule mug listings.
Prime Day is hardly Baller as Shit as was eluded by this post.
@connorbush It isn't baller as shit, it's more like melon baller at 10% off.
@Starblind $00.99 melon baller at 10% off. Not even a good %10 like if someone was all, hey @connorbush , do you want you car payment to be 10% off?" These deals are pidly.
@Starblind @connorbush Melon ballers of shit works.
@Starblind The melon ballers are all waitlisted, I'm sure.
It looks like all the good deals are posted to twitter. ... Otherwise amazon looks more like the current incarnation of
Came here (which seems to have a certain level of irony, after thinking about it) to make sure I wasn't the only one underwhelmed by "Prime Day". Also to say basically what @smartr just said -- it's like sifting through the Woot! Plus deals, except worse.
Here's a great blog on Prime Day, including a bunch of hilarious tweets:
Hey Amazon -

Blogs might be saying it was a disaster, but so were Woot Offs.
@Kevin but this was sooooooooooo heavily hyped with commercials and all. I love Amazon, but this was an EPIC fail.
@mfladd it's the first one, I can remember how much of a cluster fuck the woot off was way back. A lot of times, shit was sold that they never had. Theyll do their ohshit reports and make it better next time.
@Kevin we can only hope. And yes, the are definitely hearing the backlash on this cluster fuck.
Certainly not overwhelming by any means I have picked up a couple good deals. But I agree it seems like someone just started randomly picking items numbers and saying put this, this, this, and that on sale too so it looks like there are more things on the list. Too much sifting through the random to find to the few actual good deals.
So I'm seriously thinking about this mystery camera...
@phatmass I saw that and thought, hmmm $400 is a serious chunk of change to drop on a stab in the dark surprise.
@Nikodemus Found out from reviews it is the EOS Rebel SL1. Normally $499. MEH.
Is it too much to ask for them to take down shit that's sold out. Jesus, it would be so much easier to navigate this huge pile of yard sale garbage. Every time I see something I like its gone.
@SteveOOO I am communicating with Amazon customer service because the " Bluetooth Speaker - Waloo Portable LED Light Show Bluetooth Speaker" says only 25% claimed yet deal over and it was only up for 10 seconds....

response from amazon
"Karthik: I checked the listing and verified the item sold and shipped by Amazon went out of stock and we removed the listing. Currently it's offered by Waloo Products, a seller on our website."
Would not a sell out be 100% claimed, not 25%??
@connorbush They only had 4 of them.
@Deelron confirmed. 4 available. Three purchased by non prime members. Only prime can claim deal so only one claim made. Hence the sell out with three deal claims remaining. Very misleading.
@connorbush I thought I was joking. Awful.
@Deelron Sadly, no. I have email transcription proof.
I like that you can browse items for sale in advance. That's the only thing I like, though. Watching for a treadmill - the only one so far was manual. Nothing else has sparked my interest.
@KDemo I hate this, mainly because it is inconsistent. I swear different stuff shows up randomly when it wasn't there before. For example, I will look through the items and notice there is nothing I want for two more hours... Then, when I come back in two hours, I notice crap that I missed because it wasn't in the timeline when I originally looked. So wack.
Anyone want a goat?
@PyxienTX Amazon page not found BOOOOOOOOOO
@PyxienTX Just came in to post about this. So which Mehican is behind this???
@pitamuffin Wasn't me, but I laughed reading the comments on SD and couldn't believe no one had posted it here.
soooooo Amazon is rewarding Prime members with.. uh.. a rummage /thrift shop sale?
@unixrab Plus chances to win if you enter two different contests.
@unixrab And you can buy certified refurbished Onkyo receivers from Woot. This one is 67% claimed!
@OldCatLady or pay $5 on meh. I will go with meh.
@connorbush Just rub it in why don't you. I had to stop looking at the fuku forum. It's like I wanna know what people got but I'm so damn jealous.
@OldCatLady i only saw one. 3 day in LA w/ airfare and $300 cash ( oh and some lame movie tickets)
That $300 will buy maybe one dinner for 2 in LA.
So of course I entered.
@ceagee The other one is the Prime music: any Prime member who plays any song in Prime music today is automatically entered in the $100K sweepstakes. The catch is that my Chrome browser kept getting told 'try again later' when I tried to play Pink, or Meghan Trainor, or Pitbull or any of the 'Prime music' on the carousel. So I tried on my Kindle Fire -gee, sorry, that's not supported. So I finally got it to play on my Android app on my phone, and vowed to get a new Android tablet SOON. But not from AMZN.
@unixrab Damnit, man, you know how I hate to star anything you post. Don't get used to it.
@SteveOOO I did not get a fuku either. 'Tis okay. We can find sanctuary in our numbers.
@OldCatLady Thanks. I just went and listened to some Billy Joel. Why? because he was there on the page and he's classic.
@joelmw lol
@OldCatLady Thanks for this. I played Ariana Grande just for @Pavlov.
@ceagee where do I find this Amazon contest?
@mfladd One is at and the other one is at Lots of luck to all who enter.
@OldCatLady Thank you!
Ok, ok, I take back all I said, getting Mercury Living Presence II for $80 ($90 off or about $50 less than normal) is actually pretty damn awesome.
@Starblind Good call!
Overall - I'm completely underwhelmed. Amazon needs to step it up. MANY of their "Prime Day" sale prices are higher than Jet's everyday selling price. Jet is tracking electronics (the only category I have direct knowledge they are actively keeping up with as it is the most popular category for Amazon's "sale") and they're at 167 products sold by Amazon today (Prime Day SALE price) that you'd have saved money on if you had purchased from Jet any day prior.
And I am NOT a Jet fan - at all - their selection is limited and I question their business model - but dayam.
@Pavlov to be fair they said " more deals than Black Friday. " not better deals than black friday ;)
@thismyusername To be fair, they can lick my donut.
@Pavlov eww?
@Pavlov Them and Ariana Grande.
@Starblind I started a thread.
@Starblind who?
@thismyusername Ariana Grande... you know, Ariana Grande. Everybody's heard of Ariana Grande. Ariana Grande is a Taco Bell menu item.
@Starblind oh, taco bell ! I'll get one the next time I'm drunk at 3am :)
@unixrab crap. now I want a doughnut
@ceagee come with me to taco bell, I'll get a couple ariana grande supremes and you can get some cap'n crunch delights!

@Starblind I get no sour cream on my Ariana Bell Grandes and I usually have to eat at least because they're too small to fill me up.
@JonT @Starblind I recently started ordering the Ariana Bell Grande because I am on a diet.
@thismyusername In college there was always plain vanilla ice cream in the dining halls. So we'd dress it up. Peanut butter and......... Captain Crunch. Pretty darned good. (well at the time anyways)
Looks like someone took that old what can we find edible in the dining hall idea and ran w. it !
Well except no PB, so hmmm not sure about these.
I think this cluster fuck should make @Snapster very proud of all he accomplished with Woot. Fuck that Breakfast Octopi Eating Bezos!
Woot just congratulated Amazon on creating a new way to shop. ... Wootoff? Really? Congratulating yourself for taking credit for someone else's creativity? Wow.
@trailtroll - Hmmm. Wonder if @snapster's attorneys should send Bezos a cease and desist order?
@HELLOALICE Do they get partial credit? They got the SHIT part right.
How do I get that 10-15 minutes of my time back?
Haven't seen much we like/want/need/at the right price during Amazon "Black Friday" events since two Novembers ago.
@thismyusername where are those deals? im still looking........
@sp3ar dont bother, prime day was essentially a terrible warehouse sale, the only good deals were snatched up within mins.
@sp3ar well I grabbed a device for 139 that is normally 179...but overall I will confess the prices were not that great of a discount... to be fair they did say "more deals" than black friday, not "better deals" ;)
This appears more of a test for their black friday systems (exactly the same way they do the winter holiday sales as well) more than a massive inventory clear.
All I really wanted from Prime Day was a new TV. TVs go on sale all the time during the Christmas season as well as around Super Bowl Sunday, so why couldn't Amazon manage to give an actual deal on one now?
@lljk I noticed that THIS is gonna be coming up in about 50 minutes...not sure what the sale price is gonna be but I wouldn't be surprised if it was in the $150 range.
So I was looking up articles on today's AMZN disaster.
I love this one Twitter comment:
"When I die, I want whoever was responsible for #PrimeDay to lower me down into my grave so I can be let down one more time."
I think the message got lost in translation.

The best deal I found was for a TI-84 plus graphing calculator for $99.99, almost went for it, but passed this time. You know your sale is lame if the best part of it is a freaking calculator.
I'm ready for Prime Rib....I hate Amazon
Amazon has a different take on “meh.” And it ain’t fun.
Lazily browsing through the next up deals I found this one earlier. I think discounted vibrators are way more exciting than the shit they were selling.

@metageist - I saw used compression socks in their warehouse section. Used socks? No thanks.
@KDemo The warehouse offerings were sad. I remember seeing a used waffle iron that they were selling for something like two bucks less than a new one elsewhere, according to the Google. I managed to resist the bargain.
@metageist I don't want to know what those things are going to REMOVE… yikes!
Also, now I know there's a Batman version of Love Letter, which is absolutely hilarious to me.
@brhfl I always wonder when I see things like that why someone can't just actually remove the item, instead of ineffectively labeling it with "remove".
I worked two jobs and played in a musical today so I didn't have much time for shopping. I kept an eye on The Wirecutter's Amazon Prime page and bought a sous vide cooker I've had my eye on. Normally $200, I got it for $140 plus I had $40 in points so it cost me only $100.
@SSteve Nice!
@SSteve I got one too, I missed the fathers day special $129+9.99 and was kicking myself, so I grabbed it.
It sure would be awful if I had to pay regular price.

@metaphore Eh, I've seen worse…

@brhfl Now that is friggin awesome. My favorite part was when I was joking around with my wife about the granny panty deal and it linked to some plus size women's pajamas. Then I started clicking random links and half the time it wouldn't be the correct item.
I'm sure a lot of folks are wondering how Amazon did with Prime Day. Let's look it up on Google News...

Huh, I guess it was a big flop and their stock tanked. Oh well. Wait, what's this other headline right under that one?
Oh, actually maybe it was a big success and great for their stock! Let's look at the stock chart!
Hmm. I highlighted Prime Day in green. As you can see, almost totally flat.
Gotta love modern online journalism!
@Starblind I sold this stock at $275, up from $75 -Don't I feel silly now :(
@Starblind And thanks to the power of Wikipedia what they say is now considered fact! Yay allowing the fourth estate as a valid source for an encyclopedic entry.
Looks like it worked for amazon (and walmart) despite there not being that many great prices.
United States sales for the day up 93%
European sales up by 53%
34.4 Million items sold, 398 items per second.
"Worldwide order growth increased 266% over the same day last year and 18% more than Black Friday 2014"